Mexican Deportees and Outsourced Labor

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Tijuana, Mexico, is a limbo for deportees from the United States. People keep showing up in the city while U.S. immigration policies get tougher. Between 2002 and 2012, deportations to Mexico more than doubled, from 122,058 to 306,870, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Many were deported for non-violent or relatively minor infractions.

In many cases, these deportees are returned to a country where they might have been born but know little about as adults. They might speak little or no Spanish, and are further seen as pariahs for sporting gang tattoos. Opportunities for work in Tijuana remain limited for such deportees, except in a sector that is enjoying a boom period in Mexico, telemarketing.

Call centers offer English-speaking deportees a chance to have a steady income in jobs-strapped Mexico. They also get to put their language skills to use. Telemarketers gain a geographically close work-force of English native-speakers, but at Mexican labor costs. VICE News traveled to Tijuana to meet a few of the thousands of deportees who were raised in the United States and are now forming new lives back in Mexico, thanks to their steady jobs at a U.S. call center.

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Call centers offer English-speaking deportees a chance to have a steady income in jobs-strapped Mexico.


Wait're American enough to become a US marine, but you're not welcome to live in the country you risk dying for? lol that's a fucked up system


makes me wonder how many times I've talked on the phone with a deported sureno trying to get his life on track..


“Thank you for calling blue cross and blue Shield how can I help you foo” 😂


I loved the sign at the end from "Accion poetica" that says: "Theres dreams in here too" as a mexican i think we shouldn't cross the border but fix our own problems.


You know this video really caught my attention I was deported to Guatemala in 2011. I been here ever since and have been working in call center for almost 8 years now. There's about 30 call centers, won't mention any names, but honestly the call centers have saved our lives and kept us with a stable. Unfortunately, the friends that I had in the past some have past away or been killed in this city. I don't have any intentions of going back to the USA. I have a stable job and plus have a car part business on the side. Just wish my friends wouldn't have gotten killed pretty messes up. Guatemala is a whole different country and wish you seened what I witnessed while living out here. Blessings to our neighbors (Mexico). Same situation, different country. Blessings!


These are the gang bangers from back in 1980-1990s times sheesh


I can agree to see why most of these deportees can be "deserved" to be deported. But deport a vet ? No way man. Deporting a vet is disrespectful, they put their life on the line serving our country and protecting it. And then deport them because they ran a red light or not paying fines as minor crimes?


Glad the man found the Lord. So sad we deported a Vet. Cant believe US would do that to marine. We treat our vets like crap man


as a kid who came to the country illegally, i can now say with relief i'm on my way to becoming a citizen. i don't want to go back to mexico against my will. my life is starting to slowly become what i've been shaping it for the past few years. these people have set the example that i can't fuck up my shit. no criminal records on my name, and that's how it's gonna stay.


He know damn well that Sur don't mean he from the south that boy in a gang


That light skinned dude could've gotten far in life just for looking like that. Too bad he made the wrong choices, smh.


I was deported 2 months ago after living in the US for a very long time I don't know if I'll ever get adjusted and miss my wife and daughter pray for me.


Deporting a veteran? What the flying fuck? 


if you put them in line next to each other, they would look like the homies toy collection.


I just love the fact that the call center is exploiting the massive cheap labor but selling themselves as the savior and giving them an opportunity. They are all working on commission. That sucks.


Kudos to you Señor Raul you have turn your life around and that’s something to be proud of.

Con todos mis respetos.


The SUR on that guy's chest is a gang, not a republic. It means Sureńo. A southern Mexican Gang.


This situation is so messed up. It's upsetting to think that other people are going thru this. Thank you for making this video.


If doing a crime gets you sent back to mexico indefinently, DONT Do a CRIME. What a horrible punishment!
