US Deportees: Raised in America, Dumped in Mexico

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At the US Mexico border, more than a thousand people are deported every day by the American authorities. And in the city of Tijuana, for men raised in California, it's a tough life adjusting to the reality of existence at the fence.
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Im one of these deportees. I have been able to get my things together and build my life back here in Mexico. I was actually able to write my story in a book called "Los Otros Dreamers". Mexico is a beautiful place and if you work hard anywhere you will make it!


I was deported back in 2018 and I had nowhere to sleep and LA CASA DEL INMIGRANTE let me stay there I thank them very much 🙏🏾


Moral of the story: say no to illegal immigration


I am deported after living my whole life in California. So I had a choice as a teenager to go the right way or to go the wrong way, I chose the wrong path and I knew it. my actions got me deported. I chose to live a life of a criminal and so here I am. This is a second chance at life, So now I live in Tijuana and I have changed a lot of things . We have the better jobs cause we speak both English and Spanish . It's not so bad after All


This happened to me. I was born in Michoacan and raised in California. Got into the life of crime in my teens. I was deported at the age of 30. I did 8 years in prison. After that I was sent to Tijuana a whole new world. To tell you the truth. You have to work, I did I use to starve because I had no money. I worked as a laborer because I had no identification. Later I got a descent job a girlfriend and now have a son. I’m happy now. If your a bum in the United States you will be a bum in Mexico


I was deported at 19 in December 20 2012 now I'm 29 honestly you feel so lost getting back to your own country, I left when I was 5 grew up most of my whole life on the US, but honestly I found my happiness over here. I left all that gang life behind and working on being a better person next to my wife who is a US citizen that I met at a call center. There is more to life then just what you know ir think. Find Your Happyness


I was raised illegally in the USA, and returned to Mexico when I was 18 since I didn't want to live illegally (not deported). I speak perfect English and have no criminal record. I know the Star-Spangled Banner by heart. I was part of the BSA, volunteered to better my community, and played every sport my school offered instead of dealing drugs or doing other illegal crap. Despite not being able to speak Spanish very well I was able to form a decent life for myself here. It was not easy at first since I couldn't even get a job at a gas station due to my limited Spanish but 12 years later and I'm a self taught software developer. I work remotely for a USA based company, I have two beautiful kids, and a loving wife. I'm making more money than I ever thought possible working from home in Mexico. The only reason I'd consider taking a step in the USA would be to take my girls to Disney Land besides that no thanks..


Dam I lost touch with my cousin and all of sudden there he is on this video. Hope your safe primo family doesn't tell me anything but I hope u and your brother are good


I’m also one of those deportees and honestly I’m living better here in Mexico thanks to the simple fact that I can work legit and legally. Yeah I know there’s lots of poverty and suffering but that’s not the whole story. You don’t see many of these documentaries focusing on people who have made a positive shift in their life. These videos seem to love focusing on stories about people who got the shit end of the stick and ended up in the worsts situations possible. Not everyone who came back down here is stuck in a homeless shelter in la zona norte with no employment. If you never learn to make the best of your situation your at risk both in Mexico or in the U.S. or anyplace you and your mind set are taken.


I feel bad for those who never committed a crime and were deported. I do not feel bad for criminals who ended up being deported. We don't need those type of people in our country, Period.


When you are brought in as a kid you can stay as long as you don't break laws. An acquaintance of mine was born in Honduras came over as a kid with his parents and lived here until he was almost 30. Got into drugs and getting busted all the time they even warned him about. Last time he got busted they deported him.
Keep your nose clean and your good. 👍


Not all immigrants are good people. My father who was a mexican was arrogant and illegal immigrant who liked to take advantage of other people including his own family and the US system by being an illegal here in USA not paying child support and having more kids being fatherless. He once told me that the only one thing he liked about the USA is the US dollar the rest he could care less about the country. He is still ashamed that I am an american. I am proud of being an american. I permanently disowned my father for good and the last time I saw or talked to him was like 20 years ago.


"when you become desperate, that's when is easier to commit a crime..." wise words and very, very true . This is why when choosing where to live go to places with lower crime. This is where normally there is more opportunities and committing crime is less likely. better quality of life.


Man, watching this program brings back really bad memories, I really sucks to get deportes and the awful feeling when you first step in Mexico , likely i steel have my mother here in central mexico whom I never forgot because even if I was lost like I did sometimes in drugs sometimes in alcohol but thank to God I have always been a hard working man not always perfect man but no doubt a hard working man. Soo I got deported in the worst time of my life I got sick I was not able to work like I wanted too soo I got to Mexico with just enough money to get to my home state and my mom's house she was Soo happy to see me she had not seen me in 24 years, it was very tough for the first couple of years but I had no choice, the option of going back to the us was not even there, soo I started a business selling food and that business has been very good to me, life is very good here in Mexico I love it


My father is Mexican. He came to Canada 30 years ago. I have a beautiful life I pray for all the people that want a better life


My Step Father, a great man that raised me and is good to my mother was born in Mexico, Guadalajara. And thank god his father gained citizenship during WW2. It was a TOTAL mess to get his birth certificate. We had armed guards escort us to a small but beautiful area where Avocados grow and finally got his Birth certificate. It took alot of work, but when we reached the small town so many nice people came out to greet us...they remember last names very well. I pray for a non corrupt Government


whoever did the soundtrack really like José José. Great documentary; thank you for posting.


TJ has always had a reputation of living on the edge.. I was there in the 70's only to be chased down the streets by knife wielding bandits in a robbery attempt in broad daylight.. It was my lesson in not to "flash my cash".. I was lucky to be a fast runner..


If i didn’t do something stupid, i’d still be in the US


Break U.S. laws by entering the country illegally and jumping the queue, expect to be deported some day! Come here legally!
