Solve Google Drive Run Out of Space|No Storage Clear

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A Google Drive account offers maximum of 15 GB free storage space. 15 GB may seem like a considerable amount, but this 15GB also needs to be shared with your Google mailbox and Google Photos. So, you may run out of the free space sooner or later. When you face the full storage space trouble, you can choose to transfer files from one Google Drive account to another.

Generally People transferring files between Google Drive accounts by downloading and uploading files manually, 
It's 100% free and easy!

You can check out this article to learn more - transfer google drive to another account
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0:12 You're out of storage space and Gmail is unable to send or receive emails!!!


why didn't you state the purpose of Aomei being used at 2:30? on top of that you never signed into the google drive account? this video leaves out to much to be consider usable...
