Why your A1c is NOT accurate

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Let's talk about why you should stop bragging about your 4.9 A1c.
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February 26th 2024.
A1C is 7.4 also, An my C-peptide test turned out 6.1. this is what my lab tests came up with, and I was just diagnosed as diabetic type 2, and I changed up my diet, because I fell flat on my face on the floor and had a diabetic coma and didn't even know I was diabetic, and went from the emergency Ward up to the second floor and got out like maybe almost a month later, I'm lucky I'm alive.


Sir why my hba1c high
But always come fasting and pp normal


Thanks for the info. I feel a lot less pressure to have a low A1c number. Mine's 7. I have a cgm. It's awesome. Everyone, T1 and T2, should have one. Too bad they are stinkin' expensive. One other reason someone could have trouble with A1c number is you might not be "normal". Normal, meaning someone whose blood cells replace themselves every three months. Yours might take less or more time which would throw off your average.


A1C 12.3 July A1C October type 2 while Severely dehydrated and possible Cytokine storm they had me dropping nearly daily below 70 because they never did a C Peptide and put me on insulin .. my average in range was 99% 1% Low (no longer on insulin they still have me on metformin.... and its starting to cause tanking now too ) but Drops EVERY night I am a night hypo so I have been finally EATING high carbs at night and not caring about the level before bed which has my bg now down around 105-85 in the morning surmising I am at 130 before bed . But wait theres more , My blood sugar being in the 90s causes huge headaches mid day because my CSF production slows which causes low pressure in my head because of my hydrocephalus So I have been trying to work with my endo to figure out if because of my issue I need to see my in range normal as 110 instead of 90 to keep myself functioning without feeling like some one is kicking me in the head daily .


Mine is 5.2 to 5.6 I had a baby 17 months ago and my blood sugar is kinda weird should I worry about hypoglycemia?


In New York City I would need a prescription before buying a CGM. And my doctor will not prescribe one because I was barely.pre-diabetic. A1C is 5.6. It was 6.4 before I went Keto and lost 30 lbs. So how can I obtain a CGM without a prescription?


My a1C is low at 4.7
My fasting blood is always high at above 100.

Two years ago it was 85.

I’m Thirsty and pee a lot. Even though my a1C is low, something is wrong. I hope I can reverse it.

I’m going to ask for a CG meter prescription.
