Power Creep is KILLING Boruto?!

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Edited with Love by: @RiddleMMD (facebook)

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Intro Music:
Yoshi Studio Music - Made In Japan

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#borutotwobluevortex #boruto #naruto
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I learned about power creep from Pokemon. It's usually what makes mons that were the best in the earlier generations low tier currently.


God i know this isnt gonna happen but it would be really really cool if Boruto and the rest of the ninja were just always weaker than the aliens and had to use ninja training and tricks and intelligence to beat them. Showing that being smart and tactical would be alot better than just being able to shoot bombs at them.


Just want to point out that Kinshiki isn't as hopeless as this video makes it seem. Don't forget that Kinshiki was keeping up with Sasuke's lightning cloak and during the chunin exams, Shikamaru actually had to save Sasuke with shadow possession.


When Naruto came back from his timeskip he wasn’t so above everyone else in the verse power scale wise so there was room to grow for him as well as other characters

Boruto is so above everyone else already it feels like he’s reached endgame. Even if there are other challenging opponents for him, he’s so above everyone else that it leaves little room for the supporting cast a chance to shine


I think the part of power creep that people don't discuss enough about is how it pushes a lot of characters to the wayside


I don't think Power Creep on its own is a problem. It's kinda necessary. I think the problem with Boruto is that the Power Creep is not centered around Boruto and instead is done around Naruto. I think the Power Creep should have been reset for Boruto. We can still have threats that require Naruto and Sasuke to be involved, but it shouldn't have been the main focus. Now that Naruto and Sasuke are out of the picture and there are threats on their power level, Boruto is going to have to be at that power level. That fast of progression doesn't feel good.


My problem with Boruto is the fluctuation of power. What I mean by this is that one character would be stronger than another but then suddenly be weaker than that character. A good example is Sasuke. It is established that Rinnegan Sasuke with the help of Naruto couldn't beat jigen in part one. That means that Rinnegan Sasuke shouldn't even stand a chance against limitless code from part one. However, in the time skip two years later no rinnegan Sasuke is able to slash Codes eyes out and even keep up with code. The only reason Sasuke lost that fight is because he was looking after Boruto. Now I don't know how accurate Borutos words ate but still, a no rinnegan Sasuke was able to leave a mark on a limitless code.

There are many examples like this. Naruto vs Delta, the kids vs Boro


How does bro make all these vids?! He’s on a crazy run rn, keep it up!


Naruto Explained has done videos articulating in detail how the current kage from the other villages are undoubtedly stronger than their predecessors


Ishiki/jigen not surfacing until now is pretty simple. Ishiki has been looking for a vessel because jigen was incompatible. Prior to Amado there was no way for him to place a karma (because he was too weak). He needed to find a 10 tails He didn't intervene in the 4GNW because he would risk losing his only body. If he moved in on that battle Kaguya could've bodied him. Fast forward 16 years;he has a perfect vessel nearly fully extracted, and a ten tails to siphon for power, and his next body goes missing, it's the only reason he would risk dying. The real question is where did the 10 tails come from? How did he get it? What are the chances the second ten tails is shibi's?


NCHammer, I think you should probably just have an emil episode and invite them on to chat about all of their theories or something lol.


Want some crazy writing?... The power creep continues.. Boruto keeps getting stronger, Sasuke gets 3 rinne sharingans, Naruto becomes the 10 tails jinchuriki and sage of 6 paths, etc... most of the characters become planetary threats.. at their weakest. Thats when Shibai steps in... only no one can touch him, and they lose. No huge crazy fight, no 12 episode battle.. All this time, work, and build up leads to a single moment where he waves his hand, and like a well placed EMP, knocks everyone back to the stone age. No one remembers how to use jutsu, none of the tech remains.. Now they have to start from scratch and figure out how chakra works just like the days after Hamura and Hagoromo. In about a 10 minute scene, power scaling fixed.


