Why Are Scientists So Worried About the Doomsday Glacier? | Unveiled

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What is the Doomsday Glacier of Antarctica? Join us... to find out more!

In this video, Unveiled journeys to Antarctica... to investigate one of science's biggest problems right now, the Doomsday Glacier! Otherwise known as Thwaites Glacier, a team of more than 30 people was sent there (in early 2022) because there are fears that it could one day trigger the end of the modern world! So, what's really going on?

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0:00 Intro
0:43 The Doomsday Glacier
2:59 The 2022 Investigation
5:16 Other Glaciers of Concern
7:03 Conclusions

#DoomsdayGlacier #ThwaitesGlacier #Antarctica #Earth #Science #Glacier
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We cannot stop anything. All we can do is adapt.


Yes, but what your forgetting is that portion of the Glacier that is under water is already displacing it volume in water so it's not a problem, just put ice cubes in a bowl fill it with water and when they melt the level will be the same...


Sorry but I think I am officially at peak doomsday article. After 2020-2022: near WW3 in Iran, swarms of locusts, Australian wildfires, American wildfires, endless Brexit fights, climate change, protests, social upheaval, ultra-partisan political arguments and riots, celebrities and billionaires turning out to be awful people, crime rates soaring, cities burning, public court cases, dogs being dognapped, endless covid variants, watching people rant at randoms for wearing masks or for not wearing them correctly, and now ukraine (breathes) ... I have literally no f***s left to give. I welcome armageddon. When it happens I'll be watching Deep Space 9 reruns and eating ice cream.


My simple understanding of fears from melting arctic ice is how it affects the ocean currents. Warm waters from equator flow to arctic cools and flows back to equator warms and repeats. It controls Earths climate. As the ice melts it cools the ocean and slows current. Causing crazy climate change even causing new ice age.


"The future. The polar ice caps have melted, covering the Earth with water. Those who survived have adapted to a new world." -- WaterWorld Narrator


Thwaites averages only 135 M above sea level. Most of its volume is below sea level already, up to 1000 M below….so when it melts it won’t raise the sea level much. Often stated to be the size of the UK, that is really the size of its drainage basin, most of which isn’t moving glacier. In reality it is only 120 Km across its face. So the usual Doomsday Glacier stories are big exaggerations (by an order of magnitude) by people looking for a trip of a lifetime at taxpayer expense.


I had no idea Richard Dreyfuss knew so much about Antarctica.


For how fast we’re destroying this planet and how slow we are to even work together, it’s insane how anyone thinks we have a future


Yesterday I was seeing the show of the opening of China's Winter Olympics and in one of the spectacular visual effects there is a big rectangular block of ice melting. I was shocked and considered it to be a bad premonition. Who the hell did that?


That's how the glacier crumbles I guess.


A new NASA study on the Antarctic Ice Sheet says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10, 000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers. According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic Ice Sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to present. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.


I was always under the impression that if to much fresh water entered the ocean it would stop the circulation and bring on an iceage


What the fear porn videos leave out is that what will happen with all that fresh water going into the sea. This exact scenario happened 12900 years ago. That resulted in the extinction of most of the large land animals and the destruction of multiple civilizations we know it today as the Yunger Dryas.


There’s literally nothing humans can do to stop the earth from changing like it has for millions and millions of years. People need to accept that….


Unveiled: Everyone is worried about the doomsday glacier
Me: lol boaty mcboatface

Thank you. That brightened my morning with a needed laugh


people drilling through the ice and driving ships through them isn't helping either.


How is the rise of land mass figured into this equation? Thanks.


Why are scientists so worried about the doomsday glacier? Because telling the truth may get them fired.


The world’s coast lines have actually grown, Maldives is still here & thriving plus ice is growing at the south pole not loosing mass, but none the less a great fiction story…


Wait this video is about the rising sea levels?! There’s way scarier things within Antarctica. I thought this video would discuss the prehistoric, long forgotten bacteria and viruses being reintroduced to the environment.
