Why Western brands are still found in Russian supermarkets despite sanctions?

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When Western companies say they’re leaving Russia, this can mean many things. In this video, I’m going show you typical Russian supermarkets exactly one year after the much-vaunted Western corporate exodus. We're also going to pick up some of the basic products that we usually buy to show you the current food prices in Russia after more than a year of harsh economic sanctions

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All I understood from this video is that if Western companies leave the Russian market, then the Russians will become even healthier.


I am Italian and I work in international commerce, with Russia too. I can confirm private Polish companies are the ones selling the most right now in Russia, I have confermation from several importers I work with in the Russian market. They just refuse to lose their earnings for their government choice, and i think they are absolutely right. even I keep selling many food products from Italy to Russia, and I have no intention to stop. It's food, not bullets


The main mistake you made when buying in Lenta was that you bought without a Lenta card. Without it, everything is 2 times more expensive.
In general, this is one of the most expensive markets in Russia. Your set of products can be bought at half the price.


Всё, что он показал на самом деле так . Я из Уфы и ни разу не видел пустых полок . Разве что пару раз в отделе хлеба и то потому что его просто раскупили . Так что с едой проблем нет вообще никаких . Но жалко, что ушли производители лекарств, тех производителей которые ушли реально нехватает


Ursula and others should be rewarded with the highest Russian government awards for their incredible help to local producers 😬


Про инфляцию это правда. Я офигел когда моя любимая шаурма стала стоить 165 рублей, а не 150.


As an Indian, these products are so cheap even in Indian rupees! Glad we're now doing trade in rupees with Russia. Looks like we will be importing a lot of their stuff - such a good deal.


i live in russia and tbh im hearing about food shortage for the first time from your video. we have this tendency that when something bad happens elder people buy a lot of food (pasta, buckwheat, rice, flour, sugar) because they believe in price rising and food shortage. ofc if in your area lives a lot of elders you may see empty shelves of rice and buckwheat one evening. but you will come next day and you will see full storage again.

its hard to understand for americans who live mostly in suburbs and used to shop in big packages, but in russia especially in cities we only buy food that we will need for 2-3 days (sometimes people go to supermarkets everyday) to eat the freshest possible food. we prefer fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and dairy. so we dont have a lot of food in our shops, you will see a huge variety of foods, but not stocks of it, because every few days (or every day) new fresh food comes to shops. so if few elders buy ten packages of cheapest buckwheat each, there will be no cheap buckwheat on a shelf.


Hypocrisy is almost an exclusive Western value. Everyone in the World does hypocrisy, but none does it on the scale and as unashamedly as Western countries, who're ahead by several orders of magnitude.


Man I accidentally found your channel last week, been binge watching your videos ever since . As a person who wants to know more about geo politics and current affairs your channel stands out loud. The very simplest explanations yet professional presentation and the way you handle any topic is marvellous . Love from all the way from India 🇮🇳 ❣️🇷🇺


I just left Moscow last week after a 10-day visit there. I can attest to the same taste of Dobry Cola Zero to Coca-cola Zero. The McDonald's replacement Вкусно И Точка had French fries and burgers tastier than their counterparts in Hong Kong. I wouldn't call them Russian knock-offs, to my pleasant surprise after seeing some other Russia-focused YouTubers denouncing them, they are not cheap copies, Russian consumers still have access to the same things, just under different names. The supermarkets big and small were brightly lit and freshly stocked. I only noticed KFC and Puma stores were shut. As usual, a lot of research and references are packed into a 15-minute clip, a job well done.


I am Czech, our country helps Ukraine a lot, we took a lot of refuges (even before war, Ukrainian were No1 refugeese here). I work for company that exports pet essentials and pet foods to petshops all around Europe, including Russia. And when they Ukrainians who work here saw that, they said they will dont work. So what my company did? There renamed the Russian papper to Lavia and everything is like before.


I live in Russia my whole life. When i heard that some companies decided to quit our country I laughed. Nobody gonna give up on making money. And i was right.


Пишу из Украины (киев). Такое ощущение, что под санкциями оказались мы. Очень обидно что вообще все так вышло. Спасибо за ролик. (Без негатива и холивара)


Even if Nestlé and Danone would have left the russian market, it wouldn't be a loss for the russian consumer, because they sell overpriced food items. I never buy Nestlé or Danone foods, they are overpriced and I can save alot of money buying store own brands.


I am from north italy, and every year i go live for 2-3 months in Moscow, the prices for food there are 1, 5-2, 5 times less expensive then in north italy....human work is 4-5 times less expensive then by us. car repear, translations, lawyers, dentists, worker, building and so on. All in one my feeling is that the live in Russia costs less then the half then by us...if in Italy i need 1500 euro, under Moscow region i need 700 euro.
I have marry a russian girl, it was my lucky.


Эти видео с пустыми полками из магазинов могли быть просто сняты в удобный момент, когда работники снимали просрочку с полок или в момент смены ротации (перестановки товаров по срокам годности или просто перемещение их на другой стеллаж, потому что пришли новые товары, а с ними и документы на новую расстановку этих самых товаров). Как происходит смена места: старый стеллаж полностью очищают от товаров, они проверяются на сроки годности и для них подготавливается новое место, которое до заполнения тоже стоит пустым. А новые товары, которые должны теперь находиться на этом стеллаже, собирают на поддон, обычно заполняют поддоны до самого отказа, выше человеческого роста, потом привозят этот поддон к стеллажу и начинается раскладка. Эта сама обычная практика в любом магазине, так что те видео, скорее всего, были сделаны именно в эти моменты.


The same stuff at Walmart in Colorado would be 120 bucks, it's freaking crazy over here, 8 bucks for eggs, 7 bucks for milk And the list goes on and on. Great video!!


"Russian supermarket videos are legit." I agree.


as a canadian im shocked to see how good russian supermarket looks. they are so big and full of food, im assuming some prices might be quite expensive for older russian citizens with less money wish is quite sad.
