Russians are NOT Slavs?

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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the SLAVest of them all? Definitely not Russians. At least, that's what some people say on the Internet. For some reason, there is a very popular belief that modern people living in Russia have almost no connection to Slavic tribes and therefore cannot be called Slavs. In this video I will present to you the arguments of the proponents of this theory and together we will try to figure out if they are right.

Recently, there have been numerous publications circulating on the Internet in which, with reference to "the most recent genetic studies," it is reported as a sensation that scientists have proved that Russians are not Slavs, but Slavicized Finns and Turks. No names of the scientists are given, nor any references, other than a vague "this is reported by the media". The father of this whole "Russians are not Slavs" is the Polish ethnographer and historian, Franciszek Duchinsky. In Russian historiography he is more often referred to as a "Polish ultranationalist" rather than as an ethnographer. He considered the revival of the Polish Slavic state as the only hope for protecting Europe from the "Turanian tribes. He considered the Belarusians and Ukrainians to be the real Russians, and the "Moskals" allegedly took from them the history of their state and appropriated the name "Russia". This theory found many admirers among the Polish intelligentsia of the mid-19th century, and now it is once again resurfaced mostly in Ukraine. Let's see if there was logic in Franciszek's words.

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Hey there. Somehow you found my video and decided to watch it. So let me introduce myself. I'm Sergei and I'm from Russia. My channel is about my native country. I want to tell English-speaking viewers about the real Russia, about its past and present. Unfortunately, you can find a lot of propaganda about Russia on the Internet, both from the Russian media and from the Western ones. I want to tell you about Russia, as it really is, the country in which I was born, grew up, and lived all my life.

Some sources for the video (these articles have opinions from both sides, feel free to pick one yourself):

Лескинен, М. В. Туранская теория Фр. Г. Духиньского и ее критика в контексте складывания концепции «великорусскости» в российской науке. — Славянский альманах. — М.: Индрик, 2016.
Покровский М. Н. Возникновение Московского государства и «великорусская народность» // Историк-марксист, 1930, № 18-19
Kushniarevich A, Utevska O, Chuhryaeva M, Agdzhoyan A, Dibirova K, Uktveryte I, et al. (2015) Genetic Heritage of the Balto-Slavic Speaking Populations: A Synthesis of Autosomal, Mitochondrial and Y-Chromosomal Data. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135820.
Tsipko A. «Kyivan text» of Ukrainian ancient verbal culture: hierotopic projections and semantics / А. Tsipko // Austria science. – 2017. – №2. – P. 108 – 114.

Рекомендации по теме

Saying that Russian isn't a Slavic language because Russians can't understand Polish or Czech is like saying that English isn't a Germanic language because Britons and Americans can't understand German and Dutch.


Russia : So some have said we're not actually Slavic.
Bulgaria : First time?


"Czechs and Poles understand each other without problems"


When someone said Russians is not slavic people. but a finno-ugric and turkic, it's a way better and easier to say "Yeah, and?".
After this question around 100% people who said Russian is not Slavic release their true face of xenophobic racists, who thinking Turkic and Finno-Ugric people are some asiatic hordes and barbarians, lol.


Every Slavic nation mixed with non-Slavic people. There are no pure Slavs.


"You are some Finno-Ugric people mixed with the Mongols" - and even if this was true, which part am I supposed to be ashamed of?


The fact this argument still exists is both funny and sad


And they say Russian propaganda is bad, lol


By this logic Ukrainians and Bulgarians are not Slavs because they had non-Slavic ruling class during their early founding.


American commander: Damn it, I was sent to defend the United States, but how am I going to fight if half my unit isn't American! The first Canadian, the second Pole, the third Japanese, the fourth Briton, the fifth Vietnamese, and the sixth Russian commune. Oh, completely forgot about the one, which is both Russian and Asian.
Soldier: Sir, it's Kazakh.


This whole argument is like the pot calling the kettle black. Yes. Russians are mixed with Finno-Ugric People's. Heck, some are mixed with Native Siberians. In fact, I myself have some Volga Tatar Ancestry. But it isn't like Ukrainians, Czech's, Serbs, or Poles are "pureblood". Ukrainians are mixed with Romanians, Hungarians, and Turks. Czechs are mixed with Germans. So are Poles to an extent. Serbs are mixed with Turks and Hungarians. There is nothing wrong with any of that. Having some Finnic and Turkic Ancestry does not make a Slav less Slavic.

Let's not get started on language just for the simple fact that ALL slavic languages are full of Greek, Latin, French, and English loanwords.

If anything, such rhetoric is reminiscent of Germany in the 1930's.


As a person who is actually of finno-ugric and turkic ancestry, all I can say is thanks to ukrainians who propagandize this theory, now you are hated not only by ethnic russians but also pretty much every minority within russia, mari, udmurt, tatars, bashkirs, yakuts, khantys and 70+ other. Bashing russians saying that they are finno-ugric, mongoloid or turkic as if that was something to be ashamed of is pretty disrespectful to these ethnicities as well.


Damn, historical grudges and xenophobia mixed in with nationalism leads to some crazy shit.


*Divide and Conquer.*
Some political/military tactics never get old.


Thank you for this video. This reminds me of how a certain Austrian Artist who took over Germany and started WW II tried to bury the fact that many Germans have an admixture of Slavic ancestry and are not purely German.


If the Russian somehow became mongols after 250 years of occupation doesn't that mean Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusian also became Russians ??? They just admits they are Russian😂😂😂, you guys literally gave Putin the chance to justify war 😂😂😂


Let's be honest, the people who say Russians aren't slavs are just salty Russia used to ruled over them.


This is funny, i wonder what those 'scientist' would think of about us South Slavs.


The most annoying part for me, and it's global propaganda for real, is that Russians can't understand other Slavic languages. This shit is frustrating.

Imagine growing up in Chernozem'e (near Ukraine's Charkov), half of your buddies (and family) speaking a southern Russian (which sounds like Ukrainian for northern Russians). And it's not just about neighbor Ukraine, Belorussian was also around all the time, you've talked to them in Russian and they understood, they talked to you in Belorussian - and you get it all. You were raised in an orthodox family, so you can understand how close is Church-Slavic to southern Slavic languages, you can even read Serbian and Bulgarian without any special training!

But a bit later all the fckn internet starting to insist that Russians can't understand Slavic languages.


5:12 In my opinion, to say that Czechs and Poles can "understand each other without problems" is an overstatement to say the least. I mean, some Czechs have trouble even with Slovak if spoken too fast, and these two languages really are basically the same thing.
