Sensitive Stomachs - Homemade Dog Food Recipe by The Dog Nutritionist

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What is the cause of your dog's gut problems?

Overtime, a diet that's not right for the individual dog can end up causing explosive symptoms. The kind that you don't want to be cleaning up off your kitchen floor.

There's a checklist that you need to work through, to address the potential causes, which you can find here:

Remember, it's not always a simple fix, but diet is always the answer.
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Your recipes have literally saved my dog ! She has chronic colitis/IBS and poos were often bloody and runny. I used your recipes to get her weight back up as she’d lost so much, they worked brilliantly! No flare ups and she gained weight 😊 However, I was feeling the stress of constant cooking and thought I’d found the solution with Different Dog, a pre-made fresh cooked food. However, her weight began to drop again so I fed more ( this stuff is expensive ), no improvement. Theres obviously not enough in it to sustain her. I went back to using your recipes with a slightly higher fat content and she has started to gain weight 😀 Poos are great, and there’s not a lot of them ! These recipes work and I’ll keep using them. In case you don’t know there’s a guy on YouTube having a real go at you ThePetFoodPuzzleGuy - guess what, he’s an ex sales rep for Hills ! Now retired he’s trying to educate us in all things kibble 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you soooo much for videos. My 11 yr old 9 pound Chihuahua who is toothless also suddenly got hemorrhagic gastroenteritis after starting her on farmers dog food. It might have been a coincidence but after 24 hrs and 2400$ in vet hospital i immediately took her off that and started cooking myself. She’s been fine since but I have been looking for a good recipe I can make and what types of foods and how to cook them. I’ve been only using chicken brown rice some cooked califlower carrots chickpeas and occasional scrambled eggs in coconut oil. Even some good brand oatmeal. Everything in small amts blended and mostly boiled chicken breast. So far she’s been doing great. But I have been twice a day. I didn’t know once a day was more healthy. I’d like to know what is the correct serving. How do you gauge the amount to give for a serving to know they are getting the right daily amount. Thank you


My cockapoo has ear infections and the vet said it could be his diet. It took her 2 years to find out what her dog was allergic to! I can't bear it to be that long. He's got enough anxiety as it is. I'm thinking of sticking to a raw diet and just going through each ingredient at a time and record everything that effects him.


I fast dog on rare occasion he gets diarrhea.
Fast dog 24/36 hours no food!.only water drink.
I Start him on 2 140g tins of tuna in spring water, ground up powdered down fresh pumpkin seeds, brown rice, small amount sweet potato.
Feed for day or 2 so until stools are normal plenty fresh water.
Then resume his normal food in smaller quantities for few days let stomach of dog recover.
That's what I do which works always!👍☺️


Hello Cam! I just got your guide and started my dog on your recipes. I’ve never seen her so exited for her food as she is for these recipes - and she’s a lab so that is saying a lot! I was hoping you could clear up a question I had - I worked out with your guide that she should have 1200 - but was confused if that was calories or grams of food?


I read also somewhere that squash is better than rice for bland food for dogs with gastro issues loose stools, this correct and why? Thanks


Hi I’m new to the channel. I need your help. I have a malinois and want to transition him to this diet to start with but was wondering the portion size and cooking temperatures to use for this recipe please? He’s about 30kg Love your videos by the way I want to purchase your guide when I start him on the new diet


Where do you get your venison mince from?


Have you done a video about dentistix?


Question in regards to the once per day feeding, my dog will throw up if he goes a long time without food, should I do 2 feedings a day?


Hi Cam, I have followed you for a while but recently come back to your account and I’ve noticed before you always talked about raw meat only and now you cook every recipe. I’m not sure if I missed something and I’m a bit confused. Can you please explain?


Hello, can we cooperate? How to contact.


Do old dogs also need to eat only once a day?


Is it ok for dogs to not having bone in their meals?


What about people who can't get venison.


If your dog has discolored stool is that a sign that maybe something is off with their diet ?


Hi, I would like to ask, having a small dog - italian greyhound, currently eating 3 times per day, every time when I try to move him for 2 times per day he is hungry and annoying. At the same time he is experiencing lots of digestive issues so I moved him from kibble to cooked food. Vet says keep him on 3 meals if he wants. I am just not sure how good it is for him and I would rather have him on 2 meals. What is your opinion? And how to move dog for 2 melas? Thank you


Hi Cam, I am at a loss to know what to feed my dog. He is 1 and a half..has never liked commercial dog food or kibble or veg. Only likes chicken. His stools are very runny\soft. I am worried about a balanced diet. Would be grateful for your help please.


How many grams of this food for 1.5 years 7kg shih tzu a day?


Do your recipes follow the AAFCO guidelines?
