Food Theory: You Should Eat CANDY Before a Workout?! (TikTok)

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Are you ready to get JACKED, Loyal Theorist? Well, before you reach for a bottle of pre workout, you may want to consider something else instead: CANDY! Yes, the sugar in sour candy, such as Sour Patch Kids and Warheads, could actually give you massive gains… at least, according to TikTok. Is this legit or total BUNK? Let’s find out…
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Writers: Matthew Patrick and Santi Massa
Editors: Alex "Sedge" Sedgwick, Jerika (NekoOnigiri), and Dom Sealion
Sound Designer: Yosi Berman
Thumbnail Artist: DasGnomo
#TikTok #SourCandy #SourPatchKids #SourCandyChallenge #Candy #Preworkout #Workout #Gym #GymWorkout #TikTokChallenge #ViralTikTok #Theory #FoodTheory #Matpat
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Silly Matpat, it's not the psychological affect that you get from the sour candy, It's the calories your burning whenever you sand your tongue off with sour patch kids!!


I’d like to see them study the impact on muscle hypertrophy with weight training rather than only calories burned with cardio.


I'm also curious if your choice of warheads (a hard candy) over sour patch kids (or other _gummy_ candy) had any kind of impact


I used to have a strong sour tolerance when I was younger from the sheer amount of Warhead candies I would eat. My sour tolerance was so strong that LemonHead cany tasted sweet to me. I sadly don't have this tolerance anymore. (Though I still like sour candy)


This was a meme within the gym community for a long time dating even before TikTok since powerlifters were the usual people to snack on Sour candy in between their sets in the gym.


I feel like the only reason MatPat has a family is so he can use them as unpaid test subjects for his theories


As a "gymbro", the results are what I expected.
There is one error made on the video though, PWO does not contain glucose like sourcandy. There might be a difference here depending on brand and country but looking at most PWOs they don't even need to print thier calories on the container. And those that do print that are about 50 or so cals per serving and that's mostly protein.

There is something to be said about adding sugar to you waterbottle during workouts however.


Have you considered using 1-2 warheads at a time throughout the workout to level out the intake? a big spike at the beginning means big crash, but I think spreading it out may mean less crash and more consistency


I'm excited to say that I think I actually legitimately can answer Matt's question on this. The fact that is actually sour candy is arbitrary most of the time it's just whatever the lifter likes best. It originated from powerlifting culture, in fact there's even a fitness life style YouTuber called Max chewning who came up with the line of sour candies because powerlifters tend to use sour candies to supplement their workouts. The reason is powerlifter than particular it because their workouts can be upwards of two to three hours and they're mainly very high intensity outputs of a few reps. The candies are away to keep allowing us to do that high output. It's strictly in order to make sure our muscles can still lift a lot of weight it's not necessarily good for anyone who's looking to have a good workout or trying to lose that in fact it might be doing the opposite is purely to hit our strength numbers for competition. I will admit most of the people I know do tend to go with sour candy❤.


I saw a claim on Pinterest that said (paraphrased) "Potatoes fried in butter contains all varied nutrients needed for life. Unless you have an outstanding medical condition, you could survive eating only potatoes fried in butter until you die." Can you do a theory on this?


You and Steph should have randomized which day you took each supplement in your experiment. Having candy on your third day of exercise for both of you can bias the data. In the previous 2 days, you each could have gotten stronger/better/more used to your workouts. With such a small data set and observational data, this bias is important. Otherwise, good video!


The warheads reminded me of back then that whenever I made an intense face after eating Warhead Extremes, my mom would say "Why do you keep eating them if you don't like them?".
Mom, I do like them! I love them! Just because I love them doesn't mean I can keep a straight face while eating them, they are insanely sour!


I could see an additional reason for going with sour candy in particular, though it is specifically for early morning workouts. The punch that comes from whatever gives it the sour flavor (I believe I have heard that it is malic acid for warheads at least?) can potentially wake you up more in the morning, adding a bit more immediate alertness and potential energy on top of what the sugar is already doing (both in sour and regular candy)


This was definitely fun, and that workout wall can be real! I just feel the need to point out....breaking even calorically doesn't mean you've done nothing. Exercise helps strengthen your muscles, including your heart, and lungs, and helps regulate different hormones that affect mood and sleep and all kinds of things. We all do ourselves a big disservice when we think the only reason to work out is to burn calories and lose weight. If going to the gym is something that makes you miserable and you have to bribe yourself with candy, maybe try something else! Take a yoga class, take a walk, go for a swim, learn to dance, and remember that movement is healthy whether or not you have a fitness tracker telling you so <3


That explains why I love having trolli worms before a workout 😂😂 I never paid attention to if it helps nutritionally but the good taste does give me quick excitement lol.


I love that Stephanie just crunched on the warheads like a menace.. I'd definitely go with like sour patch kids for this much less painful


I used to work in a gym, and one of my really fit coworkers started eating Sour Patch Kids before working out. We ALL thought he was being ridiculous until he started getting more bulked over the course of a couple months. Some merit to it, I guess!


Please do an episode on how sustainable a ramen noodle diet is for college students.


The fact this man can make 4 videos a week across his 4 channels in a week and still sound high energy


I a lot of gym goers (including me) don’t workout to counteract bad foods, but just because it is fun to push your body to its limits and to feel confident in your own skin.
