Why Women Use Vulnerability Against Men?

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Thanks For Watching This Episode Of 8 At The Table


Our hosts Rico Hundo talks about how hard it is for man to be vulnerable with women.


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Every situation is different but he made some point


And the opposite is true too, when a man needs connection and his people leave him hanging it hurts


Man who hurt y’all? I don’t have a problem being vulnerable with my girl and vice versa. Of course in the beginning it was hard, but I can say that she has earned that side of me. I’m not going to front and say that I don’t cry, sometimes I do cry in front of her and she never once questioned my masculinity or my manhood. She would talk to me and actually appreciate that I open up to her in that way and help me work through my emotions and holds me when I need to be held
(I’m probably going to be called a simp or beta for this but I don’t care)

I’ve allowed her the freedom and safety to do the same, so we’re both that safe space with each other
A woman is supposed to be a man’s peace, a safe place for him to retreat to when the burdens of the world becomes too much.

So if you feel that you can’t ever be vulnerable to your woman, that you can’t talk to her about your traumas, cry in front of her, have her hold you when you need to be held.

Then she isn’t the one for you, if she can’t make you feel safe to do those things. Not saying every guy is the same, but if a woman can make you feel safe enough to cry around, keep her if every other aspect is good.

A lot of you guys seem bitter and hurt like these women on here ranting and raving. Y’all need to heal, period! Or you’ll never be ready to lead a good woman.

If all you have to say is negative things about women, then you really need to heal. I’m sorry but I can’t relate to you guys at all.

I love women, I love their curves, how soft their skin is, their warm hugs. How gentle, feminine, agreeable, and graceful they are. I’ve had some bad experiences, but that’s never changed on how I see women. I see them as beautiful creatures that want the same thing us men want

Which is to be love, respected, and held onto.


Ricco, A good woman 👠 will give you your space.


No! NEVER EVER show that type emotion around the woman u r in a relationship with. EVER


Women lie, they don't really care about our feelings! Just say to her hey, baby.. You're putting on a little weight?? Yeah...
