What Is Spiritual Abuse? | Episode 97

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Is spiritual abuse real? If so, what are the warning signs that it is occurring? How can churches and ministry leaders prevent spiritual abuse from happening in the first place?

Dr. David K. Bernard responds to these timely questions by offering a biblical definition of the term "spiritual abuse" and explaining why accountability is the antidote.

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The worst on this situation is that the minister who is doing spiritual abuse do not accept that they are doing it so because they believe that what they are doing is always right in the sense that they are a pastor or the right minister to do so! Thanks for crucial topic sir!


Listen to this man of God, folks! It doesn't get any better than this!


1) Pastors imposing personal standards as salvation-level doctrine (no beards, no wedding rings, can't follow sports, women can't wear red clothing, etc.).
2) Nepotism when it comes to positions in the church, visiting preachers, etc. It's RAMPANT. How many churches have pastoral in-laws hired to teach and preach? Also allowing family members more lee-way when THEY do something wrong, if anything is done at all.
3) Preaching against technologies, especially those that they don't understand (I heard a preacher once decry computers because the CPUs had crystals (which are used to regulate processing speed) in them. He LITERALLY said those crystals were all prayed over by New Age Witches. When I explained that those same crystals are used to regulate radio frequencies, he said that those weren't prayed over.
4) Unnecessary private intervention (My pastor told me to break up with my girlfriend so his son could date and then later marry her).


Great topic Bishop!!! You addressed it in the podcast but a lot of times someone gets "abused" by someone in the church, whether that be from a saint or someone in a leadership role, and instead of taking it to Jesus and letting Him handle it, they become bitter, leave and a lot of times they end up lambasting the church.


Bro David Bernard is a man who exhibits the Fruit of the Spirit in his teaching and I thank God for him. This was such a great lesson - Thank you!


Very good. Thank you for this clear articulate distinction between godly authority and spiritual abuse🕊️ God continue to bless you 🙏🏼


was spiritually abused for 15 years. It’s so freeing getting out from it, however, not many are aware it even exists. See Cara’s inner healing horror for my testimony.


I appreciate you guys answering this after I commented it. Seems like you guys really do read the comments. Definitely worth the SUB!


Alot of times the pastor of a church doesn't see the abuse that the congregation sees and feels. And the denomination, instead of dealing with the issues, sweeps it under the rug or takes forever to deal with it or ignore it all together and sides with pastor. Nothing to see here. 🤫


My pastor had entered a bussiness, and he requires every member to support him. He even use cuss words to those who do not give their 100% support and told them to go out of the church. He repeatedly preaching all that he had done for the church. Am I in a spiritually abusive church?


Help me pray for God to use me in the ministry to reach out people for deliverance


Galatians 5:16, 17
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”
“For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.”


What are some effective ways for a pastor, who leads a church with over 500 people, to provide pastoral care and support beyond preaching, teaching, and conducting Bible studies within the church community?


Is Matthew 18:15-18 applicable in situations where abuse has occurred? I reported concerns of verbal abuse and intimidation by my pastor (who is also my boss) to my church's leadership team. The response I got was that I needed to confront him per this passage. Even with the help of a mediator, this doesn't seem right. I want to follow scripture, but I am concerned about being taken advantage of again and that he will be able to say all of the right things to avoid accountability. I think leadership could support me by at least starting an interview process with specific people who have observed or experienced questionable behavior.


I have never seen a pastor as an abuser but have seen the wife as one!


There has been a term I've heard from many preachers where they say that we should have someone in our life that has absolute "veto power" in our life, even if they tell us something with no explanation and that we should submit to their voice.

Let me preface with this, I am all for submission and believe I practice it to the best I know how. My question has been prompted because I've reflected on this statement and it's never settled well with my spirit.

What are your thoughts and advice on this... many preachers across the fellowship have preached and do consistently preach that we need a man of God in our life that has "veto power" over our lives.


Being left without Jesus or being able to defend yourself. Made and created but left without protection and handed over to toxic people whilst being commanded to achieve the 10 commandments.

Whilst others are loved and protected but don't even keep the 10 commandments themselves?

Jesus is Alive!!!


What do we call it when people in leadership hold personal convictions equal to biblical mandates?


Thank You!....Sometimes bad stuff then God makes it For those in authority that cause it, and those who have been victims, I offer these words from Jesus himself. It's one of the few 'parable type' scriptures that seems to way over-exaggerate the point. But if you've ever been the victim (mild or severe) you can be certain that Jesus really means Luke 17: Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! (2) It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

May the spirit of the One God (revealed, expressed, and manifest in Jesus the Christ) lead us into perfect unity!


Wow, Thank you much.

Bro David K Bernard, one local church need a 1 pastor or varios?
