The Hermetic Principles - Ancient Wisdom for a Better Life - The Alchemist

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The seven principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy dating back over 5000 years ago. They were outlined by famed author Hermes Trismegistus, who is believed to have written the Emerald Tablet and the Corpus Hermeticum (two highly influential, ancient teachings).

His work would go on to influence both ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures, with both adopting him as a god of wisdom. (In Greece he was called Hermes; in Egypt, Thoth.) He was known in his time as a great master of the universe and is said to have lived for thousands of years.

Over time, the seven hermetic principles were passed down by word-of-mouth from teacher to student, and eventually, one day in the early 20th century, the teachings were compiled into a book called The Kybalion, written by "The Three Initiates." Today, they remain an occult source of wisdom, separate from any real religion but powerful nonetheless.

And while the seven principles are just one way of understanding the universe, they aren't so constricting that they cannot be studied alongside other spiritual philosophies.

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It was an absolute honor collaborating with you! This was truly a labor of love🔥🙏🏼🔥


Kybalion and the Emerald Tablets have changed my life for the best.


I love this and I read the Kybalion in the 90s. I had been studying Martial Arts/eastern mysticism and the Kybalion says the same thing really in slightly different ways...

all is accessible through the "master frequency" we can tap into through magnified gratitude and compassion in the heart portal..the heart is the generator, the mind is the transmitter and receiver and when we get coherent of heart and brain we become coherent with Spirit and that's when the magic begins..that's when we achieve true alchemy and we can manifest anything. That's when we understand what these 7 Hermetic principles that are 7 parts of the same whole really mean and how they can be applied in our lives. Namaste


I've been on a journey for knowledge and truth for 6 years now, came across and purchased the Kybalion about 3 months ago.
Blew my mind, and put more puzzle pieces into place. It's definitely one of the most important books on my shelf and recommended that everyone have a copy.

What would have struck me as strange had I not learned some previous wisdom prior, is that shortly after reading it, meditating on it and thinking to myself "why is there not others seeking these tomes of wisdom?"
It suddenly is popping up everywhere, which is exciting and reminds me that everything is ticking along as it should.


The Truth about life in 15 minutes. Absolutely beautiful, thank you.


As above so below reminds me of the endless levels and vastness of the microcosm of matter down through molecules, atoms, quarks, etc and the universe, galaxies, solar systems planets etc. also the vibrations of different waves of energy, sound, and photons that can be a wave or particle. It’s truly beautiful. I’m also a musician and lover of music, and the principle of rhythm moves me from the beating of my heart to the peaks and valleys of sound waves through their harmonies and dissonance


It was an honor and a pleasure to collaborate with The Alchemist. Check out The Alchemist channel for more insightful presentations. When the Hermetic Principles are integrated, the patterns of life become clearer. "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding"—The Kybalion.


Stuff like this always gives me the chills. I always rant to everyone and anyone who would listen, everything is the same! Everything is the same! They are just different extprsioins of the same thing, (at times compounded, but still the same when dismantled to the basic forms), Notheing is new or ever new! Its always chilling when I see something like this that expresses and articulate what you somewhat know but do not know how to express of articulate. Great Video.


I've been listening to a lot of hermetic based audio books lately such as corpus hermeticum, the kybalion, emerald tablets of Thoth, etc. They are extremely interesting. Something you have to read or listen to multiple times as s it gives you something new every time!


These principals may be the deepest roots of Western culture that we know of. Everyone would do well to take an interest. Thanks again!


After reflecting and meditating on this message, I believe this will change my life cannot thank you enough for producing this video


The Kybalion was a gift I received from a dear friend probably 20 years ago! I have read it many times and every time I feel I receive even more insight. Such illuminating information.

I am so happy to see more and more people bringing this knowledge to even more people.

In my path these principles have been a foundation and guide to look internally and externally at the world. On this foundation I have grown to be less reactive and more understanding. There is always more work to be done, but I am far less attached to dwelling in thoughts or loops like the world is against me or these things are happening to me. There is a much larger sense of personal agency and co creation of my life. This has given me a peace and a serenity, that I choose to live in most days.


Fictional character Jack Marshak said it best. "Pure evil isn't any thing. It's more the absence of something. The absence of good". 🙂


The seven laws of hermeticism will stand the test of time. Its unbelievable that people so long ago realised the profundity of this existence and its intrinsic laws. And you can clearly see that all religions have used the same wisdom and knowledge found in this teaching. In other words, there is something that is the truth in existence that was spread across the globe through culture and language, yet none of the religions captured the totality of it. Its for the individual to realise god, life, truth, love and death, and this is so beautifully expressed by the teaching. Thank you for really encapsulating that. And your quote: they do indeed belong to time immemorial. However, the law of Karma is not fully understood by us westerners and even in many asians countries where it originated. Since "the all" is the substantial reality behind everything, then "the all" must also be who is writing this comment now, yet that is not fully realised by most people. Now with this in mind its easier to understand the law. Karma is what you "the all" must face each moment untill you are free and can wake up to your true nature. Karma is what "the all" has not faced in him/herself. Karma is the accumulation of untruthfulness in the body and mind that you and all your predecessors made, and that you now must become free from. The cause and effect aspect of Karma is only on the surface as it was the actions of our forefathers that brought about the effects we now must undo to be free of. Your Karma is what "the all" in your body must face and we don't all share the same amount of untruthfulness, hence why some have more to face than others. And one last thing, what you said in the end has been said before as the first principle already states that. All the laws come from I, yet I am of no law, for I am of the timeless and formless captured in time and form, for now.


Thank you so much for illustrating one of Sarah’s presentations. She has truly been a shining light on You Tube and is pushing the standards of esoteric teachings higher and higher. We are very blessed to live in these wonderful times when all of this timeliness wisdom is accessible to more and more awakening souls. Blessings ❤


Big fan of Sarah and After Skool! So glad you came together! I hope you do more on each principal as well as all spiritual Alchemy topics! Blessings of love and abundance to both of you and your


That's a keeper. I'm planning on watching this several more times. Thank you.


It is good to see Sarah appealing to an expanded main stream audience! She is so good she's worth listening to thrice to evolve to that new level of understanding!


I play guitar and every time I hear about the law of vibration etc, I think of my guitar. It’s the only cure for depression I’ve ever found. Which I also connect to being in the now though, like what Alan Watts says about dancing. It’s about the now, not the end, and that’s freeing. Playing guitar and singing, for me, stops anxiety attacks in their tracks for me.



“While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in All. To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge.”

-The Kybalion ❤️‍🔥✨
