The Kybalion Secrets | 7 Ancient Principles for Raising Your Vibe

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This video will teach you 7 hermetic principles from the kybalion. The Kybalion distills knowledge from the emerald tablet - a legendary ancient Egyptian work that dates back to over 36,000 years B.C.

Many of the teachings in the Kybalion are from “Thoth” the Atlantean priest-king (yes, the actual Atlantis). Ancient Greece called “Hermes” — and author of emerald tablets known as “Hermes Trismegistus” (try and say that one 3 times fast).

In 1904 William Walker Atkinson put these teachings into a book and
*p o o f* the Kybalion was born.

WWA did basically a lot of the heavy lifting to compile ancient teachings together. What we’re left with now is known as the Kybalion. Meaning this little book’s teaching ain't just some self—help book published last 10 years. Its ancient wisdom survived and was passed down over 36,000 years.

What’s in it? Let’s dive in together.

The 7 Ancient Principles from The Kybalion:

1. The principle of mentalism
"The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental."

2. The principle of correspondence
"As above, so below; as below, so above.”

3. The principle of vibration
"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."

4. The principle of polarity
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."

5. The principle of rhythm
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

6. The principle of cause and effect
"Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."

7. The principle of gender
"Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes."

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Hey there, I’m Clark Kegley, a pro drummer turned self-improvement advocate. Here on YouTube, I provide guidance to help you transform into your 2.0 version.

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P.S. Dig the vibe of the Kybalion and want to read it for yourself? I got my printing off amazon but you can find free PDFs of the Kybalion online (literally google "Kybalion PDF" and it should pop up). Happy vibe raising 💪


"The opposite of depression is expression." This is just mindblown. Thanks for this. As someone who experiences mild depression, it makes sense why I felt afraid to express my thoughts and feelings during my down times, but feel better when I'm able to get understanding from others after talking it out.


I've always loved Principle #3 where nothing rests, everything vibrates. This has been guiding me for weeks now. Knowing everything inside me is moving, then there is no reason for me to stop reaching for my goals & dreams but at the same time, be ultimately satisfied because I am enough. ❤️


“Youre never lacking anything if youre on the path” really hit me deep. Thanks for that one Clark!


The perspective of the opposite of depression being expression was an eye opener. At times when I've felt depressed, I was only sad because truly deep down, I wasn't allowing myself, my true inner self to be genuinely expressed because of fears and anxiety of being judged by others. I've had this awareness for the past year, but this statement alone really drilled this down and made it really clear, and I am grateful for that! I will sometimes walk around in my backyard for about 30 min to an hour before I go to bed, and I'll just talk about anything that is on my mind. It's literally self therapy, and it has really helped me release inner feelings and has allowed myself to find a confidence in expressing myself in other social settings because I was able to find a self love for myself during those self talks.


The Kybalion is far most influential book I ever read. It transformed within me and bring out the best. Thank you.


This is essentially a different way of looking at the five aggregates in Buddhism. I explored the Kybalion many years ago and didn't get it. As a result, I delved into Buddhist thought and now feel like I get it. So, what you see here is opposites. I had to stop studying the Kybalion to get it. A Buddhist monk told me many years ago when I told him that I was conflicted by east and west thought. He said, "becoming a good Buddhist will make you a better Christian." Good content, thank you.


"The opposite of depression is expression." Life changing. How have I never heard this before? Thank you!😊💗🙏


The Kybalion connected with me more than anything I've ever read in my life. Game changer. It was like the reverberated answers to questions and assumptions I'd had forever. Just locked everything into place with such solid, unwavering universal truth.


It's so wonderfull how the Universe will bring wisdom and teachings that are new to me when I'm ready. I resonated with all seven principles. I just started my journey on the parth of learning more about the hermetic teachings then you popped up and the kybalion Principles. You story about starting in debt and over time never giving up is inspiring. I'm a new you tuber as well. It's been a slow climb but I am enjoying the process of creating content for my e commerce biz and also offering mediation and other spiritual content as well. I am getting more comfortable in the knowing and feeling that my manifestations will be comming in divine timing. I'm still healing and releasing old wounds but attracting you is another affirmation that I am on the right path...Love & Light


Yes, The Kybalion and Hermetics iare quite amazing. After studying eastern mysticism for years I began learning western esoteric systems. I love your take on the 7 principles. Everything in the universe has rhythm, it's a cosmic dance..the law of polarity is understood when you understand that there are only two numbers...0 and 1...the binary code and everything in the universe is built from there. Meditating on that alone can awaken you as the mysteries of the universe become revealed. Something so simple can be so powerful...that is the SECRET...that is how the universe works. Namaste.


Want to be happy all the time? This is what i do... pick 10 things you love doing and do them all the time. For example i love gardening so i will be getting a job at a nursery. I go for a daily walk in nature, use Youtube daily to learn new things like how to grow mushrooms, practice Yoga, various workouts, meditations, breathing exercises, drawing/colouring, journaling etc...try to fill your day. Staying on a schedule helps too. Being in nature really helps and spend time around positive ppl...stay away from negative things and people. Sounds so simple but it works!


Principle 4 - understanding polarity changed my perspective on life. My relationships shifted for the better as a result. Great video!


This seriously needs to be taught in psychology courses.


Hi Clark, I just wanted to thank you for your videos. I like your channel, it really helps going back to the right path when I get myself lost. I don't know if your role down there is to guide people, but when you're feeling low, just know you're good at it. You're helping. Bro love from France.


Kybalion has made me the person I am. Once you're ready the books just happen to show up. When you start to understand these principles, you become the player in life, you start to see the bigger picture, You see things for what it is, Sometimes you're in control and sometimes you're out. I know that I don't know ALL, but seek to know ALL.


This channel just popped in my recommendations. Excellent book of universal laws. A part two and three to this book that deserve a video like this:
The Hermetica
The Master Key System


DUDE YOU DID THAT AMAZINGLY! Seriously Clark, I love your stuff for so many reasons, I've been a casual watcher for a few years now, but lately I've been digging deeper into Hermetics in my own existence and it resonates with me, but your breakdown is just beautiful, and a lot of this is stuff I've come to believe as well, NEVER STOP PARTYING CLARK!


Man !! every line you spoke was but a life saver, i could’t thank you enough, Thanks a ton Clark ...


The universe used you as a tool to deliver this knowledge to me today and I thank you for being a vessel

Got yourself a new fan💪🏼💪🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
