Why Germany Wants to Change the EU

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On Monday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz outlined his vision for what the EU could look like going forward. So in this video, we break down why he makes to reform the Union, what he'd specifically like to change and whether he has a chance of succeeding.

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I am a German listening to an Englishman telling me what our chancellor said about the EU with the UK just left.


As a businessman, i really appreciate the free trade zone. Thats literally an amazing system. Its like selling and shipping within your own country. Its amazing.


"Turkey wishes to join the EU". Right... this has been the realm of science fiction for quite some time now, Australia has a better chance at joining the EU. Turkey wants the EU funds and financial benefits while keeping as far away from European rules and responsibilities as possible.


EU expansion is going slowly, not because we fear Albania's veto, but because we impose lots of very specific demands on aspiring members. While a common defence policy would require a more streamlined decision making process, I don't think foreign policy should be dictated by a majority. This video mentions the relationship between Hungary and Russia, but what about the relationship between Lithuania and China, for example? They could be forced to close their Taiwan office by member states who want to export more goods to the PRC. So let's get the more urgent matter of defence sorted first, and worry about foreign policy later.


As much as I want these changes, I doubt they're going to happen. It seems more realistic to create a second "tier" of the EU that those members can be part of that actually want to cooperate and are willing to give up the veto. And if that works out then maybe the rest will decide at some later point to take that step too.


The reason an EU federal army has not been formed is the presence of NATO


Due to the current system that’s been set up makes it hard for any reforms to be made. The only solution I can see is forming coalitions with member states that agree with the vision of the EU and create a second tiered voting bloc.


And the rest of the eu doesn't care about what sholtz has to say.


Considering how many things Scholz keeps getting wrong, lets hope he will not be the one who leads Europe into any kind of future.


This video ending felt more complete and not on a cliffhanger like the majority of their video's have been with ads


Hey Italy is a founding member of the EU too, alongside France and Benelux, and it played a crucial role in the reunification of Germany and the creation of the single currency as well. Youtubers tend to forget it.


Well, at least the Germans and French agree on something.


And why should the rest of the EU members listen or follow his vision?


Until the EU implements a system wherein nations can be kicked out for not following EU laws and agreements, The EU will slowly become little more than an economically focused UN, which is not good.

contrary to popular belief, you cannot separate economics and politics.


fun fact did you know that UK Harold Macmillian and French PM Guy Mollet proposed an Anglo-Franco union in the 50's but it never materialised


I live in Germany and it's hard to see if Scholz will get the support he needs. Support for him is lukewarm at best, and the coalition government here doesn't agree on everything. They currently are unable to agree on a relief package for the energy/cost of living crisis!


what is with these titles? "(why it wont work). Is this channel turning into crappy news channel that cannot just deliver their news without own biases? Who are you to say what is and what is not possible with EU direction. Such a disappointment.


With the EU it is like with my friends: The smaller the circle the more we have in common, the larger the circle the more different we are. The more people there are and the more different they are the less we can agree upon.
The EU has the same problem: We are already to big and therefore to different to function on all levels, e.g. the € does not work. Free movement of labour did a lot of harm to the wages in countries like Germany.
I am in favour of a pieceful and prosper Europe. But this blind and agenda-driven expansion course of Scholz is madness. Instead of one institution and an all or nothing membership I favour a number of treaties, so that countries can gradually associate with each other to form a stable and save continent.


Energy saving checklist
1) Insulate your attic. Youll feel the payback the night after its installed. Payback in maybe 3-5 years
2) Insulate the walls. Payback 10ish years
3) Check your windows. Maybe have a pro check the seals.
4) Heat controls, timer and thermostats
Sorry If you have already done all these but they are all easy wins


The question is why in my opinion it will not work. Because many Central and Eastern European countries felt that Russia could be beaten and Germany wanted Russia to be an important part of the European strategy. Eastern Europe in Tum Polska, the Baltic States will never agree to Berlin and Paris to decide for them about Russia and will never agree to lift any sanctions against Russia.
