How We Survived Hurricane Helene | S10E06

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Having caused over 230 deaths and billions of dollars of damage, Hurricane Helene will go down in history as one of the most destructive storms ever to make landfall in the united states and somehow we found ourselves smack dab in the middle of it’s path.

Now we already made a video covering the aftermath of hurricane Helene and how it affected the people living around Asheville NC but our weekly videos are a little over a month ahead of real time. So this week we’re telling the story of how we survived hurricane Helene.

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Epidemic Sound
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How crazy. My name is Kevin, Ive been following you guys since you bought atticus I. Never thaought you would be in my neck of the woods, Crazy as it sounds My family and I live in Swannanoa which is next to Asheville. We survived Helen thankfully, I feel like we have survivors guilt . Anyway it was nice to see you guys looking for a home in this area


I live in Asheville and lived through the hurricane. Just got potable water last week for the firs time. Tough going!


Every day is a gift. We should be grateful for all of them.


Love you guys! So sorry for the destruction of Xio's home. Very glad you were close enough to be able to help. And glad your camper was safe. Be well. ❤


And this is what family is all about, sacrificing when the need arises. It is so uplifting to see the outpouring of love and support to all of the hurricane it reinstills faith in humanity. I love this channel! Glad your trailer was spared. Be well Project Atticus, can't wait to see your new home.


What a beautiful video. Just goes to show you can never be too safe. It’s very hard to reflect on those moments where you don’t necessarily feel like you deserve to be where you are. I really appreciate and respectful who you two are as people. You are so thoughtful, and care without being asked to, and that’s so refreshing to see. You always try to do the right thing. We need more of that in life! Cheers on safer travels and congrats on that lil baby bump ❤


God Bless you and your in-laws for helping your parents. I am probably close to your parents age and I know what it would mean to have my family there.


Oh my! So sorry for your Mom! We are 3 blocks from the beach in Venice & pretty close to ground 0. We need a new roof but somehow didn’t get the flooding our nearby neighbors got. I understand your thoughts about survivors syndrome. Good bless Cio, I hope recovery goes well.


Wonderful to see Giovanna again! Looking forward to seeing all your hard work next episode. Take care guys!


Hey guys, don’t skip out on exploring the Bryson City area, it’s an awesome little town with great people. I live in Fl and book short term rentals there regularly. You’ll like Bryson, for sure.


Family always first!! We need to help each other out, so glad you were here and able to help!✌️💜


The adventure continues...sorry for all the damage but very happy everyone is healthy.


Lived on a sailboat for 10 years, now worries about the rain when setting up his rig 😂😂 Just teasing you, Jordan. You guys look happier. That motel waffle was insane 😂


You lucked out/were blessed so you can help/bless others. Good decision! Happens to me all the time!


We are in WNC now volunteering from Montana. Many areas remain a mess. What people need now is money to rebuild. Insurance is refusing claims left and right and they dont have the money to buy building materials. Its getting cold at night and has been rainy- many are still living in tents.


Greetings from SoCal. So sad to see this damage to Giovanna’s home and all Floridian’s. 😢 So glad you’re able to help her. 👍


Western NC lover here … I’ve watched you since I lived there (and I’ll be back) — idk if y’all read these, but if you can bear the recovery time, this would be a great place to call home. There’s more than meets the eye… It’s going to be a long road of recovery, but I highly recommend keeping your eyes on WNC. I positively love that y’all went to Asheville to help out.


I like your comment about the randomness of one event that could change your life. When I was a teenager, growing up on a farm in Australia, we had exactly that. We had gone through a few years of drought and one day we saw rain coming, but as usual, it was going to miss us. I can remember my Mum saying, "oh great, it's going around us again." It was right about then that it changed direction and came straight towards us. Unfortunately it was a super cell that dumped about a year's worth of rain and hail in less than half an hour. Before the rain, we had about 120 acres of crops ready to be harvested in the next month. After, it looked like the fields had been freshly plowed. Every tree had it's leaves stripped bear. Id never seen anything like it.
That was the straw that broke the camels back. Within a month, our farm was up for sale and after 40 years of farming, my father was out looking for work.
He found decent work, then at 60, started a new business with a friend. He built it up and to make an already long story short, sold it and has been retired for about 20 years now.
If he had stayed on the farm, he would probably still be broke and working his butt off.
I honestly believe that devistating storm was the best thing that could have happened to my father.


I’m so sorry “mom”… but how awesome to have 2 daughters and a wonderful son in law to come along side you.


RV Tip: During the day or especially the night do not leave your storage compartments in the open position. I have seen my fellow RVers leave them open and some critters (mice) got into the RV and were in the living area that night. While in the Keys camping a BIG rat got in the RV next to us, needless to say they did not sleep much that night. When I bought our RV I crawled under it and used the builders foam with rodent proof into every crack and opening that I came across. Since 2012 we have not encountered any critters inside. Wait, I take that back. While parked next to the house here in Central Florida a small lizard got in when I opened the door, but I was able to catch it and let him/her out. Great video!
