3 things to avoid when you have glaucoma | OCL Vision

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Our OCL Vision Consultant Surgeon and glaucoma specialist Ms Sally Ameen shares the answers.
More videos answering common glaucoma FAQs:
What causes glaucoma?
How do I prevent glaucoma?
How to treat glaucoma?
What is glaucoma?
What is the first sign of glaucoma?
The treatment of glaucoma is tailormade and personal to each patient. It is best to have a very informed discussion with your ophthalmologist and together decide on the best treatment option for you.
For some patients, drops or laser are not an option because of drop intolerance or in-effectivity; that is when surgery is considered. There are a number of surgical procedures to control glaucoma and each one has its pros and cons and different surgical options would be suited to different patients.
#Glaucoma #Glaucomatreatment #EyeSurgery #Glaucomadrops #Eyepressure #glaucomasurgery
More videos answering common glaucoma FAQs:
What causes glaucoma?
How do I prevent glaucoma?
How to treat glaucoma?
What is glaucoma?
What is the first sign of glaucoma?
The treatment of glaucoma is tailormade and personal to each patient. It is best to have a very informed discussion with your ophthalmologist and together decide on the best treatment option for you.
For some patients, drops or laser are not an option because of drop intolerance or in-effectivity; that is when surgery is considered. There are a number of surgical procedures to control glaucoma and each one has its pros and cons and different surgical options would be suited to different patients.
#Glaucoma #Glaucomatreatment #EyeSurgery #Glaucomadrops #Eyepressure #glaucomasurgery
3 things to avoid when you have glaucoma | OCL Vision
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