What does Mechatronics Engineering do? | #mechatronics #engineering #degree #college

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Watch Malachi Greb, CEO of Elite Automation explains briefly what does mechatronics engineering do. The one thing I want to start off by saying though is that the mechatronics degree a lot of times is not an engineering level degree. Now, if you can get a mechatronics engineering degree where it's an actual engineering degree, then that's going to be a very good path to go down because there are some restrictions in the industry still with some of your major players like maybe like a Ford or a Toyota. They're going to want to see an engineering degree in order to hire you for engineering positions. So you got to keep those things in mind that some doors will be open by having an engineering degree versus just having like an associate or a bachelor's degree, a non engineering degree.
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So, I really like your channel. I like what you do, I consider myself a very big fan. You have inspired me more than once in tough times. So understand I mean this in a positive light, to try to cull some confusion out of the shadowy mechatronics world. There are mechatronics ASc, , Mechatronics Technology BSc., and Mechatronics Engineering BSc and Mechatronics Systems Engineering Technology BSc... Don't expect to get an engineering job with a associates in mechatronics because that is about as valuable as a industrial automation training course at a local community college- you will need to put in 5 to 10 years work behinf this degree to land an engineering job.. Both Bachelors are engineering level degrees. Mechatronics Systems Technology BSc. and Mechatronics Engineering BSc. is a very in depth course that requires advanced level physics, calculus 2 and 3, materials science, etc. the difference is what you want to do. the Engineering Technology degree is for applied engineering, such as controls engineering, where as the strictly engineering degree is geared more towards research, design, and robotics. You need to make sure you are gettnig a ABET accredited degree. I repeat, MAKE SURE IT IS AN ABET ACREDITED DEGREE. There is only a handfull in the states- that are ABET ACREDITED. That is all you need to worry about, and you need to be ready to work your a$$ off. Even if you have a engineering degree you are not an engineer until you have a liscence. You can have the title for sure, but you are not a liscenced engineer and can not stamp documents etc. You will learn more than can be said in a 5 minute video. The course is intense. It is different than electrical engineering and mechacnical engineering. It is more about systems design, communnications and control engineering threory and electronics/computers. It is very advanced physics and advanced mathematics heavy, with materials science, statistics and other mechanical engineering prerqs, but the math is much harder- and I dont mean Cal 1. You will also learn to use industry heavy software in the Bachelors of Tehcnoolgy programs such as Autocad, multisim, matlab, labview, you will learn programming and networking archetecture etc. the amount of software you will get alone is worth the tuition. Mechatronics is the future. Mechanical engineering is impoirtant but it is fading to a certain aspect- in certain industries. Electrical engineering is a very specialized field, similar to mechatronics engineering in that aspect that it just isnt for everyone. If you want an easier bahcelors, get a mechanical engineering degree. You wil do a little more with your hands as well, but it is more about team work instead of personal performance in many ways. The concepts are also easier. Learn to code and trouble shoot code. That is what employers want. Things are changing. Factories and systems are more modular now, so there is a need for mechatronics engineers aka automation and controls engineers. If you are interested in the effectiveness of the degreres, just do a search on salary. there is a reason why mehcatronics pays more than mechanical. It's pays a lot more straight out of the gate. Mechanical engnieering is very important, but it is highly specialized in it's own light- it takes a long time to become a skilled mechacnical design engineer that can actually design a whole system- but he will still need electrical engineers and computer scientist or electronics technologists. It will take longer years to get a high level position or high level pay, and big projects and you will have to learn programming to begin to be able to compete with computer engineers, electrical engineers and mechatronics engineers. Do not learn mechatronics on a bachelors level unless you are serious about learning and have the ability to tackle such a wide range of abstract concepts. If you are stuck on mechacnical engineering, or want a less tense course, make sure your elecvtives are in computer information systems, data analytics, computer science, or coding related fields. I can not tell you how hard it will be for you to learn to do automation straight out of school with a mechanical engineering degree. Everthig will be alien to you. trust me, I have trained many mechanical engineering interns in the past 16 years.


My local emmunity college has a two year program for technician MEs but mechanical engineering degree (as in a BS) would be at a technical college which locally for me would be Worcester Polytechnical Institute. One is a career that lines you up to be a technician/trade and the other is more geared at being an engineer designing. I would prefer the technician route LOL.


Most collages in germany dont have mechatronics engineering
They have just mechatronics
What to do??


Retired General Motors 'Manufacturing Controls Engineer' here. I was non-degreed, like many of my contemporaries were.

The problem for the automotive factories is that when it comes to Controls (Controls was Mechatronics before there was Mechatronics), there isn't as much talent out there as there is jobs, and having a 'store-bought' (degreed) engineer is no guarantee that you will get a good PLC programmer (probably 60% - 90% of your job will be figuring out, quickly and correctly, what the heck just happened in the PLC). So they have learned to take whomever can do the job.


Can an engineering-adjacent degree like Industrial Automation land us an engineering job?


I wonder what your thoughts would be on a chemical engineering tech AAS degree then a mechatronics bachelors degree. How that would be looked at by the industry; and such.


Is mechatronics or EC is better to study and Getting Job in India .. And considering salary????

can you please explain🙂


I'm doing MSc Mechatronics in Germany. How can I improve my skills? I have intrest in Robotics specifically mobile robotics.


Can you explain how to answer some related questions to machatronics engineering in an interview I have one coming up please


I have a question ❓
Mechatronic or architecture which is best ??? please help me i want information ❤


You didn’t answer a single question you asked.


I am more interested in biomed engineering but they say 😢


Is a mechatronics technician the same or similar to mechatronics engineer


Does associate degree of mechatronics offer good pay?
