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MOST RECENT UPDATE: There were some good and bad things about the way i executed this recipe. I tried to amend it and got grossed out and overwhelmed with the raw meats and tiny freezer space. As of this update they are on a base of Taste of the Wild in the red bag and the appropriate addition from out human food. None if us likes this. I feel guilty.
I would LOVE to revisit this as my ability allows.
Thank you ALL so so much for comments, advice and sharing your own recipes! That's great! I am still making doggy videos! I hope you drop in and give a like and subscribe an bell so you know when I make new videos for you!

UPDATE: I have since removed corn and added spinach. I am researching how to make the BARF diet, which is Biologically Appropriate Raw Foods for adult dogs. Subscribe and hit the bell so you are notified when i release that video, and others like it! Thank you for stopping by!!

This batch of homemade dog food will feed THREE big dogs for a week, for about $20!!!
I am tired of feeding my SWEET DOGGOS expensive kibble to the tune of about $200/month! AND i know it isn't GREAT for them, even though it is one of the higher rated brands of kibble. This is my first experience and my twist on other videos i've researched. I have been adding chicken and rice cooked in bone broth for several weeks, but now I'm taking it to another level and getting ready to cut out kibble completely.
Since mixing more whole foods with their kibble, they have been poohing better, especially my big dog who was taking a really long time to pooh.
Now they all drop quick easy loads. They also seem happier, smarter and more energetic.
The only thing i need to do is make this process more efficient next time so i dont spend all day on this. But it will save me a TON of money!!! And they will be getting excellent whole food meals every time.
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My baby gets ground turkey( cooked first), add in pumpkin, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, peas, spinach and chicken livers and gizzards, and coconut oil and put into a stock pot and cooked until raw veggies and potatoes are done. I do add a little kibble on top . He just loves it and never gets tired of it.


I had three min-pins and made their food. I never forget the food was on the counter ready to be packed up and my daughter stopped by. I saw her go to the drawer and get a fork but I thought she was going to the pot on the stove. I turned around because the dogs were going wild barking. I looked at her and said why are you eating the dogs food. She said dog food? That tastes like people food to me.I said I make their food its cheaper. She called her sister that lives in Illinois and said mom has lost her mind she is cooking food for the dogs and it tastes like the same food she use to cook for us when we were growing up. Here sister told her don't come between mom and her dogs! They lived to be well over 12 years old. When my husband passed the dogs didn't live long after. He took them with him.


min Protein is 1 gr per pound of bodyweight, i would swap the rice for quinoa (rice is to inflammatory) and i would replace the corn for yams or butternut squash
chicken necks are super cheap and are excellent for calcium and are natures toothbrush if fed raw or at least only plunged in boiling water for 1 min
if you not adding any supplement add at least some kelp for iodine ...very important
and a bit of sea salt for minerals
and sardines at least once a week
i been cooking for 10 years for my pups .


Looks yummy...leave off corn and white rice, too much starch...sweet potatoes, kale, squash, zucchini, can pumpkin, blueberries, instead, 85%
Needs to be Meat, ..add some sardines, in Water only, drain the water...Such beautiful pups...To All Pray...Blessings Shalom...


I do brown rice, green beans, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes and ground turkey. Ground turkey is $2.75 a lb at Aldi’s. I boil the rice and veg together and add the sweet potato towards the end and then the turkey a couple minutes after that. So It’s all cooked together in one pot. They’re 11 and 17. So far so good 👍


This is pretty much what I do for my 80-pound dog. I use lean ground beef, or chicken, or turkey, brown rice, and veggies. A game changer for me is buying the frozen veggies from Walmart--bags of sliced carrots, diced sweet potatoes, green beans, and peas. They're about a $1.00 per bag, and it saves me a lot of time. My husband cooks 2 eggs every morning to add to her food.


I cook my 7 dogs, ground turkey, brown rice, veggies, sweet potatoes, turmeric. Very very bland but they love it. My 4.5 pound chihuahua no longer has seizures since I stopped giving them dry dog food.


Ok, so I’ve been making my dog’s food for about a year. I get chix thighs at Costco. There are 6 slots with about 3 thighs in each place. I think it is 1.39 a pound, never over 20$ for the package. The thighs have bones in so I get some bone broth at the same time. I use my instant pot, add all the thighs and add water to the max level, cook on full pressure for 25 minutes. It can sit on warm as it just continues to cook or you can depressurize to your convenience and open. I let it cool, remove the chix and bones, pour off the broth and refrigerate, allowing the fat to rise to the top to seal it. I also cook brown rice in the instant pot, using the BB. Look up on YT, I think it is 25 mins. My little dog has lost some teeth so I use more liquid and cook longer than recommended, in an effort to make it softer. A keto hack for the rice is to freeze it after cooking, becoming “resistant “ so not as carby as people are alarmed over. I microwave sweet potatoes and green beans. Then use my stick blender to purée all ingredients with additional BB as needed. My guy isn’t a fan of eggs unfortunately. I have on hand some dehydrated egg yolks which I can add. I add a calcium supplement made for dogs/cats, a dog vitamin (Veterinary Secrets, vet out of Canada). I also add MCT oil which I have on hand and some honey. I know it is not a perfect receipt but still better than kibble. I was recently at my Vet’s office and mentioned what kibble I had previously fed him (Acana brand) and was roundly scolded as this is a “boutique” food and not from the major players. I never mentioned that I am currently feeding homemade. I can only imagine the ire I would have provoked. At that appointment I sadly had to put my cat down and was in conversation with the tech, whom I have known for several years on a professional basis. She previously worked for my former Avian vet. That vet was adamant about the fact that the big guns were the only ones with the budgets to research food/vitamin needs.Fair enough I thought. I will tell you that 20 years ago our family would visit other family who lived in a farm area. We traveled past a Purina facility with a rail line running next to it. The general odor of the air was never pleasant in that area. That convinced me about the source and general quality of kibble. My 2 cents worth. GBY and yours.


