Debunking Allen Parr on the Catholic Church (Are Catholics Christians?)

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Debunking Allen Parr on the Catholic Church Are Catholics Christians? Allen Parr and the Beat try to say that the Catholic Church is not Christian. But he misunderstands many Catholic teachings.

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So many friends of mine grew up Protestant and I am always reluctant when I tell them I’m Catholic not because I am ashamed but because I know they have been taught so many misconceptions. It’s exhausting being an apologist. You are doing Gods work Brian. Thank you for speaking the truth and defending the faith. ❤


I just joined the CC a few weeks ago and I am so thankful to have across Brian's videos. They have been a tremendous help and source of encouragement during my transition from a (extreme conservative) Protestant background to the Catholic church. I especially love these debunking videos. I love to see a catholic on fire for God like Brian! Thank you so much for your ministry and being so encouraging in this walk of faith!


Before I Reverted I actually listened to this guy and accepted whatever he said without any facts backing it up. Looking back it shows how the devil had me blinded.


He was a stepping stone for me
on my way back to the Catholic faith.♥️🙏


As a Catechumen, I'm often embarrassed at how much I thought I knew about scripture before. I am constantly asking myself, "How did I miss that?" Lol


I used to follow him. Funnily enough it was one of his videos that led me to catholicism. I am waiting on the results of the bishops right now when I move out of my anti Catholic parents house I'll join the church Christ established. I've been praying and teaching my mom what the early church taught (obviously what the Catholic Church teaches) she now realizes that we're not saved by faith alone but faith working it's self out in love. She also thanked me for exposing the false doctrine taught by Calvin. Pray that God will continue to use me to show her the truth.

As for the "14 extra books" I think he's also counting the additional chapters in Daniel and Ester as separate books and few books that aren't in the canon like Enoch or prayer of Manassas. But I'm just guessing


It is a full time job addressing Protestant lies and mischaracterizations of Catholicism


I just love this channel.... i get so frustrated always having to explain my faith to protestants that hold these beliefs. My best friend is a non denominational christian and his pastor sent him this article that was so full of lies about the church, i did a counter article and corrected no less than 50 errors about our beliefs, historical facts, and i even had to do a breakdown of the man's poor translation of the greek in matthew 16:18. My friend was completely shocked... asked me why do people get the beliefs of the catholics wrong on purpose? Btw he tells me almost everyday he's not going catholic but keeps on attacking the church with these myths, i keep correcting him and he always takes my defense as a conversion attempt on him. Its so frustrating but im nothing if not patient.


It bugs when Protestants say Apocrypha for the Deuterocanonical. It also bugs when they say non-denominational


I really appreciate your Chanel. I have been Catholic all my life and even went to Catholic school for 5 years. But recently I started to question some things and wanted to learn and get closer to Jesus. But then I found your Chanel and I realize I am home in the Catholic Church. And I am studying and learning how to defend it. I need to work on going to confession, when I received as a child I was in a way traumatized by it. But now I see the light. I do think the church needs to do a better job at teaching our young people. Anyway thank you for what you do. I have learned so much.


I’m glad you’re reviewing him. I used to listen to him. Then he started really hating on us Catholics. So disappointing.


Your debunking videos are among the best, Bryan, among Trent Horn's, How to be Chrisitan's, and some others. May God Bless your ministry.


I found my Lord Jesus and He’s leading me back home!! It was hard to accept how wrong I was and how little I know Jesus, but God pursued me through a beautiful Catholic woman on my campus who He’s revealed to be my wife. I can’t wait to go to mass tomorrow, and hope to be confirmed soon!!


I think it would help also if non-catholics make a distinction between natural good works vs supernatural good works brought about by the Holy Spirit within us that do justify. We do contribute in a secondary causal way because God has empowered our participation. We truly are co-labors with Christ.


Parr is pre-k for Protestants. Bryan, thanks so much for debunking Mr. Parr. His theology is rigid & wrong. His understanding of Catholicism is in gross error. That said, I admire him. He's such a nice, highly successful & motivated guy. I really like him.

When I was just a new convert from Jewish atheism, I was an evangelical Messianic Christian. I took one of his online courses ($25) & learned nothing that I didn't already know except even more error. He seems to be a spirit-filled Calvinist IMHO as far as his theology & hermeneutics. His target audience seems to be young, fairly uneducated Christians who are either very new in their faith and/or haven't done much thinking about it. To me, he seemed to be akin to a personal trainer, who, although probably having your best interest at heart (or at least he believes he does) but fails to deliver the advertised results from his own unique hermeneutical teachings. Lots of acronyms, bullet points, etc. Nothing wrong with mnemonic devises but not when the teaching is based on errant theology. But his theology is really pre-k for Protestants.

Not for me. I prefer the Catechism.


Thank you for debunking Allen Parr.
I used to watch Allen Parr on YouTube, I didn't see any of his anti-Catholic diatribes, but watching only five of his videos, I found him to be not very informed as a Christian.
As for the 14 "extra" Books, adding that number to their 66 Books, it comes out to 80 Books which is claimed number of books that the Ethiopian Orthodox Church claim.
Watching Parr is a waste of time.


The terms "Romish Catholic" and "Roman Catholic", along with "Popish Catholic", were brought into use in the English language chiefly by adherents of the Church of England.(Anglican).
The reign of Elizabeth I of England at the end of the 16th century was marked by conflicts in Ireland. Those opposed to English rule forged alliances with those against the Protestant Reformation, making the term "Roman Catholic" almost synonymous with being Irish during that period, although that usage changed significantly over time.


Problem Protestants, when they look at Luther, never realize that he changed his mind over time, and contradicts himself on several occasions.


The problem with most of evangelicals preachers is a speech trick consisting on focusing and emphasizing the point on such convincing and emotional way that the listener who doesn't pay attention with scrutiny just fall in and get in their trap it's kind of hypnotic speech technique (it's called propaganda not evangelization !!)... i always feel quiet baffled when talking with some. of them, but when your start to investigate honestly their doctrine you find it so shallow (claiming weak biblical roots) ... the very point is their conviction (and the rejection of history of the christian faith and church) and it's somehow challenging to talk with some.


All these people do is trying to make their own man made religion sounds relevant, but in actual fact the opposite is true
