How to SEEK God when you have a HARDENED heart

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Heart posture is bigger than your feelings... it's through your choices.

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How to get closer to God
How to SEEK God when you have a HARDENED heart
hardened heart
no desire to seek God
how to want to seek God
no guilt for sin
no guilt after sinning

#motivation #christianity
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Please pray he softens my heart. He has been so faithful but I have taken for granted for too long. I Need his mercy.


I asked God if I had a hardened heart and within the same day this video popped up. And also about 2-3 months ago I noticed I didn't feel guilty when I sinned and actually thought it was good thing although it wasn't, but during this past month I have been feeling more guilt for my sins and started to get sick of them not desiring them anymore. God bless anybody reading this you will overcome this.🙏🏻♥️


So true, emotions are a liar! They can’t drive! I accept God’s spirit


As a man who struggled for so long with both Smoking Weed and Pornography, biggest thing you can do is just FOCUS ON CHRIST. Not just saying to yourself "Focus on Christ" but actually focusing on him. Taking your time to read your Bible, to pray, to go to Church, fill your schedule with God. From what i've delt with, it all came down to my preoccupied flesh. Nothing was ever really going on so all I could think about were those two thing. But if you fill your time and your mind with things that Glorify God, rather then Is gratify. Change will come, and not by your own doing. But the Grace of God. Praise Jesus Christ 🙏🏼✝️


There was a man called Keith Green who had a song called “My eyes are dry”. It went:
My eyes are dry
My faith is old
My heart is hard
My prayers are cold
And I know how I ought to be
Alive to You and dead to me
But what can be done
For an old heart like mine
Soften it up
With oil and wine
The oil is You, Your Spirit of love
Please wash me anew
With the wine of Your Blood


Ecclesiastes helps me if life were to ever feel empty again. Tbh bro, Jesus has filled my spirit abundantly since i truly came back to Him. I like how you said the foundation is NOT based on our feelings (instead it is God's word/love). He's been everywhere i can even look, and trust that the Lord is never far.


Beautiful message. I was so scared it was too late for me. I wish I had never got away from him to begin with


Bro after I prayed using your prayer (but a bit different) I felt so much better. Praise the Lord!!!
Here is the prayer if anyone needs it.

God I may not feel like talking to you right now but draw me closer to you Lord, help me to seek you Lord.
Please change my heart from the inside out and help me see what sin is and how its not helping me but drawing me further away from you.
Please help me to desire growth in my relationship with you and help me want to seek you more despite how I may feel at the moment.
As I do this my love for you will grow.
My desire for sin will be less and less, and my obedience to your commandments will be all out of love and not just because I feel forced too or out of my own willpower and even when I actually sin.
All this sin and forceful obedience will change and I will obey you out of love. In Jesus mighty name Amen. ❤❤❤❤

God bless you all!!!


Powerful video brother, God bless you in Jesus’ name. There are people that don’t know what to do in situations, but it’s an important that we are that light for others in Jesus name.


Exactly this bro! I struggled with pornography for 15 years. I literally watched it at the age of 7 bro, and for the longest time I felt like there was something wrong with me when I couldn’t stop, but it wasn’t true. I realized the real problem was that I was not willing to be genuine and with my creator, nor the people around me. I prayed and prayed and prayed, after a month of doing so, I asked the Lord to heal me from my sin and to choose myself, others, and Him above anything else. Since then I have been filled with His Holy Spirit and the void in my heart that I once had is now replaced with excitement for the future, hope and love for others, and the special moments when I pray and get guidance from Him. Praise Jesus Christ! His power is endless! Stay strong brothers, He is with you, you must go to Him too.


I needed this. My heart became hard and it’s hard for me to look for him like I did in the past.


I NEEDED to hear this, this is exactly what I’m dealing with and I felt so exposed but it’s something i needed to come to


wow!! literally minutes ago, i was asking God to soften my heart for him
and telling him how i don’t want our relationship to be based off of my emotions!! crazy timing!!! i love God so much 💛


I got born again.. i didnt go back to them sins but i still got quick to be impatient and had bad thoughts.. ithink ive hardened beyond conviction, repentance, etc.. ESPECIALLY the lack of guilt.. God have mercy..


Around the start of the year, I found a new passion and love in Christ, after my entire 18 years of life being a lukewarm Christian. But I fell back into it and became passionless for God, giving into my sins, sexual sins and alcohol and nicotine and whatnot, feeling so lost all the time, and ignoring God, or feeling too guilty to even try to repent. My heart has been hardened. I thank you so much for this video. I'm going to pray that I can rekindle my fire for Christ and center him in my life over whatever vain sin I give into. Please pray for me friends, God bless you.


I am a catechumen and struggling in my infantile faith… i was so confused about my experiences and im so glad to know that this is exactly how the devil works on young believers, now i know i can heal this pain in me ☦️


Pray for me that God softens my heart.Amin


Thank you for this informative and short video


Theres just nothing there, just hollow emptiness that follows me everywhere I go ! I stare off at the wall for minutes then realizie it…. I hope that I can have this go away and be right with God again but my circumstances make it not that easy with just words ! I hate this feeling everyday for yearssss man.


I've felt so dark and filthy recently in my addictions and I'm out of control. I feel like I'm going insane 😢
