Breathwork for CREATIVITY | Guided Ambient Beats Meditation

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Through this guided Somatic Breathwork exercise, you may begin tapping into your creativity, which may be clouded by the many other things going on in your life. Conducted by Steven Jaggers, listen and breathe along with the video through a series of deep breathing exercises, breath holds and other soma centric exercises. Designed as a guided meditation, this daily breathwork practice has helped many add clarity to their day in an efficient amount of time.

Many people who've participated in soma centric practices believe breathwork beats most other modalities because of the simplicity of the exercise.

Prior to starting your breathwork exercise, Steven invites you to think of what you wish to create and gift to the world once the meditation concludes. Often we focus heavily on releasing during a breathwork session, but Jaggers and other Somatic Breathwork practitioners emphasize participants to focus on bringing themselves back to the body post session.

This can be simply bringing clarity into your life, calm, or anything else you believe to be missing in your day to day. Because most who experience soma centric modalities believe breathwork beats just about any other practice, the idea of utilizing our nervous system to energize our creativity has become very popular among participants.

When experiencing guided breathwork meditation for the first time, most patients find the ambient practice to be helpful in terms of clearing out any barriers that have come along the way. Somatic release breathwork therapies allows patients to access the creator within their body to begin the optimizing how they engage the world around them, which many experiencing somatic release for the first time find to be ideal therapy when compared to other holistic health practices.

The pure awareness that breathwork therapies promote within the body allows for many individuals plagued by anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or any other interpersonal issues that create emotional barriers to begin processing these energies to move forward in a more positive way. Because somatic release promotes a high level of self inquiry, the breathwork exercises begin to help individuals move forward with their lives and energies.

Found to be an ideal component for maintaining holistic fitness, actions taken during somatic breathwork therapies help the patient with developing coherent breathing, which teaches individuals to breath more consciously to process any negativities that may have physical manifestations in their daily lives. Unprocessed trauma or stress typically produces trauma responses like anxiety, anger or depression, which sometimes can be completely eradicated through powerful breathing, which many students experiencing somatic breathwork can attest to.

Breathing therapies like breathwork allow individuals to regain control over emotional reactions, increase their self awareness, become more present in the moment with others and ultimately become more aligned spiritually. By optimizing their life through breathwork, many individuals will be able to develop more coherent responses when encountering stressful, unpleasant situations that may have previously triggered a negative trauma response.

Typically conducted by a holistic health practitioner, somatic release breathwork has become a key component for self inquiry trauma therapies designed to mitigate the negative affects of past situations that most humans have encountered. Such breathwork therapies have amassed a reputation for creating conscious connections to our true self, creating an overwhelmingly high sense of self empowerment for students able to achieve such clarity.

Because breathwork leverages coherent breathing patterns, somatic release utilizes simple breathing to promote the balancing of complex mechanisms within our respiratory and nervous systems, where true self healing often begins. The primary therapeutic properties in breathwork continue to help individuals process their traumas, reduce negative byproducts of the modern human experience, and provide an overall transformational experience for many who are able to achieve regular somatic release through breathing.

For many practitioners, the lasting benefits of experiencing somatic release provide mental clarity, removal of trauma that previously manifested as physical pain, while connecting the mind, body and soul in alignment with each other.

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