UPDATE The new Outlook for Windows will replace the Mail and Calendar apps in September 2024

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Next year Microsoft will be replacing the Mail and Calendar apps in Windows with the new Outlook for Windows starting in September 2024. There are no changes for now, but you might see a MailTip in the Mail and Calendar apps letting you know of the change.

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I'd like to mention one other important thing. I tried switching to it to see what the fuss is all about. However I was unable to do so because it requires that you have Microsoft Edge installed. For those like me who have, for various reasons managed to remove edge, be aware that this also seems like another tactic to force Edge upon us once again.


The new one is missing A LOT of the good features of the old one and any suggestions you make will not be acted on by Microsoft (at least not in 2023) so it's best to just wait a year or so or you can be the nice little guinea pig but i don't have time to do that


I already switched to the new outlook from old mail app. It’s fine but it shows yahoo ad as a first mail in inbox every time I open it. The old app does not.


0:59 In my opinion, the New Outlook App is not for Windows 10 and only for Windows 11. Because, Windows 10 is almost meet the Death. Also, Next Year in 2024 already have the Windows 12.


I actually tried it, but didn't like that it has missing features. I do use it for my Outlook e-mail address, but am still using the old Windows Mail and Calendar apps for my non-Microsoft accounts.

I'm now planning to switch to Thunderbird on Windows after hearing about their Supernova update (which seems to be as impressive as when Firefox had their Quantum update). I had previously used Thunderbird, but only on my Linux-based systems.

The fact that it just runs on top of Edge as a modified PWA (in a way that it's almost like an Electron-based app like Evernote and Discord actually are) does show how they were able to backport it to Windows 10.


For those people who have a legacy email of Hotmail...Will we still have that? Please advise


And also, the Replacement of New Outlook for Windows like Mail and Calendar Apps, also coincides with a Month after Moving to New Indonesian Capital City of Nusantara.


Personally I wish the new outlook only included mail, calendar, and to do. Everything else should be a separate app because outlook is a solely productivity app, not an app you should be using word from. It’s a simplified design philosophy


When is Microsoft going to release the SharePoint Calendar sync to the New Outlook? Currently you can only connect the SharePoint Calendar to the classic (old) version of outlook.


Outlook old version is much better offline support


If Microsoft will replacing the Mail and Calendar apps on September 2024, it's also coincide with the Release of Windows 12?


It's not the best. It's a pwa which I dislike quite a bit.


Why do they need such a long time for such a little switch? Provide both the apps and add a pop-up on Mail about its closure.


Do u guys know where i can click to resend/recall an e-mail in this new Outlook? The old option was in Move -> Action -> Resend This Message, now it doesn't show to me. Please help


Funny I can't use the new outlook app - there is always an error when I open the app - something about my internet connection or DNS server, but this is not possible since I am clearly online. I still use the Mail App but since it's soon going to be replaced I don't know what to do. Can someone help?


I have hundreds of (Yahoo) emails from family going back 14 years saved to a flash drive as EML extension. When I plug in the flash drive, I can easily open & read any one them displayed with Windows Mail.. But if Windows Mail is going to be replaced with Outlook, how will I be able to open and read my old emails I've saved on that flash drive?


How can i customize the ribbon in this version


What Happened to the "FILE" option ?? I save all my emails to an external Hard Drive. "Mail" has a 'Save As' option, i cannot find that option in the new 'Outlook 2024'
Is it time to look for a new eMail provider ?


Just switched to it now and it's very good. Feels a lot more like Thunderbird which I'd say is a good thing.


I saw the message that the board view is being removed from outlook. What are they replacing it with? Do we know yet?
