Solution to the Fermi Paradox Found! Scientists Hope They're Wrong.

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Solution to the Fermi Paradox Found! Scientists Hope They're Wrong.

If we consider our solar system is typical of billions and billions of other similar systems, then where are the extraterrestrials? The universe should be full of intelligent life by now that would create some kind of signal that is easy to detect…yet, we have seen and heard nothing.

There is one possible solution to the unnerving silence of the cosmos, and it could be the most chilling answer to why we’ve heard from no one…because if an alien civilization does exist out there somewhere, they certainly know we are here…and that is something that should scare all of us.

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I'm still hoping we will find evidence of intelligent life on Earth.


John Stewart once said “ If life exists outside our planet, the surest sign they are intelligent is that they haven’t contacted us”.


Chances of finding intelligent life out there is higher than here on earth.


When people say that interstellar travel may never be possible, it makes me think that everything was once impossible until it wasn't.


The most interesting fact for me is that we don’t even know how alien life would think. All of these theories are based around how humans think of things around us, but alien brains could work COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY, making their thoughts/strategies literally IMPOSSIBLE to predict


Advanced aliens observe the Earth and its inhabitants.
First alien: “Do you think we should make contact with them?”
Second alien: “Are you bleeping kidding, they are still arguing over what shape their own planet


So, when the title says "Solution to the Fermi Paradox Found!" they actually mean, "No change on the Fermi Paradox thing, but thanks for coming by."


Maybe intelligent life always reaches a point in its development where it transcends time and space to exist in a form that humans can't imagine.


It's interesting how the solution that „we're too late“ is just thrown in there, but considering the projected lifespan of the universe and the subsection of it that potentially allows life to exist, it is far more likely we're *too early* instead.

*We* might just be the Progenitors.


I think the biggest problem with finding other life is that the speed of light is just too dang slow.


Nube says, , "but if aliens are so advanced, why don't they just figure out how to communicate with us?"
Reality says, "You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one?"


“Humanity is closer than ever to finding aliens” is like saying humanity is closer than ever to the future.


If we were limited to 1940's era tech and told to find a cell phone signal, we'd have to come to the conclusion that no cell phone signal was present, because we'd have no ability to detect it.


Here's a thought experiment that I don't see mentioned too often, especially with the dark forest line of thinking. The thing with the Fermi Paradox and other ventures such as SETI is that proponents assume that there are older, more advanced civilizations than us that have surpassed our technology level. What if that's not the case? If we are the most technologically advanced civilization in the galaxy, the galaxy could be teaming with life, we wouldn't know. If they haven't reached the level where they're sending me it transmissions, then our current methods of searching for them would yield false negatives. Radio is only a little above 125 years old. If the next most technologically advanced is only a century behind us, then they've only been transmitting for a decade and it's possible that the signals haven't existed long enough to reach us yet. If we're two centuries ahead, then it puts them at roughly the Napoleonic Era. For all we know, we could be universe's real life version of the sci-fi cliche of an ancient advanced race. Kind of scary to think about.


When you’re alone in a dark forest, is it wise to call out? That right there is just terrifying to think about.


I think the primary issue is just compatibility in communication. An alien civilization would communicate and exist in a way that would, indeed, be "alien", and we might not recognize them as intelligent


"Whether we're alone in the Universe or we arent, both possibilities are equally terrifying".


I think the biggest issue is that once you get a few light years from Earth, detecting our radio waves would be like spotting a lit match on Earth from Pluto. The signal would be so weak it could easily be missed. Or they may just not be listening to radio. They may use something else entirely like some form of quantum entanglement or extra dimensional signals.


This is spot on. As a former military guy, I can tell you that our military does it's best to mask communications and camouflage or make everything stealth to avoid detection. So it doesn't surprise me that an advanced alien civilization would do the same.


Our radio signals would dissolve into the background static in about a light year or less. It would take a directed, very strong signal from Earth to be detectable at the nearest stars
