Is That God Speaking? How to Hear God

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The God of the Word will speak to you through the Word of God. With the aid of God’s Spirit, you’ll gain insight into that which was previously hidden. Although God’s Spirit will speak to us many things outside of the Bible, He will never speak to us anything contrary to the Bible.

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0:00 - Lesson Teaser
4:49 - Come to God in Honor
12:53 - Come to God in Faith
15:40 - Prayer Is a Dialogue
22:40 - Practical Ways to Hear God


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There is not many people on this planet with more passion than mr john bevere . You inspire me everysingle time I watch you. Thank you for everything that you do You are SO needed in the kingdom of God and this war of GOOD and EVIL!


Hey random person who's scrolling through the're amazing and wonderful. I hope your day is gonna great.


One Sunday morning in 2001 at Brownsville Assembly Of God, I was in the front row off to the right. I'll never forget it. John was at the pulpit speaking, and he pointed at me as I felt my spine bend in my lower back, and he says God's healing there. Then he started pointing at different people all over the church saying and there, there, there, there. He was pointing at people in the balcony and everything. God was showing him every healing that was taking place, one after the other, all in a matter of seconds. It's one of my favorite memories to this day.


Thank you for the reminder that the Lord commands the utmost respect 🙏, especially when we come before Him.


I receive hate for sharing my testimony. My testimony is one of faith. No matter what we are facing God will give us strength to over come. Even though every month I struggle to pay rent and I struggle to buy groceries for my children. I keep faith. I’m ashamed and discouraged. These past three years have been hard on me. Since suffering a heart attack two years ago and my on going battle with lupus. As a single mom I’m overwhelmed. My sons are autistic and have problems with social communication and interactions but they are thriving now that I’m homeschooling them. Due to me homeschooling them my hours to work are limited like my finances. I’m constantly in fear of homelessness. But I STILL TRUST IN YOU LORD. Faith over fear! ❤


I was about to comment, what an awesome teaching, but I’ll reserve that word for our Father, Almighty God. This teaching has helped me a lot!! I understand now!! Thank you so much Mr Bevere!! I am so grateful!! God bless you and yours!! Glory to God!!😊


I might be hearing God but I’m constantly second guessing myself and feeling unworthy of His presence. Sometimes I’m on my knees sobbing, begging Him to make Himself so obvious to me because I feel so distracted. I have 4 sons so I’m sure you understand but they are all under the age of 6. My husband works all week and it’s just me. I feel so blessed but I just struggle to know if it’s God or not. I’m so desperate to be with Him. I pray all day, through everything, without ceasing. I’m in the word every morning for an hour, always. I feel like a lot of my prayers are answered but when I hear people say they spoke in tongues or they actually experienced God, I feel so so so so badly that I want that. I just don’t understand how…or if that’s happened. I feel like I would know 😢


This has supernaturally ministered to me in a tense moment. Gloryyy to our Father and King


Thank you Pastor John for being blessing. What a beautiful word!!! Love this series. The way you teach and share with such passion is an inspiration to us to have and experience a closer walk with our Father. God bless.


I don’t think God is going to go ahead and tell you it’s okay to marry someone just because that’s what you want Him to say. I don’t think He would steer anyone in the wrong direction because He loves us and wants the best for us. That’s His very nature. Now if someone chooses to disobey and marry someone regardless of what God says then that’s their free will and they will have to live with the consequences of that decision. But God will never tell anyone to do anything that’s not in their best interest. He loves us too much.


I hate this topic because the devil has tricked me into believing I was hearing the voice of God many many years ago. Now my heart longs to know God's voice and presence but I have so much fear that it isn't Him. It is truly tormenting. 😭😭😭 I need to know it is Him and am desperate for victory in this area God please help


Yes, Lord I have been searching for a solar job for over two years, taking part in interactive webinars, attending conferences, networking and reading article on LinkedIn. It is baffling to me that to date I have not landed a job in the specialty of agrivoltaics solar energy, but I am trusting by Faith in the Lord's Timing. Please pray that next week as I attend the Solar Farm Summit 4 day of conference, expo, bus tour of a research site, that I will be bold and courageous with confidence as I talk to solar experts which are divine connections the Lord has prepared in advance to cross my path. Lord give me the words to say and discernment on which seminars to attend and which expo booths to visit. Help me to rest well at night so that I have mental clarity and focus next week. blessings to the prayer warriors.


God bless you and your ministry. Thank you for sharing this message.


Thank you John, for sharing. I think that when one hears His voice as you have in your experiences here, it does change you.
I long to hear Him. I want to follow Him, be obedient to Him but I find that difficult if I’m not hearing Him!
I have the secret place. I arise early in the morning and go out to pray as Jesus did. I read and study His word. I love Him. Just want to be with Him tbh.
Yourself, Chad Gonzales, Kevin Zadai, William Wood et Al - all had amazing experiences of God’s invasion on them if you like. And off they go on their inspired way.
Thank you for sharing, John. I’m Trying to “hope” in a Godly way rather than a “maybe so” way.
So many instances where His word says X - yet I currently see Y.
Eg 1 John 5:14-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God, that if we ask anything according to His will He hears us. And if He hears us whatever we ask we know that we have what we asked Him”
This is His word.
I ask that I hear Him. That I Know what it is He says. So that I can talk with my beloved God, Father and be obedient to Him.
I long to be with Him John. To know Him everyday. To see His Kingdom come, see captives set free that they, too, can see the Living God who loves them so much.
Just need to hear Him.
Open my ears, Lord.


i need prayer i’ve backslidden and I need to get back to Jesus I feel empty without the Holy Spirit


Thank you so much for such a helpful inspiring word!


Thank you, kind Sir! 😮 🙏 🕊 I am like Samuel. I hear my name audibly and I used to ask my husband if he said something! I have to listen more after that and I get God's messages at times. ...not always...but then I spend time praising Him much more than praying since thanking Him is much more beneficial than asking God to focus on something since He already knows my heart. I am much more like your wife.


I realised that when i reduced reading my bible, i it was hard to hear from God, i couldn't feel Him anymore,


This works very well, felt the presence of the king for the first time. Felt the father many times. Every spec of me knew this was the being that made everything. I heard his voice talk and respond to me 3 times. Amen brother keep doing what you're doing.


Thank you for continuing to stand with me for my breakthrough while God is at work and I long to see what He is doing behind the scenes
