Quantum Physics in a Mirror Universe

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When you look in mirror, and see what you think is a perfect reflection. You might be looking at universe whose laws are fundamentally different.

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Previous Episode:
Did Life on Earth Come from Space?

Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
Written by Graeme Gossel & Matt O'Dowd
Graphics by Luke Maroldi
Assistant Editing and Sound Design by Mike Petrow

When we think about symmetry, the first thing that comes to mind is mirror symmetry. Butterflies, Rorschach tests, and classically attractive faces all look the same when flipped left-to-right. In physics, a symmetry is when the laws of physics are unchanged due to some transformation of coordinates. We’ve seen examples where it is - the universe is symmetric to coordinate shifts in space, time, and even the rather abstract phase of the wave function. So it might be surprising to learn that with all the weird ways in which the universe IS symmetric, it’s NOT entirely symmetric under this most intuitive one. The laws of physics work differently in the universe of the mirror.

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سلطان الخليفي
Рекомендации по теме

For the first time ever, I feel like I actually understand LESS after watching a Space-Time video than before I watched it.


I think this episode was hosted Mirror-Matt from the Mirror Universe.

1. 0:31 Mirror-Matt says "left to right" but the diagrams fill in right to left.
2. 2:09 A left hand is shown, but at 2:16 Mirror-Matt says, "It looks like your right hand becomes your left."
3. 4:11 "clockwise spin" - yet the ball has left-handed spin.
4. The transformations of the cobalt atom starting at 9:24 ultimately put the party-transformed atom on the left side of the screen. But at 9:48, the atom on the left is labeled "normal", and the original atom is labeled "mirror universe".
5. 12:20 "A mirror-reflected Space Time" mmhmm

On the other hand, the zipper on his pants would be on the same side as the regular universe, so I dunno. Maybe the weak force has an influence on how men's pants can be manufactured.


You said Yee and Lang at 7:29 but it's actually Lee and Yang! (I suspect this was just another easter egg of parity/symmetry for the astute viewer- In which case, Wow- that's subtle! Well done!)


I am an electrician. Understanding spin at this level explains more than one can imagine. Love the process and all of the explanations!! Thanks for the education mate!!


Now I have to watch for Isaac Arthur's shoutout to SpaceTime


He spoke English, I understood each sentence as he said it. But when he was done I realized I don't understand what we were talking about.


You guys inspired me to start up astrophotography. I’m glad I found you guys when I did - I rediscovered my love for physics and astronomy. Keep up the good work, I’ll probably become a Patron soon.


Hi Matt, recently a research group in Oxford university published a paper claiming that they found a solution to dark matter by allowing negative mass or something. Can you please do an episode on that? Articles are so hard to understand for a high-schooler like me. I much prefer visual learning. Thank you for being amazing and making amazing content. Please keep going!


This episode was harder to understand than usual, but I think I enjoyed it even more than usual! I had to rewatch some segments a few times to actually get it, but the explanation of Wu's experiment and why it shows p symmetry violation was fascinating!


No idea what you said but it was soothing


I´m not commentary type, but man. I´m always amazed by these discoveries. When you were talking about spins etc. and then said about that test. I thought to myself, ´´How the heck you could prove such thing?´´ And when you said the solution, it made sence, but still who the hell is able to think of such experiment? Hats down to ms. Chien-Shiung Wu and to similar people as her.


I want you guys to make another channel with hour long videos going in depth into these topics.


But why does Spock wear a goatee in the Mirror Universe ?


The discussions of how these things were discovered and the historical context makes this stuff much more accessible to non-physicists. Thank you.


"I feel like you're all lining up to watch and execution here" lol spot on. And Isaac Arthur is awesome, he really encourages people to think big about the possibilities of what we can accomplish as a species. Great video btw.


Best answer I could've hoped for the one and only comment / question I've ever made on a PBS Space Time video.


Wow an Isaac Arthur shoutout!!!! PBS Space and SFIA collab when????


Smart guy: I always were a good learner and i never feel dumb.
PBS space time: hold my 5% ethanol 95% water solution.


i'm looking forward every week to the next space time video, you guys taught me so much over the years, and every time you say: "we'll look at it closer in another video" i think: but i want to know it now.

you guys made me look in to many things in detail, just by a simple mention.
+I loved the Isaac Arthur shout out


It's my parity and I'll cry if I want to!
