How to Hear God's Voice CLEARLY

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#timewithgod #christianmotivation
In this video, I talk about why you struggle to hear God's voice, 8 Ways God speaks to us, and steps you can take to practically hear God's voice.
Ready to live a purpose-driven life? Need help with time-management and getting organized? Learn more about my 6 week life coaching program, "Drained to Driven"
Want to give your life to Jesus? Romans 10:9-10 says: "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved". Here is a prayer that can guide you in this confession:

Lord, I admit I am a sinner. I need and want Your forgiveness. I accept Your death as the penalty for my sin, and recognize that Your mercy and grace is a gift You offer to me because of Your great love, not based on anything I have done. Cleanse me and make me Your child. By faith I receive You into my heart as the Son of God and as Savior and Lord of my life. From now on, help me live for You, with You in control.
In Your precious name, Amen

Congratulations on receiving Christ as Savior! Welcome to the family! Some great next steps are to get a study Bible and pray to God to guide you to a church filled with the Holy Spirit.

Bible Recommendations
YouVersion Bible App - Free
Life Application Study Bible (New Living Translation)
00:00 Intro
01:39 Free Guide
01:58 Why you struggle to hear from God
06:49 8 Ways God Speaks to Us
07:19 Hearing God by Studying the Bible
09:19 God’s Still Small Voice
11:16 Understanding Prophecy
13:35 How to Hear God’s Voice Clearly (Practical)
Рекомендации по теме

This message was right on time. I just told myself I'm gonna take a break from social media for this specific reason. I've been finding myself going on social for answers instead of going to God first or picking up my Bible. Wow!!! this was the confirmation I needed! ❤❤ 😩


I just started reading my bible scriptures after just reading my daily verse and it has been so much clearer for me. I still struggle because I am only at the beginning of my spiritual journey with God but I thank myself for surrendering and building a genuine relationship with God.


Lord hear my prayers. I’m struggling providing for my children it’s been years now. I have faith I know you Jesus will get me through this I just have to keep faith. I have two beautiful boys both have special needs. I’m overwhelmed because they require so much from me every month is a struggle to not end up on the streets. Lord restore my faith. Please Lord continue to give me strength.❤️


I’ve been becoming a little frustrated because I felt like it was becoming harder to hear God’s voice lately. But now I know it’s only because I ignored and dismissed what he last spoke to me.

This video helped me a lot! Thank you. ☺️


Someone said when we pray, we speak to God. When we meditate, we listen to God. ❤


Thank you for sharing this! You definitely hit the nail on the head for me by mentioning "digital alternatives with various pastors". It can definitely cause you to be overly saturated and not truly spend the necessary time with God for yourself, by yourself ❤❤❤.


You are AMAZING! The way you yield to God's work in you is so inspiring. I'm 52 and have been so inspired by your channel! God Bless :)


I been feeling anxious all day and really had no reason to be, I finally just settled and I came to YouTube and seen this, I needed this in this moment I been having a hard time with trying to understand what God wants me to do I been praying, reading my bible and fasting maybe I'm not still enough to actually hear Him.


Because I know my mum’s voice. “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” John 10:27-28. What I have learnt is that you have to invite GOD to speak to you. For example, the other day my son lost the tv remote & he kept asking me where it was. So we checked in all places where we thought it would be but we couldn’t find it. Then my spirit told me “ ask the Holy Spirit”. So, I asked the Holy Spirit by saying, Holy Spirit, where is this remote?” I kid you not, he answered, check the toy tub, and there it was, at the bottom of the toy tub. After that the Holy Spirit told me, I am always here. You just have to invite me in your day to day. This is beautiful ❤️. Thanks Kylia 🙌🏾. May God bless you.


This was absolutely right on time. I have definitely been struggling to hear his voice.


Sis! The Lord is definitely using you! I've been struggling with what I believed that I wasn't hearing God's voice, for a long time, but everything you said was right on point. God began bringing things up that I'd been doing, or that we'd talked about before, or something my sister said to me as a new believer a long while ago. I discovered that I'd gotten too busy. Yes, I' d set set some time aside, for some Quiet Time, and oftentimes I'd get distracted by news articles it something else that was going on even when I would put my phone on silent.

I'm definitely guilty of hearing something I didn't want to hear and dismissing it.

Thank you for this video and the book. Thank you for being obedient to God and sharing steps to hear Him more clearly.

I am on a new journey to begin hearing Him better, and just an overall better experience with Him. I'd often wonder why I wasn't hearing from Him as I should, I'd heard from Him before, I am His daughter and I believe and have faith in HIm, but I've realized several things because of your video!

Even som of the things I was speaking to Him about this morning came up in this video, so He is already speaking and confirming!!

I can't wait to begin an even deeper spiritual journey with my Lord and Savior and I can't wait to watch more of your videos! God bless you sis and thank you again!!!


Doing a Replay i love and enjoy all of your videos


This was in time for me. I was just saying I don't know if I hear God's guilty of some of those things.. thank you so much


I literally just asked someone the question: “how can you have a relationship with God and not be in His Word for yourself, not by word-of-mouth?” … Dreams have always been big in my relationship with God. Now that I’ve began reading the Bible, I can see how He speaks to me during readings or in future moments, when I’m reminded of the scriptures. I love how you said He’ll be familiar. I literally can remember hearing a voice like my mom’s and when I woke up, my mom was sleep herself & I always think of those odd moments, when logically nothing added up but spiritually, it aligned.


This was right on time! Thank you for sharing your godly widsom.💗


This is so Good very helpful info and message


This came right on time! Your video is very helpful!I struggle with hearing him. I don’t know if he has spoken to me or if I have ignored his voice in all the noise that surrounds me.


This really helped me... I struggle with hearing his voice and when I hear others saying "God told me this" I question myself whether I'm praying enough... I end up thinking I'm not praying right.. Thank you❤❤


Girl you are EDUCATED 👏🏾👏🏾. Thank you for this!


Obedience is key, and reading His word daily.
