Amanda the adventurer..(secret tape)

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Woolie: don't let anybody else see this
Him: posts it YouTube
Woolie: emotional damage 😭


Poor wooly sacrificed himself to keep us safe so Amanda won’t come after us. What a real warrior


The fact that Woolie had been trying to save us the entire time is so 😭
And we STILL didn’t listen


Theory: After watching the updated version of the game, What if wooly was trying to prevent us from finding out the truth in this scene? Like the fact that Amanda (Rebecca) is being controlled and manipulated into luring the kids who are watching the show and Wooly was an added character to avert Amanda's attention from what really happened to the show.


Wooly couldn't hold it in anymore he had to let all that out WHAT A FREAKING


Woolie: trying to finish his words Me: well he just die from his own life.. 😨😭


Amanda got so offended! 😂 her face was like: EXcUSE Mee???!!


I’m not watching anyone else’s vid on Amanda the adventure 2 till Cory plays it(: ( SAMURAI STAND 🆙 ⚔️)


Woolie sacrifice his own life to destroy tapes, and save people's lives😭😭😭😭😭
Edit:Woah I never knew I blew up
Mom I'm famus


"Just one more video before sleeping!"
The video:


amanda the adventure went from a semi-low quality kind of decent game to in 2023 an experience that makes you feel like something is always out to kill you


Amanda really said, "Bitch, the nerve."


Fun fact: Amanda and wollie are the first victims of the missing child, since amanda is now possessed a demon inside the tape but wollie still can be saved since he's not yet possessed. The the eyes from every tape means that the demon's other trapped souls inside of it.


R.I.P wooly, your a real one for sacrificing yourself


Everyone only cares about Wooly, but doesn't even care that Amanda as a little child suffers too about that entity inside her..


In the butcher scene when Amanda comes in Wooly says this: “BAAAA it sure seems crowded in here!” When it’s just them and the “Butcher” so what I am think is what the player watching the tapes sees is just 2 characters and a bunch of everyday items and destinations with eyeballs, but what Wooly and Amanda see is the souls themselves roaming the world of Amanda the Adventurer, just a theory But…

When in one of the new tapes when Wooly hurts his knee Amanda says “let’s find someone to help!” In a very concerning voice and Wooly replies with “there’s no one here to help!!” I feel like Amanda REALLY tries to help her friend that is Wooly but gets mad when he exposes her secret… JUST LIKE A REAL CHILD but anywho then Amanda takes Wooly to the hospital to help him with his knee she then says “well! There’s no one here to help us so I guess I will just do it!” Which sends a chill down your spine, and Wooly says “NO AMANDA” he obviously does NOT trust Amanda with sharp tools want more proof? READ ON

also in the first tape of whatever when there in the kitchen making pie Amanda takes a knife and starts acting like a pirate and the Wooly, being the bigger person says “I don’t think we should be using that by ourselves… we should always ask are parents for help!” And Amanda says “I don’t know where they are right now” Amanda is lost and is going insane, she needs help, that’s what the tapes are trying to convey, she also says in one of the other tapes “sometimes…I feel like I’m rotting” she is actually dying in the tapes! And every time a soul comes she takes their spot, meaning she can live longer in those tapes without dying, what about Wooly? He is there to cope with Amanda, like a partner, though he doesn’t need any souls to feed him he follows her to whatever she says like a sheep would normally do, and like IN THIS VIDEO he gets fed up and tries to get us to stop watching the tapes because Amanda wants another soul to feed her and without them she goes haywire and turns into the monster

Thanks Wooly for protecting us!
Mad respect

For Wooly (and maybe Amanda if you feel bad for her too)

Edit: :0 that’s a lot of likes thx
Edit 2: thanks for the likes! 🥹 (and everyone to calling me smart and stuff) I really didn’t mind writing this comment I was bored

Edit 3: so a lot of people were saying things that wooly is actually a bad guy now that I’m more in the fandom I will explain why he is now that I know…

We know that Amanda isn’t a bad bad person she is just misunderstood people think she’s bad cause she has a demon form, but have we really took a deep look at her sidekick? We know Wooly is very brave for standing up to Amanda in the tape that was shown in this video, but he is actually a bad guy! How? Well we know Amanda is a “test subject” if that’s what you call her, she has gone threw a lot and is now in a TV!!! People sometimes forget that she’s a child, she’s scared and we don’t know the origins of Amanda just yet. It might have been just her at the beginning of the show, then the “lab people” might have noticed how Amanda gets upset and angry almost every episode so they added Wooly (then again I don’t know if this happened in the first place) basically Amanda and Wooly and the dynamic duo the only 2 people we really pay attention to, but maybe Wooly is there to help Amanda worry about something besides her being stuck in a TV!!! Amanda is trying to get rid of Wooly because he keeps trying to distract her from the fact that she will probably never see her father or her family ever again! She’s upset cause when she’s still trying to put a finger on the fact that she’s stuck when Wooly is just like “let’s make a pie!” Don’t get me wrong I think Amanda really wants a friend but she’s like “what?!”

Thank you to everyone that told me that wooly is sort of a bad person (sheep) you guys really pushed me into the fandom a lil but more!


Wooly: * Glitching and screaming* Vs the words on the screen: [Applause] 😭


LMFAO WHEN WOOLY SAID “okay that’s enough!


"what will we see?"
"Amanda in Creative Mode?"


Amanda's like you ain goin talk to me like that
