Extract a column of data from a Power Query table

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After grouping data in Power Query, in this example, the data is exactly how we want it. It's grouped into the right rows in the column.
BUT! It's in a collapsed column of tables. If we expand, the data will fly apart. So, how do we get a column of data out of a table and keep the data in the appropriate rows and cells?
We have to use the Power Query function: Text.Column
In this video you'll see
- Camera Tool
- using a line-feed as a delimiter
- how Table.Column is used
- Grouping in Power Query
- Extract values from a list
For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
BUT! It's in a collapsed column of tables. If we expand, the data will fly apart. So, how do we get a column of data out of a table and keep the data in the appropriate rows and cells?
We have to use the Power Query function: Text.Column
In this video you'll see
- Camera Tool
- using a line-feed as a delimiter
- how Table.Column is used
- Grouping in Power Query
- Extract values from a list
For an intro to Get & Transform (Power Query) try my Lynda/LinkedIn course:
My book: Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Edition
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