ASPERGERS TEST: How To Test For Aspergers (FAST)

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This is the best Aspergers test to take and fastest way to test for Aspergers Syndrome. Using this method you’ll be able to test for aspirers and autism quickly.

Helping people understand Autism from a person with Autism’s perspective. In this video I (Daniel Jones from The Aspie World) discuss the Aspergers Test and how to test for Aspergers.

Lots of people may wonder if they have Asperger’s Syndrome or if they are on the Autism Spectrum, in this video I talk about the best way to test for Aspergers syndrome and what to do after you get the diagnosis.

I have searched online for lots of different Aspergers syndrome test and found one that is very accurate and is the best for a DIY or home test for autism.

Doing an Aspergers Test isn’t a scary thing of something that you should shy away from, it is the first step in undertaking if you have aspergers syndrome and what you should do once you have an idea of the condition you may have.

So if you think you may have Asperger’s Syndrome then try the Asperger test recommended in this video.

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These quizzes stress me out because I’m scared I’m lying to myself or don’t know myself😂😅


My neighbour has Aspergers and when I was younger I thought they were saying asparagus


I scored 47 and I'm undiagnosed, female and 50 years old. I had no idea i might have it even though my husband has always jested about it. But reading up about it I was absolutely in tears as I finally had the realisation that I do indeed have aspergers. I realised my life has been so difficult because of not knowing something that could have helped those around me understand me and maybe not be so horrified at times!


The problem with this test and others, for me, is that that are too umbiguos. The questions are not specific enough, so I find dificult answering It. And they are not including traits of Asperger in girls. =(


Autism and I still managed to join the army, i have a fiancé and a little girl too. I'm just saying this so people know that it's not a bad thing and don't let it stop you from reaching your full potential. God bless everyone 😘


Awswered as honestly as possible and scored 40. I lived with this crap my whole life on my own and it's been rugged. The fact that I'm still here and have survived what the past 40 years has brought me, is a testament to the human spirit and its ability to endure anything!


I take this test about once every year or so. I scored a 35. I self diagnosed about 5 years ago and it explained so much! I’m 42 years old now and I’m so good at masking that most people never know except those close to me. Thanks for your videos. They help!


I scored 36, I am undiagnosed but feel like the more research I do the more I understand my son and myself. Great content by the way :) it has been very eye opening and helpful.


The only problem I have with the AQ is that it doesn’t take in to account how women are socialized and misses others who don’t fall into stereotypes. Women tend to mask more, have intense interests that are more socially acceptable or social in general, and the questions are very stereotypical for ASD yet miss major things like intense eye contact/aversion to eye contact. A woman or any person on the spectrum may not be fascinated by dates, but knows every fact about their personal interests. I work with someone on the spectrum whose current high interest is dogs. Anyways, it’s a screener and not perfect, but I just wish they could come out with something better that encompasses more besides male-presenting spectrum.


I scored 29, so have some traits. I can easily understand people’s motivates and facial expressions, but I think where I score highly is being very passionate about interests, noticing sounds and things that others don’t. I’ve got a very analytical mind and I’m always thinking and imagining.


About 6 or so months ago I came across this video and took the AQ test in the link for a score of 31. Then took two other random test and got another mid range and a probable score. Since I'm already seeing a counselor for depression and anxiety, I've given my counselor the test result and they passed them onto their supervisor who said, I most likely have mild autism based on those results. Now, they're going to work on moving forward with a diagnosis and reference me to someone. So with that being said, I just wanted to give you a big thanks for your work and your YouTube channel!


I scored 43 out of 50 on the test. I've identified with the autism spectrum since the first time I heard of it when I was 11(I'm 26 now) and I'm finally going to get an evaluation and diagnosis this summer. I had a hard time finding professionals who see themselves as qualified to diagnose autism in adults, but recently I've found a university psych department that hopefully can help me.


I feel like the questions were more geared toward male symptoms. I scored a 30, but I have been diagnosed with ASD. I think my symptoms are more centered around anxiety, specifically social anxiety. The quiz didn’t address that much. The questions described my brother very accurately, he is on the spectrum as well. I think there should be separate quizzes for males and females.


I scored 33, I'm undiagnosed but after researching ASD, I just realized that it's the answer to everything that went wrong in my life. I feel like I've just learned that I'm someone else than I thought I was my entire life. I'm starting to be really confused about who I truly am behind all the masks. Thank you for your videos and for helping people realize more about themselves!


im 19 and undiagnosed and i got 43 out of 50, i always thought i had some condition but just lately I've been questioning if i really am on the autism spectrum or not and these tests have been motivating me to go see a doctor, im actually kinda excited


It's so frustrating that doctors and psychologists know so little about Asperger's. I found out I'm an aspie only now (28 years). I still can not find one to formal diagnosis. If doctors don't take this seriously, how the hell other people will?


I got 46. I'm going to talk to my parents about getting officially tested.


My son got 44 out of 50, and my youngest daughter got 46. I think we can safely say I'm the proud mum of my Aspie kids, and my Autistic daughter. Love them so much life would not be this awesome without them 😊


Hi Dan! I scored a 47. I just recently got diagnosed 6 months ago. I'm 23 years old. It has been the best thing ever for me and my family. Everything makes more sense for me now. I see it more as a gift instead of a disability. It allows me to be better at what I do and give me an advantage over most. I'm a professional surfer, I travel the world and compete. Traveling can be quite overwhelming at times. I've worked with my doctor on learning how to deal with it. I've had a hard time growing up, wondering why is it hard for me to fit in and make friends. I got bullied a bunch because I was different and did things differently. I would always get so frustrated because no one could understand what I was thinking and going through and I got in trouble at school. At the end of the day those experiences made me stronger. I glad and blessed I have Aspergers because I wouldn't be the person I'am without it. For anyone out there that see's someone different from them, please be nice to them. You don't know what they've been through or what they are dealing with. Thank you for your videos Dan. You've helped me out a lot and helped me understand more. Keep up the good work. Proud to be an Aspie!


I scored "no aspergers" on the test. I was diagnosed when I was 9...
