Russians Aren't the Enemy

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Since the beginning of Russia's imperialist War in February 2022, most Russians fleeing their government have had to face discrimination and prejudice based on their ethnicity. Many online & in real life have created a campaign against regular people who have nothing to do with the actions of their government simply because they are Russian. This video criticizes the actions of such individuals & gives more detail on why this harassment and discrimination against the people themselves is unjustified.

Also big thank you to @roman_nfkrz for helping me in the creation of this video. He has been a great help in the witting process of the script & shot a part as well. Definitely go check him out if you haven't already!

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Internet taught people they can speak shit without getting punched in the face.


The biggest irony is that you can't even tell if they are Russian. You can easily mistake Bulgarian, Ukrainians and Belarusians for being Russian.


The hilarious part is that this discrimination actually turned many Russians into Putin supporters. So, ah, yeah, well done!


As a Ukrainian who had to move away to the US at the start of the invasion, I feel an immeasurable amount of anger towards the Russian government, not the people. I have met multiple Russians at my school who were also torn away from their families and previous lives due to this situation and being mad at them would make me a complete hypocrite.


Don't ever underestimate the capacity for racism and ethnic targeting in an American liberal


Amazingly here in Germany there is a Slavic store (not even Russian, but they have some things written in Kyrillic so most idiots think its Russian) and the store has been annihilated twice, best part of the story is that the store owners are Ukrainians and couldn't help but laugh at the "Russki go home" being written on their store.


I will never understand how one human can hate another because of the country they were born in. This is coming from someone whose friend group is partially built on collectively mocking each other's nationalities.


As a Russian, thanks for clarifying, that Russians are't the enemy. The government is.


Iranian here, the people who say they should go and protest actively against their government have not certainly seen 50 square meter of pavement sinked in blood in middle of their city and hope they never will


The worst thing is that these same people said earlier that there is no need to be racist. They did not listen to their own words.


As a Russian guy, I really appreciate that not everybody thinks of Russians as demons or war supporters despite the war our government started. I can tell that it's easy to say about going out for a protest yet you know that if you do, you might not only risk yourself, but your loved ones. I hope I can live untill 18, evade the army and go to the other country after (or maybe before) I graduate, or else I don't know what will I do. Thanks again to everyone who understands


I kind of have a similar viewpoint on this as a Pakistani person, people ask me if I hate Indians and I'm like "What?! No!" Just because there is issue between the governments or religions doesn't mean I hate anybody. Some of my closest friends are Indians and we have a lot in common. We literally have a Hindu Indian family sharing a house and living under the same roof as us, Pakistanis


The same happened during ww1 with germanophobia, people destroying german shops and dehumanizing them with various propaganda, sad to see history repeat like this.


it's sad that this even needs to be said in the 21st century.


Russophobia is just as bad as hating black people or jews or anyone else .Just because our countries are at war doesnt make ever in the country a bad person


Ill honestly blame media for this, both journalism, games and even movies. As your bombarded with "Russia bad" stuff so much that Rusophobia has become normalised in the west, like funny enough look at CoD. Original Modern Warfare triology Russia wasnt the bad guy, they where thrown into a civil war and then through a terror action into a war with the US. As these games where made in 2007-2011, so the view on Russia was improving in the west. Then with the Russian Invasion of Crimea it went down hill with the new Triology treating Russians mostly as villians only.


The average Russian isn't the problem, the average Chinese isn't the problem, the average Jew, Arab, etc aren't the problem, and venting your anger at a dickish government or crazy cultists by targeting innocents isn't justice, it's bullying and quite frankly, unbecoming.


As a balkan, I love making xenophobic jokes, but actually hating all people from that country is weird. I don't know every person from there.


As a Russian, I find it quite funny that people in the UK or US, whose government invaded half the globe (most of the times with no good reason), tell me who are the badies.
To your knowledge, there were frankly no war that was stopped by protesting. Even in a free country like the US. People were protesting against Vietnam, Afganistan and Iraq, so what? Millions died anyway. War in Afghanistan lasted for 20 years!
It doesnt mean that we dont need to create a culture promoting peace and cooperation (we definitely need), it just means that its wierd to hate some ethnicity for their government waging war. Cause in this case, you should probably also hate everybody including yourself.


If you sort the comments by newest first, you will encounter the exact thing this pal is talking out.
