The Difference Between “Regular”, Virgin and Extra Virgin Olive Oils

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Olives used to make the two virgin, unrefined oils aren’t treated with heat or chemicals, but, rather, are cold pressed; as the name implies, this means the olives are simply pressed and squeezed to get the oil out.


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Now that you know all about olive oil check out this video and find out How and Why Oysters Make Pearls:


The difference between a virgin and an extra virgin is a WoW subscription.


I only use extra virgin olive oil because that's what I am.


There are a lot of different olive councils. people don't fuck around when in comes to their olives.


My grandfather (who lives next to the Adriatic sea) has olive trees and my family and I help him pick it/press it every year...

so let me share this 100% true information that I know:
- Real olive oil (cold-press, no mixing, no twigs and leaves in the press, ripe olives) is actually quite a bit more green as one would imagine.
- The first month or so after the oil has been acquired, it will not be very cloudy looking. after a while the cloudiness disappears and the oil becomes clear.
- If you live in europe, virtually everyone (who has less than 300 trees) uses a cold press method instead of warm press. so the oil is usually pretty high quality.
- real olive oil will become solid at around 2-4°C

so i guess the main thing to remember from all this is: the greener your oil is, the better it's quality. if your oil is not even a bit green, it was mixed with other oils.


If you live in the US, you should buy oil from California, as it's a much higher quality than most oils from the EU. The EU has much stricter rules about labeling and quality control for its internal market, but these rules do not apply to its exports to non-EU nations. Because of this, the US and Asia are used as dumping grounds for lesser grade batches of oil. Most people just see a label that says Product of Spain or Italy, and think thats some kind of quality isn't.


I buy extra virgin olive oil because the other ones were consequentially fucked


I heard about adulterated olive oil about a year ago. I did a bit of research, and found that California olive oil is more pure, and it's cheaper. You can still get some great flavor variations too.

I save about $5 a bottle now, and the quality is noticeably better. I only use it on no cook dressings and sauces though. Otherwise the flavor vanishes.


Little known fact, there is a pretty pervasive problem with olive oil fraud in imports, especially from Italy. California Olive Oil Council oils are the way to go: generally higher quality, shorter transport time (therefore better shelf-life) and more reliability... not to mention puts money back into US economy.


VERY thorough video. It would take me several hours to get that information on my own.


How can I get a job at the International Olive council?


today i found out there's such a thing as the International Olive council. Really? Thats a thing? cool


So far, I tried many olive oils of various prices. The main difference I discovered, was the spelling of their names. Ever since, I have narrowed my search by their price. The result was satisfactory.


Wow, I really want to eat olives right now.


This is one of those questions that only comes up while shopping at my local market and is quickly forgotten as I move along - but thank you for addressing it! Will be sharing with my chefing family :)


I use virgin olive oil

Because Extra Virgin is worth too much to represent me.


One thing I've noticed about your videos is that your audio always seems quiet and even muffled compared to most other people's videos. Not sure what the issue is or if it can be fixed, but I'd definitely watch a lot more if I knew that in order to listen to your videos, I didn't have to have my volume turned up loud enough to make me jump and cover my ears when it changes to commercial.

The video content, however, is boss. Always love to hear about this kind of stuff! :)


This is an example of one of those videos that he talks so fast with so much information I don't retain any of it.


Coming from one of the biggest producers of olive oil in Europe, Portugal, I don't think i've ever tasted anything other then virgin and extra virgin olive oil... I just love the taste of olive oil and freshly baked bread!


Excellent video about a subject I've only researched a bit like using olive oils recommended by Consumer Reports magazine. Another hit out of the park Simon! These videos about 'everyday' knowledge that is cogent in today's world are GREAT!
