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Thinking of Buying an Electric Vehicle or Hybrid? Be aware that you could be headed for some major expense should a major component fail!

EV batteries in particular are very expensive and repair shops can be limited.

As always let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


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Having spent a lifetime in electical and electronic engieering i am fully aware of what can go wrong
with EV's that use lithium battery packs and all the modules required to make them work.
Recent events have confimed my suspicions that they are not advanced enough to take the risks
involved with running them.
There are no such thing as a zero emmsion vehicle when you take into account the cost to the enviroment
in making and then scrapping them.
Yes an EV may be part of the future but they will remain a risky purchase until better methods on energy
storage is found.
For now i wouldn't have one given.


The sad thing is that the EVangelists refuse to listen to any criticism or facts.
I suppose once you have been conned into buying one of these very expensive EV’s it’s difficult to admit you’ve made a huge mistake.


I had a hybrid bmw ... £9, 000 for a replacement battery when it was worth £12, 000.. financial catastrophe


I bought an EV. First new car I ever bought. I was not willing to pay the ludicrous rip-off prices being asked for the second-hand cars I was interested in. Don’t assume that everyone driving EVs has been fooled into believing they are helping the environment. I have done my own research years ago and have never been taken in by all that bs. I loved my old BMW520D but fell equally in love with the looks and performance of the EV6. As I am retired and rarely do long journeys (and have my wife’s diesel as a back up!) it was an easy decision for me. That, a seven year warranty and the bonus of driving for a cost of around 2.5p a mile, leaves me with very little concern. Who knows, having taken a couple of jabs in order to be allowed to travel in the past (never to be repeated), there is probably a good chance the car will outlast me.
Yes I agree, they are a very long way from being suitable for everyone and our, largely appalling, political class have a lot to answer for.


This is the thing, most people raving about their new electric car most likely have it on a lease, pcp or hp deal which will last for 5 years or so, after which they sell it on. Combustion engine car owners can rave about their cars for many more years


Had a Honda CRV for 14 years, paid £5200, spent £820 on service and repairs in that time, so total cost of about £6k and sold it recently to We Buy Any Car for £1280. So £4740 over 14 years worked out at about £338 a year to own or £28 a month. Cheaper than my phone contract, a great car 4x4 go anywhere and never broke down.
Not sure you would find a lease vehicle at that price point definitely not electric 🤔


I have a 20 year old Vauxhall Combo with 474, 000 miles under its tyres.
I service it myself. The engine and gearbox have never been changed or rebuilt.

I hired an EV van for a month. I gave the thing back after 2 weeks.

Once Id loaded the thing for a days work I was getting 50 miles from a charge.
Public charging around here is scarce, expensive (far more expensive per mile than diesel) and took far too long considering the pitiful range.
I typically cover around 150 miles per day.
So I would have to drive out of the way to charge, queue for a charger, then wait 2 hours for the thing to charge and I'd have to do that at least 2 or 3 times in a day.

I ended up having to cancel appointments (losing me money), Tarnish my reputation because I cancelled.
It simply wasnt remotely fit for purpose.

The just stop oil, electric future scares me. The netzero future will see us regress back to the dark ages. Its also impossible to build an EV without using oil.


I have a mate with one of those bmw evs, 100 grand .
It’s been in the garage for 6 weeks, bmw seems to have no idea how to fix it .
I’m in my fifties, I hope I
Will never have to buy or drive one of these things .🤮


Individual battery cells can be replaced at very low cost. Many electric taxis have clocked 200k miles. Fleet owner with over 1, 000 evs have had one fire - that was a diesel.


We have ten electric charging points at work for staff cars and I often have this debate with their Ev car owners. How is your car going? Is it cheap to own, is it cost effective to run is it fun to drive and how reliable will it be in ten years time, oh and did you purchase it outright or is it leased or pcp . Most say they like them for short commutes to and from work. Long runs can be an issue. It's free to charge at our work so it's working out a lot cheaper but I've still got to pay 780 pounds per month for the car .yes it's on pcp lease deal so it will go back in 3 years .and I will just get another one. Now most 99% of internal combustion engines if regularly serviced will do 200, 000 to 400, 000 miles with only a few issues but they will keep running. I have pointed out to these owners that they are constantly replacing there car with an near identical vehicle just so they don't have to cover the cost of repairs when the battery eventually gives up . Now this brings me on to the second hand market .what dealer in his own right mind is going to want to point a one years warranty on.a 4 /5 year old electric car that no longer has its manufacturer's warranty. Can you imagine being in the market for a second hand porsche taycan with say 80, 000 miles on it, its now worth a fraction of that , brand new that would have been a £120, 000 car .now not only will it cost you a fortune in tyres the range is poo from new and best of luck when the battery fails, it will cost you twice what you paid for the car, oh and your insurance is more .I can't see any reason other than vertu signalling for owning an electric car .


Should've left the ev's at the milk float stage.


Definitely a good idea NOT to own one out of warranty. Great video thanks


This is a massive cliff edge coming because the government have made it law that these will be the only cars available...the average Joe will never own a car soon because we can't afford them. Add in the £20, 000 we need to spend for a heat pump how are the people going to afford this?! The net zero climate scam is going to end us!!!


If you want to fix your EV battery problem yourself try going to your local hardware store and asking for some D size lithium energizer rechargeables. You'll need about 7000 of them.


I’m afraid you need to get your facts straight, we have an id3 with 23, 000 miles and the updated software on the car detected a fault on ONE cell in the battery which was replaced by our local VW under its 8 year battery warranty, there in 3 quite local VW dealers near us but only 1 does the battery, but 1 cell replaced


The high expense to repair has also led to a high cost of insurance for EVs!


There’s a whole lot of scaremongering and untruths going on from a lot of people I wish there was more honesty and people could make informed decisions. Keep up the good work


My battery is less than £100 and I can change it myself !😂


I work with EV’s (not cars) they are expensive, unreliable and dangerous…the shipping costs for the batteries….is unreal….the amount of work to get them to work is huge….and they are forever failing……


How many people with a petrol/diesel car with 172k on the clock go back to a main dealer for a new engine? The car gets scrapped, or you go to an independent repairer. . Moreover, battery failures on EVs are MUCH more rare than engine failures on ICE cars.
This guy is.clueless.
