The Tongue, A Releaser Of Strife — Rick Renner

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In today’s program, Rick will show you how to make a “no-strife” policy so that the devil can’t sow strife into your relationships. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

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I absolutely love this teaching and I'm reminded of a saying I heard many years ago:
"I am the MASTER of my UNSPOKEN words, but a SLAVE to those words that should have remained UNSAID!"
Author unknown
I have been listening to Brother Rick Renner for a few months, and I can't seem to get enough of his marvelous in-depth teaching!! The Bible tells us to TRY the Spirits and SEE if they be of God, and I've done just that! I'm confident that Brother Rick's teachings are of God, and I'm soaking up every word he's teaching!! I get up every morning and start my day with his teachings, and after the first one, the current one, I go back to catch up with the ones I missed over the years!! I want to call to ask for prayer, and to become a member but my phone is messed up, sometimes not even calling, and if by chance I can get through, it may hang up on the person I'm talking to. Even if it does happen to go through and let me begin talking, all of a sudden I'll start breaking up and the person I'm talking with can't understand a word I'm saying!! Until I can get this fixed, I can't call but I'm praying 🙏 very hard because the Lord knows my heart, that I want to call and get started on being a Partner with Brother Rick and Sister Denise!! Please, 🙏 pray with me that this will get fixed SOON!!
PS: I just noticed that I'm commenting on my son's Facebook page instead of mine. My name is Judy Ray, and I'm 72 years old. I love the Lord more than anything in this world, and I truly believe it was HIS Will for me to comment here today, even if it was on my son's page instead of mine!! I love you, Brother Rick, Sister Denise, Brother Joel, Brother Paul, and all the ones involved in Renner Ministries!! Thank you for praying for me and my family!! Please 🙏, pray that my phone will get fixed so I can call you 🙏!!
Lord bless you mightily in Jesus Name!!


Great teaching, good Morning Renner Family


Excellent and powerful message thank you lord 🙏


Thankyou Brother Rick for this teaching and I will be calling to order this teaching.


Excellent intro using the October Staircase as an illustration to open your topic. I'm sure you know about the achievements of Buckminster Fuller. He talked about people being Trim Tabs ... apparently a trim tab is a movable or hinged bit of trim on the rudder of a ship. Also, on airplane wings, they are small flaps that raise & lower.
