Chapter 16 Immune Disorders (CC)

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This lecture looks at the aspects of when the Immune System misbehaves and causes problems. We will discuss the 4 types of Hypersensitivities including allergies, autoimmunity and various types of immunodeficiencies. Finally we will look at the role of the Immune System plays with Cancer.
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I wish I could take one of your classes!


Excellent and informative presentation skills


Please help me understand= My wife received first of 2 shot from moderna vax, in late jan this year. Then feb this year we all caught corona . Now my wife gets any type of bug bite, her skin blisters at spot of bite. It never had this type of autoimmune response before. We are worried she has autoimmune problems now, we have appt with allergy and dermatologist . Any response would help thanks for time Edward.


Your videos helped me get through my micro class. Lifesaver! Wish you were my instructor :)


These are great videos, and I’m hooked! I’m not a health care professional, but I am very interested in health care, natural healing, the effects of toxins and mold on the body and brain. I have good reason to be watching these videos because I was very ill and now my grown son, who lives with his father in a house with mold, has slid into a neuro-psychosis. I’m wondering if you have more information about this, and/or know where I can tell my story so others are aware of what happens when you’re exposed to bacteria, viruses, and especially mold. I’d like to be a guinea pig and help others with the information I’ve gleaned in the past years.
I liked health information growing up and throughout my life, and grew a garden, hiked, and was close to nature. I think this helped me cope and gave me information that I would need in the years to come!

This is not a pity party. I’m offering some information that may fit a certain typeset so people can use it to put pieces of their own puzzles together. I want information and I wa t to offer it. But, I’m not sure why I’m writing this to you. Just a hunch. 💫

Here’s why:
At age 48, I had a breast augmentation (INSANELY!), and immediately became extremely ill (and still am, but not to the point I was) and in chronic lumbar pain due to saline breast implants. This went on for over 12 years until I found out about this illness. It had damaged every system in my body, and I was diagnosed with about!10 autoimmune diseases that overlapped, continual infections of every kind (including h-pylori, tonsillitis, etc.).. The Sjogren’s, I think destroyed my organic and I had 3 major surgeries within 5 months, got well enough to have my implants removed, almost died on the table, contracted pneumoniosa aeruginosa from the hospital, and I wonder if it’s still in my body. I still have flares of severe RA, Sjogren’s where my eyes were ulcerated for two years, etc., especially when I am exposed to toxins, even in mulch when gardening.
Looking back and trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together, I know I had Scarlet Fever as a baby and had strep throat about 3 or 4 times a year until I reached my 20s. Also, as a child and growing up, I was fatigued, didn’t feel well, and always had a “tire of pain around my waist”. I remember having a year where I had boils all over my stomach, a bout of what I think was Sjögren’s (My eyes were extremely dry and I was told I had pink eye and a tic because I was blinking so much. I also had severe leg aches growing up until I was in my 20’s. Things keep popping up in my mind that we’re strange. I had flat feet, and then had my leg in a cast for a long time in 2nd grade. I’m not sure why. I did break my leg when I was 1 1/2 years old and had a cast. My teeth got very bad as an early teenager, but I always chewed gum. I was extremely nervous because I had no self confidence since I was growing up in a chaotic, alcoholic family. I tried to do all the work and I’m only 4’ 9” and very tiny.
I know that mold had a lot to do with my problems. Our basement flooded all the time in the house I grew up in, and I’m sure it wasn’t completely remediated; hence, the strep throat.
In addition, I was exposed to a lot of toxins at the school I taught at for 40 years. Then, I moved to a condo backing up to a wetlands, that was actually a swamp. Immediately, my eye started dropping, and I developed Sjogren’s within a few months, had thrush, and my symptoms skyrocketed.
Narcolepsy, sleep apnea, Raynaud’s, became the norm. I found mold about a year after I moved in and tried to get rid of it, but I knew nothing about mold at the time. I found out about it through the breast implant information, had my condo tested, and it was 100% positive for various molds.
Is there any connection to all of this that I have t found yet? I spent SO
much money, lost my career, my home, relationships, and
family members who thought I was on drugs because I had brain gig so bad. Everyone gave up on me, or turned against me, and 3 years later after explant, I am way better, but still feel like something is wrong inside my body. Can you offer any suggestions as to where I can go, or where I can take my son to be tested for latent infections and mold?


Very informative, clear and interesting lecture ever! Fully appreciate your hard-work and professional skills. If all the professors could teach exactly like you, life would be so much easier :D Thank you again
