the universe is working for you.

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welcome to kestiny’s channel !

this is a subliminal ❧
subliminal are videos with quiet affirmations in the background that only your subconscious mind can hear. these subconscious absorptions will then manifest the affirmations into your reality.
{ i advise you to do further research if you’re interested !! }

affirmations pinned ❦

᯽ STAY HYDRATED —drinking water while listening to subliminal is the key to result enhancements and faster changes !

᯽ works W/WO headphones—your subconscious is incredibly powerful.

᯽ i recommend listening while falling asleep or during sleep—this is because our subconscious mind performs at its highest functions whilst our conscious mind is in a drowsy state or asleep.

᯽ if you’re interested in stronger and longer subliminals, check out my second account:

(super convenient to listen to in the background if you are multitasking!enhances results too due to how the affirmations are reinforced for a prolonged period)

enjoy beautiful !! ❦
Рекомендации по теме

affirmations 🤍
subliminals always work for me
i fully believe in the law of attraction
the universe is always working for me
everything is working in my favour
subliminals are always effective for me
i always get permanent and instant results from subliminals
i am attracting abundance every second
the universe is working for my to achieve all my goals
the universe is always bringing me everything i desire
i only desire things that will make my life even better
i am always attracting incredible opportunities
everything in my life is helping me become the best version of myself with the most incredible life anyone would dream of
i am constantly becoming more and more beautiful
my beauty is incredible and breathtaking
i am constantly becoming more intelligent and knowledgeable
i love and myself more and more everyday
i am the luckiest person alive
i am a magnet for wealth, abundance and positivity
i am living my dream life
i have all my desires
every situation i am in will result in the most incredible and best outcome for me
i always experience the most positive outcomes possible for me
the universe is always bringing me the best possible experiences
i attract money effortlessly and it can only grow
i am always financially stable
i never worry about things out of my control
there is always a divine luck and positivity that surrounds me
every single aspect of my life has a completely positive outcome to follow
i will achieve all of my dreams and more
all of my dreams will always come true
i am exactly the person i want to be
events always play out in the most positive and desired ways for me
i am so blessed
i am so favorited by the universe
i am so prosperous
i always get everything i desire unless it isn’t good for me in the long run
i only attract the people who will improve my life and happiness
i only attract good things
i am so lucky
i am the luckiest person in any room
i am always attracting abundant things
i am so abundant
every aspect of my life is always improving no matter what
anyone i desire automatically wants me back
i am the most magnetic and attractive in any room
i am blessed by the universe
i will achieve all my goals and aspirations in life and more
i am blessed with infinite health and so are my love ones
i am so grateful and fill so thankful for my incredible and fulfilling life
i am a naturally lucky and prosperous person
i bring positivity and good energy to everyone around me
i only attract good, genuine and loving people


↪⭐ Use this as " THE UNIVERSE ALWAYS WORKING FOR ME" button⚪!!💗


remember, we already have our results 🙏


Just wanted to say: please don't tell anyone about our subliminal community because the more people who know the more toxic it becomes.. like when it trends on tiktok. So please keep us a secret, this community is like a family to me...kind and loving, and accepting to everyone. That's all, have a nice day (I love you)


I only listened ONCE and my period pain vanished😭😭😭😭
Edit: if I HAD the same amount of followers on Pinterest as likes on here-oh my God🤣🤭


I swear I attracted a better job listening to this😭😭🙏


Omg this def works!!!! I listened to this yesterday and today my dad received 34 lakhs. Tysm!!


As I tapped on this subliminal I randomly looked at the clock and it was 14;44 !! 444 is my luckiest angel number! Thank you, may everyone here have the same blessings as I do!


I'm telling you guys this subliminal works!!!
Like I was preparing for exams and I was able to cover only few portions from the syllabus. Then I heard this sub for half hour and went to exam. Question paper had only the portions I had prepared for the exam. Belive guys. The universe definitely works our way✨💕
Edit: the results are out and I got 80/100


Omg guys I don't ever comment on subliminal videos but GODAMN THIS WORKS!!! I won't say much but just trust me it works


if there is one thing i have learnt its never doubt the fucking universe, be patient, your affirmations manifested into true reality will come at the right time and im speaking from experience 😘


I wake up with good news. Everything goes the way I want. The universe is working for me.


The universe is working in my favor and for me. Everything I want and need will easily come to me. Every-time I manifest and pray the more the universe will work in my favor.


y'alL I HAVE NEVER GOTTEN RESULTS SO FAST + THIS IS THE BEST FUCKING SUBLIMINALS EVER, So yk i dropped my iphone 7 and it was not working fine okay and i was sad bcz i wouldnt be able to get a new phone for like a year now so i was getting anxious since my birthday was also coming but then i stopped and was like this has happened to me before and my iphone literally got fixed on its own and i m not joking so this time also i decided to put my trust in universe and started affirming "everything works out for me" "i am universe's sugar baby" and i wrote like 3 pages of affirmations (random) while listening to this AND GODDAMN when i used my phone it worked perfectly fine and i am so grateful THIS WORKS


This subliminal is so AWSOME. I listened to this and prayed and I had the best day I’ve had in while. My parents are getting me a car, I got the top score on my chemistry test, I hung out with my friends, and had a great time at church. ❤❤ God and the universe have you back your just need to believe in yourself like they do.


Guys please manifest for me that I get adopted by my desired person I have 10 days only and I'm in a toxic family 😭💔💔


I wake up with a good news. Life is beautiful again. I feel excited and doing my passion. I feel inspired. I am healing. I am doing my best in everything. I am great in my academics. Everything is going my way.




am i the only one who misses when the subliminal community actually used to feel like a community, there's been a lot of new sub users in the past 2 years and it doesn't feel like a community anymore
edit: okay so i see how this can be misinterpreted as me disliking new sub members, i do not, I'm simply stating how the subliminal community felt more united, like one big family, always supporting and interacting with one another, i took a long break from subliminals in early 2021 and i recently came back, no one seems to be as "connected" with each other and also the amount of blatant misinfo is annoying


i listened to this in the morning and then got a lead role in the musical, got to the next round for school captin and got a really high grade in my maths test all in the same day
