Shifting The F Chord

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Video Chapters
00:00 Struggling with the F Chord - Tip 1
01:54 Shifting the F Chord
02:46 Exploring the F Barre Chord Shape

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Thank you for this. For years I have called it "that 'F'-ing chord." I struggle with barres too, so for me it's practice practice practice. Love your site, thank you for all you do.


I started learning the F chord last April. Gave up after a month. In July, I picked it up again and this time I did not want to give up. Took me about 4 months but now I can play the F pretty well. It’s all about not giving up. Your brain will eventually play the F chord. Don’t give up guys !


His tip, about having the guitar setup, properly is a good one. I was struggling somewhat with F maj especially the high E string sounding plunky. Took my guitar in to be properly set up since I hadn’t before. It didn’t need a full setup but they made some minor adjustments and changed the strings to ones that sounded and felt better, and all of a sudden F maj was way easier to play. Still not perfect but much easier to practice.


I started learning guitar when the Pandemic started with a guitar ordered off Reverb. I'm really glad you encouraged incorporating the barre F early on as I feel like it gave me a good head start with playing! Still working on getting those transitions, but it's coming along!!


I haven’t mastered it by any means. I remember a couple years ago I said “I wouldn’t learn bar chords”. Little bit of practice each day goes a long way!! Thanks Justin


I tried for months and didn't succeed so brought a new guitar with a low action and 9 gauge strings and I couldn't believe the difference. It's not perfect yet but it's loads better than before. I've learned everything off of Justin and can't thank him enough


Uncanny, I only just realised my F bar chord was pretty poor sounding and I have been improving it. Are you watching me through my camera? It is not the first time I have felt you are spot on and on the money at the right time with your advice. Well done. A very good and seemingly personal service. All the best.


My advice for those who struggles with F chord - play it in the second inversion (just skip the first string, play it from A string - C note/5th of a chord). You can omit high E string as well, playing only the middle 4 strings. Sounds even better for my ears and is very comfortable to play. Alternatively play barchords with a root on E string with your thumb for E string, and your 3 fingers covering strings D, G and B. This opens many possibilities for nice embellishments.


I began with the F chord on the top 4 strings. That was tough. Somehow by working on the full barre later, that made the chord sound better. Yes, it is lovely to have that as it's an essential shape for later things. Once you begin recognizing the shapes and patterns and realizing how they fit together, it's amazing how great a sense of accomplishment one can feel. I'm thankful I play my barre chords much better now (except under pressure performing sometimes). Just have to keep practicing and learning to push away the anxiety and focus in the moment -- back to basics.


Me and my skinny fingers have been struggling with this one for almost 6 months. 🤞🤞hoping this helps!


My first guitar was a $120 Johnson guitar. I had no trouble with barre chords and couldn’t figure out why others did. Turns out that despite intonation problems (which you would expect from a lower end guitar), this guitar was more playable than any other guitar I’ve had, including my $1800 Martin with a professional setup.


Great lesson, I love the tip on moving it down to the 5th fret


How spooky that your video for this came up! Because last night I was fiddling around with a song that called for the F chord and I *almost* had it. Perhaps, like you say, with more practice, it will come. Thank you, and you are an amazing teacher!


I remember learning my open chords from an old instructional book in the late 90's. From that book I learned the C- shaped F-chord ( where you only barre the E and the B with your index finger on the first fret. For years I didn't even know the proper F-chord position.

I still use the C-shaped F more than the proper F today. Yes you lose some bass, but on some guitars it's impossible for the guitarist with smaller hands.

Funny thing is- I probably would've given up guitar if I had to learn the full F barre that early on. A lot of the songs I fooled around with were in C where you use the ever dependable C/G/F/Am.


Queens of the Stone Age's *I Sat By The Ocean* was a game changer for me. It starts with the F chord shape but on the 4th fret, and shifts up and down, even including a regular E major at one point. If you like that band or song, it's wonderful practice.


Few months ago, I couldn't play F maj properly, now I can change between barre shapes easily


The F chord for me has been a whole journey in itself 😂 i remember when I first saw it earlier in the grade... It did not feel good at all! I was absolutely shocked at the finger placement 🤣 My fingers felt so out of place and painful but not really painful it just felt really wierd. I was really not having it 🙅 i stopped teaching myself for a few months but I keep my guitar in the open and so every once in a while i would pick it up and practice the chord. That was last year around August, the new year has come and I'm back at it 🎉 It feels much much easier now, still adjusting but I feel better about it. I'm still also not great at transitoning between C, F and G but I know it takes time and it's totally dependent on how much you practice. I honestly could not be more grateful for the lessons. Here's to even more intricate finger placements 😂🥂❤


Ah the former bane of my existence. I can play it now tho hehe


Thanks for The Tips. Transiting from a lifetime of playing drums to a retirement time of learning the guitar isn't easy; the wrist muscles are totally different, specially with barres but your vid(s) certainly help and your teaching approach is good too - too many Americans with big EGOS in here talking at the speeed of light.


Keep giving us the help we need thanks Kev
