What to expect during an autism assessment

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If you're a young person or the parent of a young person, watch our short film to find out what happens during an autism assessment.
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Just passed the autism test without studying for it


When your parents literally ignore every sign you've ever put out and you're the only one who actually notices them:


Just ny hearing the "You will be asked questions about school, friendships, and feelings" my eyes started to well-up and I wanted to start to cry because of how overwhelming it sounds


All I remember about my evaluation was that the guy had a yellow yoga ball and looked like Santa Claus


This makes me sad because as an adult, I should have been tested like this as a child. I was only referred to a psychologist to talk about how i felt and my struggles at home and school. The word ‘autism’ was never mentioned. I feel like I was let down. I will eventually go to my GP and ask for a diagnosis. I just want closure. I’m now waiting for my daughter to get a diagnosis.


I remember doing this kind of thing in second grade. I thought of it as “the fun wooden room with the nice lady and the toys” because nobody told me I was autistic for another two years despite being diagnosed


Seems the UK has a much better understanding of Neurodiversity and are much more supportive of it than what I see here in the US.


As usual, it's pretty upsetting to see mental health focusing on children and "young people". There are a huge amount of people who slipped under the radar of mental health help before it was available to young people. Many were told they could go on a children’s waiting list, but by the time they could see someone they would not be children, but could not go on the adult’s waiting list because they aren’t adults yet. There are the people who need representation. There are the people who have turned to drugs and those who need so much help <3


What if the parent/parents are either dismissive, mentally ill, or just refuse to even consider the possibility that their son or daughter may be on the AS? Not every parent is going to be receptive, some people live in complete denial about things they don't like or that doesn't fit their world view.


I'm getting tested soon, I'm really nervous as I don't like to talk to people about how I feel as it makes me uncomfortable 😞


My daughter went for an assessment recently, but all of the activities they wanted her to play with were sensory seeking, and she is sensory avoidant. She was also far too aware that she was being watched, and she behaved differently because it was a stranger asking her to do things.. They didn't seem to take any of this into account, despite seeing how hyper the sensory toys made her, and said they didn't have enough evidence to diagnose her yet. Now we have to wait another couple of months at least for them to do another assessment at her school without her being made aware of their presence. We've already been waiting 4 years for this appointment! Feels like it's never ending and I'll be gutted if they say they can't diagnose her when they've already said girls are much better at masking.


I’m going to get tested soon. I’m very nervous, but I’m super glad my Parents are willing to help me.


I wish my mum was caring enough to take me to one as I think I have it 🥺


I had an autism appointment but my mom didn't tell me what it was


I got a 100% on the autism test without studying 😂😂😂.

: seriously though, i (15) got diagnosed with autism yesterday and i couldn't be more grateful qnd pleased with my diagnosis


My parents are kinda ableist so I worry that they'll purposefully make it seem like I'm making things up.

Edit: My therapist is helping me get a diagnosis so hopefully that'll help!

Edit 2: I had the final bit of the first part today, also I'm getting assessed for ADHD at the same time. Anyway, I've been officially moved to the second (and final) stage of the assessment which should be in a few months.

Edit 3: The first part of the final stage is in 4 days and the final part ever is on the 29th september! I'm so excited and so nervous.

Edit 4: I had the 3rd part out of 4 today (first part of final stage) but I only talked to the psychiatrist for 10-15mins. He told me a story and asked if I could guess what they thought.

Edit 5: I had the final part like 2 weeks ago-ish. It was over an hour and the psychologist asked me lots of questions and got me to different activities. I still have to wait for my feedback meeting to find out if I'm actually getting diagnosed with anything. That's on the 18th October.

Edit 6: I've just been told that I get the initial result tomorrow, and then the details in the feedback meeting. I'm so nervous.

Edit 7: I haven't had the feedback meeting yet but... I'M OFFICIALLY DIAGNOSED AS AUTISTIC

Edit 8: I've had the feedback meeting and they said that they'd reccommend me going to an OT and an educational psychologist. They said we'd have to go down a different route for an ADHD diagnosis though, because my school results were good, which is kinda ableist. The most important part of it though, is that I'm now officially diagnosed and my school is aware.

Edit 9: I’ve now been officially diagnosed with ADHD aswell as of like 2 weeks ago and I start treatment soon. I’m finding it kinda hard to accept but I’m getting there. My parents are less ableist now because they’ve learnt lots during this, plus my dad got diagnosed with ADHD.

Good luck to everyone else trying to get a diagnosis!


I brought my 5 year old to evaluation yesterday. The psychiatrist was a 60 year woman that soon started yelling orders at my boy and blaming his challenges on us parents not being strict enough with him. 3 hours of hell. Yes my child is good at masking (able of doing eye contact and back-and-forth discussion) but there's also a whole page of neurodiverse behaviors he has (including sensory-processing issues of all sorts, spinning around us for minutes us, which is akin to stemming, pathological demand avoidance, high rigidity, intense difficulties with transitons, and the list goes on). She said because he has good eye contact and back-and-forth she cannot make a diagnosis of autism and that it's up to us to be extremely firm in dealing with him (including yelling at him as she did many times I guess). I feel really defeated.


OMG mine had the exact picture book, objects to make up a story with (the glasses and car and hairband and paper umbrella)
I just thought they were random objects in my assessment but no!


Im more scared i wont be able to talk at all because of what me and my camhs worker believe to be selective mutism


first of all, expect to listen this loud annoying music in this video.
