Things I would change about Germany if I could - Part 1

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Overall I like German restaurants, I just wish the waitress paid more attention to the room. I’ve spent more than 5 minutes trying to get a German waitresses attention before. I finally had to come over. Felt bad interrupting her while she was reading her book.


As someone who works in American customer service, I don't find it fake at all. I genuinely like my job and feel happy to serve others.


I don't buy the idea that people are fake just for tips. You can easily tell if someone's being genuine, and I haven't seen fake niceness where I go.


I can't complain about the service in restaurants in either place, being it the USA or Germany. We had one incident in Italy this year, but it was only while entering and probably caused by the behavior of the usual German
One time I remeber even now 30 years later happend in Seattle, WA. We chosed to reserve a table in our hotel for the evening of July 4th because so we could see the fireworks over Puget Sound and over Lake Union. The waiter recocnizred us being turists, and ask from where, and we told him Northern Germany. He then offered us a very good wine from the Rhine area. We thank for the offer, but we said if we want wine from Germany we will stay at home, but maybe he can recommend us a wine from Washington state. We knew that there is an area about 1 hour from Seattle where they grow grapes. He was astonished that we knew that, and then we were his very best friends.... :-) and the wine was perfect.


When I've been in Berlin, I found it really hard to get served. One bar I sat there for ages and left, even though it was quiet. I learnt to ask for 2 beers, because it would be so long before I saw the waiter again


I've been in high-end gastronomy a few times. Absolutely annoying.
I already hate it when someone is constantly milling around me when I'm working - I really don't need it when I'm eating.
The whole time someone was circling around us, pouring drinks, constantly asking if something was missing.
I prefer the normal waiters in Germany. Most of them respond to hand signals, are there when you need them and otherwise leave you alone.

However, there are also a few who seem to want to become DIY store employees, they are constantly disappearing without a trace. 😉


You bring up an excellent microeconomic thought experiment. In Germany, waiting staff don't rely on tips. In other words, they are not incentivized to do any extra work. This tells us that in any hourly wage position, the quality of service has a ceiling when there is no incentive to improve the customer's experience. However, companies like Mercedes have reward systems based on annual performance. That is why they are typically ranked very high in the Forbes list of best companies to work for.


The German way doesn’t bother me. I don’t need the service person to be my best friend and I’m certainly not gonna feel guilty for being there because I’m still paying for the service at the end of the day


I'm Dutch, once asked a waiter in Germany if he wasn't enjoying his job. Turned out he didn't... ...He quit after bringing us our food. He got culture shocked to do what he wanted.


Interesting. So after finishing the meal, there is no pushing to leave? And the constant penetrating questions beforehand don't increase my well-being, cause they gave me a "buy more or leave" feeling.🤷


A lot of times in america. You can chat with those waiting on you. You can even get on a first name basis with them. Many times I will go back to the same server at a restaurant.


I have traveled to 40+ countries on 6 continents and have seen that service is generally better in countries where tipping is common.


80+% aren't being fake. Customer service is hard to fake not put people off. Most just genuinely want to help you.


I'm an American (and German citizen, German parents) living in Germany, grew up in USA. I hate USA customer service. Too fake, too pushy, annoying. I just want to be left alone, so please don't make Germany customer service like USA. It's bad enough I have to deal with it there. I'm always thinking to myself at restaurants, I'll tip you to go away and leave me alone.


IDK, I loved the German way of customer service!


South Asian / South East Asian customer service is the best.
No tips, no annoying superficial chats, just good service.


I rather feel that if the guest in a restaurant knows the staff are basically not being paid a decent wage, it makes you feel a bit guilt tripped into leaving a tip. I disliked feeling that I had no choice but to tip. In England we tip for exceptional service.


Dont ask all the time, but check in after food is delivered and if they need a water refill or have pop that needs a refill. And just be aware that if you look for the waiter that they recognize that and come to see twhat you need.


If I'm going to a a non-fast food restaurant that has a wait staff, I would like to be "served", I don't mind paying extra for tips because I take that into account when going to that kind of establishment.

If you come over every15 mins to ask "if everything is okay" that's fine. I have no problem saying "Yes" and you leave until next time you come around. Yet, if there is something wrong I don't want to wait that long before I see the server again. It can dampen the mood/flow of the meal.

I'm at a "sit down" restaurant for a reason. My rear shouldn't leave the seat unless I'm going to the restroom, getting up to dance (if that is an option) or leaving. This is amplified if I'm with other people. I want to sit and focus on my company not wondering where the wait staff is. Just my $0.02.


Australian or UK customer service is probably what your looking for, we aren't as superficial as the US, but are in general nice.