The time slip arc just messes up powerscaling implying Kid Naruto and Jiraiya are that strong is ridiculous


The tell-don’t-show route of Boruto is what kind of ruins Boruto for me and also the “power scalers” ruin the community for me

Edit: It all starts with Amado talking about Code, not Jigen/Isshiki … they showed us HOW and WHY Jigen beat Naruto and Sasuke (Jigen absorbed 10 tails Chakra and has abilities that Naruto and Sasuke can’t deal with) and Isshiki bodies them because he’s not held back by Jigens body. But NOTHING Code has done makes me believe that he could beat Jigen, Naruto, or Sasuke beside Amado just saying it’s true


8:21 “With relative ease”

Makes crushing metoers look like such a breeze


Screenwriter here. I've never worked on animation but obviously I'm a fan of anime, but I do work on tv dramas and the samething happens there- only there isn't really a term for it. You see it most often in long format shows that don't have a central plot so you're tasked with constantly upping the anty in order to engage audiences. Think of shows like Pretty Little Liars and Riverdale or a soap opera where the things that are happening don't really make sense but they do out do what happened in the last mid season finale, so it's exciting right! Right?
It's really all in how you handle the story, because it can work. A great show that does it well is Scandal. The characters, particularly the main character, does become more powerful (politically etc) throughout the series but it feels natural because it resonates with who she is as a person, what she's working towards, and the story surrounding her. The show never had a central plot to set a power ceiling with, like say Avatar did with the Firelord being the established big bad from day 1 so we knew where the "peak" would be, but the writers were in control of the "power creeping" and it wasn't just being driven by the network ordering more seasons or your budget doubling between this season and the last.
With Boruto I would say they did a kinda poor job of handling the power creeping in the beginning but Kishimoto has done a good job of trying to redirect since he's taken over the reigns again. Especially with TBV, we've seen that Kishimoto is setting up ways for multiple characters to keep pace (even tho yes they will be weaker) with Boruto and the power ceiling currently in TBV, which will help things feel more organic. He's also tying their power ups into relevant details of their life that we already know instead of random information we just found out about which helps their power ups feel more intentional. Now the Shinju are kind of a grey area right now, but I think again he's doing a good job of telling their story instead of just showing their power, so it feels less like power creeping and more like the natural progression of a story. Boruto's new rasengan is also a bit of a question mark but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt since we haven't gotten a reference to or explanation about it since it debuted. Same with him knowing flying raijin- if you tell a good story around it, fans will enjoy it.
Really power creeping is inevitable, so it all boils down to how you handle it. In the best cases like in Avatar it's clearly planned for and folds naturally into the story without being a distraction. Worst case you end up with two separate unexplained evil bunker torture chamber model houses built by two different mean girls in a hoodie just because it would shock the audience.


I actually watched the sponsor segment as a glasses person but I am perplexed as to why someone who doesn’t need glasses would voluntarily wear them cause I hate them so much lol love the content and I simp for you my, favorite YouTuber


To summarize... It's like how random villains just come fresh outta Toriyama's ass stronger than the one(s) before. Just 'cause.


I feel like too many anime fans look at strength and fighting prowess as a linear number that just goes straight up and makes you perfect, when it's a wheel of traits that all need to be trained respectively.
Someone who is strong against one type of opponent isn't going to be that same kind of strong against every opponent. Boruto is taking the time to remind everyone that these characters are extremely capable and adaptable and will grow in whatever direction is necessary to overcome a diverse set of obstacles, instead of always just pulling out the next bigger shinier gun.


I think the worst part of power creep isn't inherently that characters get stronger, it's that only about 4 or 5 of them get stronger. There were about a million characters in Naruto that were beloved, and a lot of them got stronger, but none of them have magic eyes so now they don't matter. Tenten has weapons from the actual sage of six paths, does she get to use them? no, those're just shop decorations now. All of the kage are supposed to be stupid strong, and they actually are, I'd comfortably say most of them are near the peak of what a normal ninja is capable of(not you Chojuro), but they're contending with actual demigods and gods. You might as well have never even met most of Boruto's class for all the use they get in the story. Oh yeah, shikishiki is coming to run Konoha's fade, better get Chocho to get fatter at him. It's why I think Kishimoto's biggest problem is how reductive he is when he used to be so good at world building. only 5 people actually matter. the only actually evil people are Danzo and the Otsutsuki. And now all ninjutsu, you know, the stuff every ninja clan has been working on for centuries now to make their own unique and powerful? that's all just a watered down version of something only Otsutsuki can do
