The Straussian In A Suit Would Like You To Wake Up (feat. Michael Anton)

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In Today's "Moment of Truth," Saurabh sits down with Michael Anton, author of "The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return," to discuss the death of California, why he supported Trump, what a "regime" is, where the paleoconservatives were right, and what can be done to save America from the brink.

Michael Anton is a lecturer and research fellow at Hillsdale College, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, and a former national security official in the Trump administration. In 2016, under the pseudonym Publius Decius Mus, he wrote The Flight 93 Election, an influential essay in support of Donald Trump’s campaign which was subsequently credited by various media as the one that made the argument that got the President elected.

A senior fellow at the Claremont Institute and a professor at Hillsdale College, a careful student of Leo Strauss by way of tutor Harry V. Jaffa as well as a dedicated scholar of Niccolò Macchiavelli, Anton is considered by many as the leading thinker of the ‘New American Right‘. Because of his willingness to engage with thinkers outside of the Overton window and usually ignored by mainstream conservatives, he’s also one of the most appreciated figures by the online dissident Right.

Learn more about Michael Anton's work at:

Purchase "The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return"


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Angelo called for abolishing of the FBI and the break up of the CIA and you think he died in a car "accident"? Yeah, right, he was taken out. You don't threaten the Cathedral of power in this country without consequences. RIP.


The so-called nice places in California are not immune. Some homeless guy attacked a family with a machete on a beach in Malibu in late August. Beverly Hills is also affected -- ask folks who live there.


The Paleo guys were everything including the Straussians.


Great to hear Ian Fletcher's book Why Free Trade Doesn't Work get a shout out.


51:28 I remember Garrison Keillor. Lake Wobegon Days.


The only reason corporations are so eager for HR departments is the obscene penalties 60s era "civil rights" laws impose on them through "thought crime." Indeed, simply not using "best diversity practices" (i.e. the most recent insanity from academia) could trigger a lawsuit. In other words, civil rights legislation effectively outlaws a truly meritocratic workforce management policy, and necessitates racial commissars to spout the most up to date rituals instead.
Accordingly the ground work for CRT was set by muh "based" MLK in the 60s.


Excellent interview. I appreciate Anton's take down of NR and Lowry. I really believe that two of the reasons Biden won and gave us the shit storm we are in now, is John Podhoretz at Commentary and Rich Lowry at NR.


paleface wyndham lewis (1929), already talks about proto-CRT


also what's this about anton and yarvin debating on stage? where and when was this and how did I not know about it?


How did these chaps get my email address and who is funding them???

Edit: I added Mr. Anton's book to my Amazon cart. Where do I know him from? Was he on with Dave Ruben?


There is a distinct low frequency spike throughout this video that is distracting.

The devil is in the details folks.

I kept hearing the neighbor clanking around upstairs and it would stop when I paused the video. It's the video.


Tradition is a collection of experience that leads to knowledge and wisdom ( the application of knowledge) . Again, we have an enlightenment dreamer who lives in fantasy land who denies that race/ethnicity/culture mean nothing. Equal before the law means what exactly? Does it mean that I have to give a woman a chance to be a combat solider or something? I mean seriously... this is how the concept of equal before the law becomes a nightmare. Equal before the law should be based on a specific set of ideals such as... If anyone commits murder than they are held to the same standard. Also, Lincoln was and idiot and clearly violated the constitution and probably had a woody for good ole Karl Marx... I mean... they did exchange correspondence. In conclusion, idea that we should be a country, at all cost, leads to tyranny, and the destruction of white people. Nothing new in this video. Your California is gone because of demographics... Cope harder!


Hillsdale grad here. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Anton’s intellect and his respect for conservative values. However, the idea that Trump was the hill to die on as he suggested in his most infamous polemic couldn’t be further from the truth. Trump was right about certain constitutional ideas only in the same way a broken clock is right twice a day. Trump is an ignoramus. It honestly doesn’t matter what his opinion is anymore. America deserves better leadership.
