6 Warning Signs of A Manipulative Person

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When we think of a manipulative person, we think of a narcissist. But toxic people come in many forms from a dark empath to your own parents. Are you wondering what the signs of manipulation are? Common signs of manipulation include gaslighting, emotional blackmailing, guilt tripping, etc. The list goes on. If you're unsure whether you're dealing with a manipulative personality, this video can help.

Disclaimer: Sometimes, we are unintentionally manipulative. If you find yourself being a manipulative person and want to change, self-awareness is the first step.

Writer: Lyn
Script Editor: Morgan Franz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
VO: Amanda Silvera
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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Also, if you're planning to study psychology, here are 5 things to know:

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~Timestamps for anyone who needs them~

1. They don't acknowledge your thoughts & opinions 0:40
2. They're good at guilt-tripping you 1:14
3. They don't take responsibility for their own behaviour 1:45
4. The turn friends to enemies 2:11
5. They play the victim 2:39
6. They routinely provoke arguments and disagreements between the two of you 2:59

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that while I am not struggling with mental illnesses, this channel has helped me a lot, even just by watching all the videos they publish. Even if some of them don't describe me personally, there are lots of things to take away and learn from. This channel creates a space where people don't have to be afraid to talk about their lives and what they are struggling with.

Psych2Go probably won't see this, but they have helped so many people and inspired hope in so many more. this is getting cheesy lol but we all appreciate their hard work and dedication 💙

I'm not a member (because I can't right now), but I would if I could to support this amazing channel.
Have an amazing day!


“Actions speak louder than words” That has always helped me identify manipulative people


Half of the people lie with their lips; the other half with their tears


If you’re reading this, just know I’m rooting for you. You got this!


The scary thing about manipulation is that when one realizes their good at it. It becomes difficult not to do.


They use guilt trips or ultimatums. During a disagreement or fight, a manipulative person will make dramatic statements


I got rid of my toxic best friend three days ago. Later, I started second guessing if I did the right thing. By watching your video, I realized that letting go of that person was the best thing to do. Love your content❤️.


Don’t forget coworkers too. They can be all that too. Narcissism is rampant everywhere 😫😖


My roommate. I thought he is my best friend but when we moved in together, he started to be extremely manipulative. He tried to make me believe that I haven't locked the door, turn off water in bathroom...Then he lied to my boyfriend and brother about how I lose everything he borrow to me (I've found all of the things in HIS ROOM next month). He always plays victim and make me feel so bad. Thankfully I'm moving out next month.


Sign 1: They always manipulate you for your diamonds in Minecraft


I’ve been in a relationship with someone who they themselves self labeled as manipulative. & that was my sign to go 🚪


With a manipulative person, remember: It doesn't matter how much they care about you or how good their intentions are...because regardless of these things, they still hurt you and will hurt you again.


They offend you, and when you point it out they'll just say: "Omg you're so sensitive I was just joking". There's a big difference between teasing for fun and using jokes as a way to insult someone.


No one:
Me :*tries to check if I m manipulating others*👀


I hate manipulative people but that's the only people I find in my life. 🙁


My father is this person.
And I'm really sick and tired of everybody treating me as a terrible person for not wanting to spend time with him.


When you’re in love, it’s really hard to see these signs. You almost don’t want to believe it because you’ve convinced yourself that the person loves you. It happened to me for almost 9 years.. He kept blaming me for everything and kept saying it was all in my head. But then when our friends or family are around, he’s the sweetest. It was very toxic. I know that self love can be hard but please love yourself enough to know when someone is mistreating you. I didn’t and had to learn it the hard way.


It's amazing because someone is gaslighting me using many of these reasons to say I'm the manipulative person when I was trying to call out THEM for how manipulative they are. Feels like there should be a second level here


You have no idea how much this helped me. I recently left a toxic friendship that I had since i was three. Even though i knew leaving was the good thing to do, i kept questioning my judgement about what happened and my decisions, but this video made me see how right i was. Thank you so much!❤️


Sometimes, I don't even know if I am being manipulative or not until someone points it out on me. Which makes me confuse and try to improve myself but afraid what if it happens again without me being aware of it?

I cry when I talk because it's a natural reaction when I am scared or feel hurt. I am very sensitive so I take things personally when I shouldn't be

To people who feel hurt without me being aware, I am sorry
