Unlocking the Secret Lore Tapes & All Endings || Amanda the Adventurer #3 (Playthrough)

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Amanda the Adventurer is finally here with the full release of the final game. This is part 3 of a full playthrough for Amanda the Adventurer and contains all endings.

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If you notice on the individual credits for the tapes it goes from saying “Rebecca as Amanda” to just “Amanda”. Indicating that she becomes one with Amanda


The butcher ending could mean that you die and turn into one of those living souls trapped in the tape, that's why they have eyes.


When amanda said "I'm out there, somewhere" in a really sad voice right after talking about how animals rot, I immediately thought she was talking about her (Rebeccas) body or corpse. This plus the fact she said "I can feel myself rotting" makes me pretty sure shes talking about Rebeccas corpse. What if the reason why amanda is begging for help (help the lonely kitten) is because no one knows what happened to her? What if she was killed as a result of all this? So many unanswered questions with this


So my understanding was that Amanda the Adventurer started out as a low budget live-action show that starred Sam's adopted daughter Rebecca as Amanda. Then it blew up in popularity, which gets the attention of Hamlin and they buy the copyright. Then they turn it into a cartoon instead, still keeping Rebecca as Amanda. however, Hamlin decides to take it to another level. They don't want Rebecca to act as Amanda, they want her to BE Amanda.
So they try to sneak in some sort of demon's contract or something ("Bye yell -> Belial; Pie man -> Paimon; Baa lamb -> Baal"), but her father, Sam, is getting in the way. So they get rid of him (take note: it's weird that everyone called Sam's sudden absence as a "disappearance" - except Hamlin. They explicitly state that Sam "abandoned" them and his daughter). With no real guardian to watch over and protect Rebecca, the corporation has her sign something: a contract - possibly a literal demon's contract - that will officially make her become one with the show and become Amanda herself.
But soon enough, the power grew out of control. It started out simple. First, she started teaching things that isn't necessarily "okay" to teach. Nothing too dangerous - like saying that parents aren't always right. Next, kids start obsessively watching the show. It kept kids engaged - maybe too much - like it was hypnotizing.
Then they started disappearing. Amanda/Rebecca started mimicking the children the show seemingly snatched up (Lauren's favorite is mint ice cream. Right after she disappears and the parents look for her, Amanda says, "I love mint ice cream").
Kate notices this weird connection, and investigates it for decades. No one believes her. It's just a kids show. But she keeps going anyways, collecting everything that could help - VCR tapes and toys - up until her dying breath. She bequeaths everything from the investigation of Amanda the Adventurer's shady goings-on to her niece/nephew, Riley, in case anything happened to her, either of natural causes or Amanda.

There's a good chance I'm missing a lot of information that could tweek everything I've typed, but I'm basing this entire thing on what I remember off the top of my head. Add whatever you want. It's 1:30AM when I'm typing this all out. Deuces ✌


MY GOD. Rebeca was being tricked into saying the names of DEMONS. Bye yell - Belial; Pie man - Paimon; Baa lamb - Baal. So creepy.


Something interesting about the company’s name, it’s a play on ‘Hamlin’, as in the pied piper of Hamlin. The same pied piper that led rats away from the town, but when the town refused to pay him, led their children away instead. They even use a rat as their logo. It could explain how Laura just…disappeared.


You know, after watching that last ending, I was thinking....that's a really spacious attic. If you could clean up the place, get rid of all the junk, remove the demonic entities, and redecorate, you could turn it into an extra bedroom, increasing the value of the house!


Show: talks about blood and death
Parents: meh
Show: parents aren't always right
Parents: that is an awful lesson!


Notice when you enter the name Sam on the farm tape, the barn stops breathing and his eyes look right back at you. What if Sam’s “disappearance” was him getting trapped in the tapes to get him out of the way, specifically the farming one. The barn is the only one with blood shot human eyes.

Edit: Another thing I noticed (I wish I could tag multiple people at once) is that the barn seems to stop breathing once you answer that the daddy chicken is called a rooster almost like the word daddy triggers him as a response to Amanda who we assume at the moment is Rebecca’s soul trapped, and his eyes dart towards you when you enter in Sam in that Same spot where you put rooster.


I don't know if anyone put this together yet but the production company making the Amanda the Adventurer cartoon is called Hamelin...as in Pied Piper of Hamelin. With thier logo being a mouse & them luring the children away with thier hypnotic show, it makes you wonder what the town did to piss them off.


“Wooly’s my guy, I don’t want to be hammering his head open”

True friendship


theory: all the toys in the room are possibly possessed by some of the kids that were taken by the show, it would help explain why the Aunt had them and why they suddenly appear to help you


Anyone else had this "oh shit" feeling when Amanda talks about mint chocolate chip as soon as the Dad said it?


24:58 Okay… THIS! THIS changes A LOT!!!

So for those who don’t know, THAT is Skip, AKA the game developer known as Torple Dork who made one of the entires in the Dread X Collection III, Chip’s Tips. Much like Amanda the Adventure, Chip’s Tips is a kids show with some sinister undertones to it, and is an obvious parody of Blue’s Clues just like how Amanda is a Dora the Explorer send up.

So this is either a fun little Easter egg since both games are published by DreadXP… or this is hinting at a larger universe we are not aware of yet.


There's no way Sam isn't Wooly. Wooly keeps trying to keep Amanda happy, seems to know whats going on, but is forced into this role. He even went missing, he was definatly forced into being Wooly.


I'm getting the feeling that Sam might be "Silly Mr. Fox"; Lured out, trapped, and made to "disappear", but with his adoptive daughter shown what happens when someone goes against her new "guardians", the network


Also the voice actors did such an amazing job like you can hear the emotions the characters are feeling and really sets the mood


So Sam Colton adopted Rebecca, who is the inspiration for Amanda the Adventurer, yet Amanda seems to have some sort of family problems. At least that’s what I get based on the “lonely kitten”. Plus they had Rebecca listing the names of demons. Something really dark is going on here…


I just found something really interesting!
If you notice in some of the tapes, there are cuts during the credit scenes. Due to this, we aren't able to read most of the credits. I paused a couple of times to read some of these credits and found some that were really weird.

There are credits for a Chief Neurosurgical Officer - Larry Smith in the episode "Oh No Accidents". It took me a while but I paused it at the right time. Isn't it weird considering that this is supposed to be a kid's cartoon? Why would a neurosurgical officer be credited in this episode?

At another point, I found credits for a Containment Specialist - Danny McQuiggin in the episode " In your Neighbourhood". This really creeped me out. I feel this adds more to the lore of Amanda the Adventurer and the theory that Hameln was doing something far sinister behind the scenes.

There could possibly be more of these types of credits in more tapes.

What do you guys think?


If you remember in the old version of the game if you say “lamb” instead of meat I remember that it shows a house exactly like Lauren this goes deeper than before.
