“Banned Ingredients”

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There are various reasons why a food ingredient may be allowed in one country and not another, for example, politics and trade protectionism can play a part. In addition, differences in regulatory frameworks play a large part as well.

The regulations are way too complex and quite frankly, boring, to put into a short video, so please read through if you’re interested in learning more. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people just repeating what they hear on social media regarding “banned ingredients” without doing their due diligence of understanding that it goes both ways and understanding the actual reasons and regulations that lead to these differences.

From the review I cited above: “It is evident that the safety of colour additives is thoroughly evaluated prior to approval in both the EU and in the US. Despite the similarity of requirements, however, the evaluation of available safety data results in different decisions concerning their authorisation and use. For instance, some of the synthetic colours were banned in the US on the basis of claims of carcinogenicity, applying the Delaney Clause, but are still permitted in the EU as later evaluations by the JECFA and the EFSA concluded their use is safe.”

In addition, did you know the palm fat and shea fat in the EU version isn’t allowed in “milk chocolate” in the US? The standard of identity for milk chocolate in the US doesn’t allow for these other vegetable fats. Interesting how the differences are never pointed out the other way around 🤔

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Рекомендации по теме

Something funny I'm watching in the ingredient declaration from the European version is that it contains carmine. You already explained that carmine is derived from the cochineal, a bug. So anyone could make the argument that European M&Ms contain bugs in order to make a fearmongering video.


I feel like I found female Layne Norton who happens to answer a bunch of qestions I have and I am so happy about it!


keep up the great work! qq: in this video you point out that fd&c blues 1 &2 are banned in u.s. foods. i only find sources that state it's used widely in u.s. foods. am i missing something here?


Always good to get the facts straight 👏👏👏


Question everything, even the questioning.


The thing she said (not you) about M&M's not having artificial colours isn't true. Sure UK isn't part of the EU but before that they still had a very dark blue so no the EU one still uses artificial colours.