I've been doing this since the 90s when I was considered a kook. I use a pressure cooker for the brown rice & veg. I feed raw meat. Add sardines, flaxseed, blueberries, oranges, melon, spinach. You'll figure it out. Good job.


love those dogs!!I have a boy that looks like a twin to your one laying down!!such a beautiful pair!thanks for the recipe.


Hey my wonderful dog-loving subscriber! I just uploaded a bunch of videos introducing Shadow and Buddy to the world, to be released between today and the 10th. I really appreciate your subs and comments! I LOVE MY DOGGOS and love sharing ideas with you in the comments.


I’m from Denmark.
Got 3 danish/Swedish farm dogs. I also make them homemade dog food.
I cook 3 chickens in slow cooker. Use the broth to cook all the veggies and rice. After mixing and put in a box I use the rest of the broth between all.
My dog love it.
For extra safety they all get vitamins and the older dogs gets some extra vitamins for their joins. (As powder).


I spend about $20-$25 on their food ingredients which ground turkey, liver, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beens, and add tumeric. Sometimes agg eggs. Game changer for my pups


Such cute dogs ❤ They are lucky to have a mom like you 😊 Yeah Kibble is no good. It hurts in the long run and their poop stinks. Nothing beats home cooked. You might notice that their poop don't stink at all. It will get better and better with time. The recipe looks great!👍🏼 You can sometimes throw in some liver or any organ meat. A dollop of Greek Yogurt once a while would be yum and great on the gut. Bless your pooches with a very long and healthy life!


Nice recipe! We make our own dog food! Typically what ever meat is on sale, we also occasionally get sardines and chicken hearts, gizzards, liver, veggies and oatmeal or rice. We make our own calcium supplement from eggshells. I cook the doggie food at the same time as we batch cook for our family. About 30min effort /week.


I did all kind of stuff briefly for a few weeks when mine was a puppy, I had to give it up because of the time …lots of work! (Or at least too much for me) I just do 1 daily feeding of raw meat bones and liver…. Super easy, dog is in great shape- ( 3-4 whole raw chicken legs with bone - a big slice cut from butcher raw beef shank with 8-12 oz of raw meat, a couple slices of raw beef liver) he consumes it all ( most of the shank bone) he gets to chew on the beef shank bone for a long time an hour or more he loves it, been eating like this he was 5 months old- he’s 4 years old now - jet black labradane 31 inches tall at his shoulder- he’s 120 pounds, muscular ripples and lean, pure stud - he gets so much attention everywhere we go and it helps he’s just super friendly ❤


kudos for a step in the right and maybe wrong direction. Just my opinion. If it comes out the way it went in I dont feed it to my dogs. Corn...filler. Rice for upset stomachs...but maybe not so much daily..empty carbs. IF dogs are loosely descendants of wolves who had very little veggie in the diets, except from the animals from which they ate.. this recipe is very heavy on veggies and maybe lacking in the portion of meat. Of course veggies but maybe more balanced to the meat portion. Meat ...prepared chicken which was probably seasoned with? skip the easy route. Seasonings can be toxic to dogs. Dont overcook your meat. Dogs need fat in their diet..use fat when you cook the meat. also start easy on the ingredients when switching an animal to home prep foods. You dont know what they may react to. limited ingredients to start for 30 days then gradually change 1 item at a time. final note supplements... our soil is nutrient poor which in turn makes our veggies nute lacking. kudos for using the eggshells. 80 a month is amazing luck.


I just made my dog food today for the month it cost 48$
My kibble was 70 a bag and my golden was eating bag and a half. so around 100 a month to feed him and this is the recipe 22 chicken legs got for $7 2 pounds of ground turkey 8$ 1 almost 2 pounds of salmon 10$ 24 eggs 3$ 2 pounds of livers 4$ fresh spinach 1$ fresh parsley 1$ butternut squash 1.50$ turmeric 1.50$ 5 pounds of carrots 4$ 7 pound sweet potatoes 4$ brown rice 3$ and i used about a pound of green beens i had .so we will see how it go's and for the prep it was about 2 hrs of cooking n pealing n cutting ect wow I have to bag all of it now since it cooled witch took almost 4 hrs but we we will see how it go's 😊


👍❤️ I feed frozen raw meat and add fresh or steamed veggies, fruit etc, she gets egg everyday.
I would not add carbohydrates, nor peas. Holistic vets frown on rice and corn and peas, as they are not easily digestible.
Dogs also need meat muscle, can be given often and liver about twice a week.
Also suggested is seaweed, kelp and spirulina.


I have to admit, I totally cringed at the corn part. That does nothing for your dogs health, it's just filler that dog food companies use to make a profit! I would remove that ingredient. I'd also cut down on the rice a bit as well. unless your dogs have stomach problems or need to gain a bit of weight. High carbs can cause weight gain and diabetes. It's absolutely great that your going fresh, tho!!! My yorkies lives changed within months once they started eating human grade food! ❤ My 9 yr old went from a little old man to a puppy again and can now keep up with his 3 yr. old brother! Fresh is always better!
