This is Why Scientists Are Worried About the Next 4 Years

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Scientists have never had to contend with an anti-science president before. Now with Trump, there are legitimate worries...but only if you judge him on his own words!!! Kim Horcher breaks it down.

"Trump’s refusal to believe the broadly accepted scientific fact that human activity — primarily the burning of fossil fuels — is filling the atmosphere with carbon and other greenhouse gases could have lasting and devastating consequences for the entire world. The overwhelming consensus among scientists is that those emissions are causing global temperatures to rise and are transforming the natural environment in ways that already are having profound negative impacts on plant and animal life. Melting glaciers and the polar ice cap are raising sea levels, and climate patterns are shifting with disastrous effects, from forest die-offs to increased flooding to prolonged droughts. And warmer air and oceans are fueling more intense, powerful storms."

NerdAlert is a talk and discussion show for the well-rounded nerd, bringing you tech news, gaming, geek culture and more EVERY DAY of the week with host Kim Horcher and friends. Proudly part of the TYT Network.

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We have to stand up against their hatred together!!! Call your elected representatives and tell them that you don't want them to support Trump and his Racist and Sexist policies and that you are going to be watching them and if they support Trump's insanity you will vote them out of their office ASAP!!!


Thank you for covering this. I am very worried about how Trump will affect America's engagement in the fight against climate change and his ignorant views on science in general. It is hugely important to know what he believes now, and how Trump's administration (that hurts to type) progresses, or regresses, on their science knowledge through the rest of their term. I thought it was hugely disappointing how 60 Minutes completely dropped the ball and didn't ask Trump one question about climate change last night. Of course that is the typical track record for mainstream media like CBS. Thank God for TYT. Please keep covering this topic more!


There are always the 'unknowns" as I call them that happen every year. The things that change the world that we could never really predict happening. Trump escalates the risk of a lot of negative, unknowable things happening and in my opinion we should fear what is to come that we cannot yet foresee...


They should pass-out the science portion of the GED to congress and anyone who can't get a 75% or better should be shown the door .


With a Republican Senate and House, Trump can do whatever he wants to.


no need to worry guys, i have some religious friends who think the magical genie they telepathically communicate with will keep us all safe regardless of what 'science' or 'reality' says


If Trump brings back small pox or polio. I see the next generation hating their parents and grandparents.


Besides the health risks from fracking, there's also the earthquakes in places like Oklahoma, Ohio, and Texas that correlate perfectly with the locations of fracking wells.


I don't expect much out of the Trump adminsitration, but I welcome it in Bernie's words, "To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him."

Also, love your shirt. Reminds me of FF8.


We're gonna go back to "the internet is a series of tubes"...


We can survive. Rally together to combat the idiotic idea's and policy this administration sets forward. And if need be, TYT should organize massive boycotts on donors' companies like never before. Reach out to all progressive and online groups to end essentially all Millennial involvement with their products. If we put the screws to the donors, they'll put the screws to the lawmakers. Won't be that simple, but it's as good a plan as we've got now.


Only the trolls aren't worried about the next four years !


I was under the impression that we were already past the point of no return. I could be wrong but I had thought at this point it was just about slowing it down and buckling down for the fallout.


Gravity is just a theory, I'm going to float away now, bye


There is no other theory on the origin of species.


These are all great anti trump points, all ignored by the media who focused on muh lbgtqze+/racism which was not an issue


Wait, what? I was still laughing at " in your mouth and butt" and the video was over....


are americans still using incandescent bulbs
most people here are changing or have changed to led bulbs


"Science denier!" LoL! Well Kim, why don't you move up to your roof if you are convinced that the oceans are going to raise. LoL. I'll keep living on the first floor of my house in Florida, with not an ounce of fear.


"Your idea is not a theory". Hypothesis 3:16
