How To Decide Where to Go to College (#1 Question You Need to Ask Yourself!!)

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This is my biggest piece of advice for anyone in the college decision/application process! My life would look very very different if I hadn't been brave enough to ask myself and honestly answer this question 4 and 1/2 years ago.

GOOD LUCK IN THIS SEASON!! Before you know it, you'll be graduated from high school AND college feeling like an old lady (aka how I'm feeling right now)

"May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." -Numbers 6:24-26
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YES! No one from my hs went to the school where I did and it was the best thing. I'm so glad I didn't go to school and stick with the same group and not branch out. it changed my life!


thank you for this!! I'm currently a senior in high school and I was just accepted to Belmont! I've been worrying about it for months because it is 5.5 hours from my small hometown and I'm terrified to branch out and this video really gave me something to think about!


Recently I have been stressing about where I should go to college. Thank you for filming this video- it really helped me!❤️ for video ideas, I would love to see a video about how to choose a major/ career path and a video about important things you need to know before going to college and a video about common misconceptions about college! I’m very happy that you are making videos again :) 💕


This is such great advice! I can relate to this with my decision of choosing a college, but I can also apply this advice to other areas of my life. I find myself taking the easy path or the less intimidating path, but I need to start asking myself these questions. Thank you for this Meredith!! I wish I had a would have had a friend like you 4 and 1/2 years ago to ask me these honest questions. <3


Loved this!! I’m in this process right now!! Belmont is on my list!! Can’t wait for more college videos!!!! I’ll take allll the advice I can get!!


Yes. Yes. Yes. I’m from California and I’m about to be a senior at Baylor all the way out in Texas. I knew absolutely nobody going to college and have met SO many amazing friends I wouldn’t have otherwise. While there wasn’t one college most people went to from my HS, I was one of maybe 5 kids in my graduating class of ~750 to go out of state. Going to Baylor was the best decision for me and I wouldn’t have had that opportunity had I confined myself to just the California state schools that most people from my HS went to. To those looking at colleges - branch out and look at schools out of the “ordinary” for your HS. Even if you don’t end up attending, you won’t regret giving them a chance!


I’m going to Belmont I’ll be a freshman in the fall and I’m from Oregon I’m the only one going to Tennessee from my school and I couldn’t be more excited


I love you Merdith! I remember when you used to babysit me when you were in high school!❤️


War Eagle!! I’m a sophomore at Auburn :)


Here's a question - How do you pick who to apply to/who to pick when you can't visit them? I'm from New Zealand and looking into US schools for the class of 2024. I won't be visiting before I apply if at all and I love 99% of the schools I'm looking at. Minus logistics obviously how do you pick? Right now my list is at 25 (27 if we include the two reaches but I'm unlikely to actually go through with that) and at most I'm applying to 10. I'm so lost!


I don’t wanna make friends. I’m trying to become a veterinarian and that’s all I care about.
