The Kybalion by Three Initiates (2022 Interpretation) The 7 Hermetic Principles

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I don’t know whether you realize to what extent your content has transformed my worldview and life…when applied it almost feels magical… reality is definitely stranger than fiction and what we were all thought to believe…when the student is ready the teacher will appear I guess


Whatever you desire is yours. All you have to do is imagine you have it, for everything in life is yours for the taking.

Much Love from a Law Of Attraction YouTuber 💜


You helped me raise my consciousness when I was vibrating very low keep it up


This little book has been at the heart of the trippiest experiences of my entire life. One specifically. I can’t imagine my life without it now.


Just listened to this audio-book few days ago! Ever notice famous books like Think and grow rich, game of life, the secret, ect, ect... basically say the exact same things?


I consider you a saint. You have brought me so far on my journey and have given me the ability to walk on my own when needed. I have a profound respect for you and aspire every day to view the world more like you. Thank you so much, dont stop being who you are; the world needs you right now.


29:10 this is huge for me lately and you just confirmed that it’s not in my head. I’ve been paying more attention to my interactions with others and how I’m feeling. I’ve noticed if I’m feeling particularly anxious (I’m over coming my social anxiety) in an interaction, that I’ll get that same vibe from the other person. I’ve always felt like they sensed my anxiety and nervousness and it’s like they started interacting the same way. But they were only reflecting my own vibration. I’ve caught myself many times feeling this way and stopped myself, took a deep breath, and just relaxed and enjoyed the moment genuinely with the other person. I swear almost instantaneously the vibe changes and I’ll have some of the best conversation and connections with people I’ve been avoiding out of anxiety


I just want you to know I am so thankful for you! 🙏🏻💜


Hey Joseph! I just wanted to tell you I think you’re doing phenomenal work. Sometimes bringing back that which was forgotten is cutting edge. Very much enjoying your commentaries on these deep books and topics.


Love this lesson you've shared. I listen to your channel often while working on my art. Today was in complete synchronicity with everything I need to hear (of course!) After many years of doing personal development (much of which emerged from The Artist's Way) I am in the boat of gradually working less on the career I devoted too much energy --often creative energy to, and working hyperfocus style at what I historically was told "won't make money" and all that bs. I'm grateful for
the career I am gradually exiting and for what it brought me to. The experience of doing so is challenging, strangely curious and interesting. Your lectures are awesome and a great guide I can just listen to while in flow! This is my favorite talk to date. Thank you so much. Hello and thanks to the collective here as well!


Been following you for over a year now and I always get something new from your iterations. The "I AM PURE WISDOM" in me thanks the "I AM PURE WISDOM" in you. Wisdom recognizes itself!


Joseph. You have put together a great body of work here on you tube. I really appreciate it and I'm sure future generations will as well. Thank you.


This may actually be one of the only channels you need to follow.


I look at you Joseph as my occult teacher and always look forward to your lessons! The way you speak is enchanting and I learned A LOT! Thank you for doing this it is of crucial importance for us!


Looking forward to this one I love your interpretation of The Kybalion Thank you Joseph!


Man every time I start reading or thinking of reading the Kybalion again, you or someone else puts out a vid about it! It’s my favorite of all time, can’t wait to listen to your 2022 interpretation before I read it again. Thanks Joseph you’re the man


Funny enough have been following your videos and before this video I went back to the wow 🤩 You are a Neo in my matrix.... we dey follow the path you followed. Bless you broda


Thank you for all your work Joseph. I have been listening to your presentations for the last 3 years and it has changed my life in incredible ways. I was telling a friend that I always wanted a great mentor and that you are the closest thing to that. May THE ALL bless your life! 🧙💚💫


I appreciate you Joseph, thank you for this in depth talk my friend. I listen to these while working from home for the business I started by having the faith to dive in, and quit my 'job.' 🙇🏼‍♂️🗝


Literally just finished this book, haha. Glad as always to see you covering the usual topics.
