Game development is HARD

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Game development is hard, and in this video I'll tell you why. Make sure to watch the first part of this video, "THIS has never been easier", to get the other side of the coin!

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00:00 - Intro
00:23 - Core Sponsor
01:43 - Ideas are free
03:17 - Hidden complexity
06:45 - More than making games
10:46 - Conclusion
12:05 - Outro
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When people say “I want to make a game like GTA 5”, it’s like when children say they want to be astronauts.


Making games has never been easier.

Making a GOOD game will forever be hard.


I have 40+ years experience in software development, and recently retired. To keep my mind active I thought I'd have a go at developing a 2D platform game. I can confirm, game dev is hard, very hard. I have a lot of respect for professional game developers, their skill sets are impressive.


I just found out recently that fighting games are some of the hardest to develop. I always thought they were relatively simple to make compared to other games


Game dev in my head: I'm gonna make a hyper realistic level with amazing movement, combat and an adaptive AI
Game dev in reality: Help I've imported a mesh and crashed my computer


As a solo game developer, whenever I want to implement a new thing I get crushed by the overwhelming amount of details I've to do. Thank you for the video!


It amazes me when gamers react with an outcry (cursing in anger) when a developer delays/postpones their game for launch. Game development is indeed HARD... and the amount of game systems (that's art/3D object, physics, A.I., networking etc) that work in unison when a gamer is finally playing the release product is mind-boggling.


“Game development is hard”
Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes


Games are the most complex type of media cause they take all aspects of creativity together


It certainly feels like having 10 jobs at once.
...while still working a regular job to finance your development


I’d say find a niche category of games you really enjoy that aren’t terribly complex and start from there, it helps massively having the motivation on hand to create something you will enjoy.


I think it works the same in many different fields.
Right now is the easiest time to start as a programmer, game dev, artist, youtuber and so one, because of all the knowledge you can get for free, but at the same time it's extremely hard to be the best or at least in the top, because of the huge global competition.
As always awesome video :D


This is exactly why I respect game developers, I once made a simple arcade game with a bit of coding with C# and I swear I almost put a hole in my monitor because the code wasn't working the way I wanted it to. But when you finally do get the code to work... What you feel is almost indescribable


Solo Dev here, and the part about marketing is totally true. My game (SHAMELESS PLUG, LINK ON MY CHANNEL TRAILER) was a complex effort where I learned a lot about animation, music, and sound mixing. Some seemingly simple things, like sound settings and zoom, took the longest during development, and when it was all over, people who played my game said it was pretty good, but it was hardly even seen by anyone. The marketing thing was something I never considered, so it's going to be a focus with my next game. I made a game, and this video was so incredibly accurate to my journey, learning how much work everything is and my scope was too big in places, and that I naively expected Steam to give me enough visibility to get the game out there. If anyone's wondering how accurate this video is, the answer is somewhere around 120%

Great video too. Editing was great and music was well chosen.


As someone who’s self taught, and been in the field for over a decade. It’s extremely hard but one of the most freeing and rewarding things I’ve ever done.


This was the video i needed to understand that my huge-hard mechanic-big map- game will not be developed by me on my own, but that i can create something that MAYBE can get to the people and share them a history with my heart on. Also, makes me understand that i am not alone in the feeling of being underwhelming by the huge complexity of the videogame development. Anyway i will keep creating games for my entire life so, better to keep creating than hesitating


This video is really good and legit. I do however want to point out that you can still accomplish huge things in game design on your own or with a small team this day in age. There are incredibly powerful tools available for cheap and even free. The learning process to build an entire game is long, and difficult. Especially if you're thinking of an rpg. In my experience, single player games can be done fairly simply with alot of knowledge and experience, multiplayer games are a stretch to even try(alone or with a small team). But don't let the reality beat you up. If you really really want something, you can make it happen. I've been making games with blender and unity for nearly 6 years, and have prototyped/concepted my own rpg 5 times. Only now in 2022, am i confident enough to build the official version. But I've done it. I've learned enough to make it happen, and you can too. (Knowing is one thing, then you have to put in the years of hard work that still exist to bring it to life). CREATION IS KING! NEVER GIVE UP!


Thank you. As a full-time gamedev I appreciate that you described both sides.
It was my child dream to work here, it was a nightmare at some point along the way. The worst is when a big studio already does all marketing stuff and you HAVE TO release at a certain date no matter what.
Now working in a company with strong crunch-minimization policy, it's MUCH better.


I got a unique story with tons of ideas but to implement them fully I'll need probably at least 5 years of experience! I have so much motivation and learn so fast but can't quite find perfect tutorials, that means I/you gotta tweak out the details and solve problems on own at the end of even following tutorials!


I’m a junior graphic designer for a tech company and I can absolutely relate to how game devs must feel when people who have no idea about the complexities behind it, say it’s bad. Sometimes a project is just doomed, it could be the IP, the person in charge making bad calls, the choice of art-style, sub-contractors, budget, timing, I could go on.. I see so many decisions made out of my control that make me wonder how anything is successful when it is and I’m certain it’s the same across various industries and when I see a project I put work into get slammed, it’s fucking shit and hate it when I see the same being said about other kinds of media.
