Is the Bible infallible? How if it's written by fallible people? Ask NT Wright Anything Podcast

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Is the Bible inerrant and infallible?📜 If it's written by hand does it contain errors? 📚 Join Tom as he dives into the nature of the Bible, answering this key questions: Is the Bible without error? 🧐

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Ask NT Wright Anything Podcast
The show that connects you to NT (Tom) Wright’s thoughts and theology through your questions. Produced by Premier Unbelievable in partnership with SPCK and NTWrightOnline.

About NT (Tom) Wright: Tom Wright is one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars and the author of numerous books including Surprised by Hope, The Day The Revolution Began, Paul: A Biography and most recently Jesus and the Powers. He is senior research fellow at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford. Wright is ordained in the Church of England and, among other roles, served as Bishop of Durham between 2003 – 2010. He is much in demand as a lecturer around the world and the author for the bestselling For Everyone commentary series and the New Testament For Everyone Bible translation. Wright is married to Maggie and they have 4 children. As well as being a voracious reader, he loves classical music and opera and enjoys playing the guitar!
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The correct term is Inspired, that’s all we can claim.


Wright’s insight at the end is excellent. That people who aren’t willing to engage with the language and concepts of “truthful, ” “historically accurate” (though not just history) and reject the notion of “inerrancy” as just silly are not going to take its authority very seriously.

We get all worried that the language of “without error” will get over-construed, that people will look for a very granulated accuracy, when often it speaks without the specificity we would desire.

But it really seems there is no way around it. We all have to grow in nuance, and it’s the same with inerrancy.

I also would not hesitate to call scripture the word of God. Of course it is the word of God written, and Jesus is the word of God in flesh, but the prophets don’t avoid saying, “hear the word of the Lord, ” so again, we should understand what that means in all its glory and limitations. But most certainly it is that because it calls itself that.

Or at least that is the wisdom I would offer to those who ask.


Don’t see the point of the question.
Those who interpret it are fallible anyway.

And there are many willing to offer their interpretation!


After years of research I personally believe that Moses took ‘something’ very powerful from Egypt when he fled which was directly responsible for all the miracles described in the Old Testament. (The blood in the Nile, the locusts, the splitting of the sea of Galilee, the crumbling of the walls of Jericho, the fire atop Mount Sinai during the time when the tablets were carved Etc..)I think whatever was put in the Ark of the Covanent was extremely powerful and was able to sustain the tribe of Israel through ‘white dew’ for the entirety of the time they were in the Jordan valley. I believe whatever was encased in the ark enabled metaphysical access to the abrahamic God that Moses (either through his staff or by other means) was able to relay the Ten Commandments and other prophecy. It all sounds quite fantastical but Egypt is still a very mysterious place.


1) when “the word of the Lord” came to prophets in the OT it was direct revelation from “the God who cannot lie” and the test that it WAS from God was whether or not it was INFALLIBLE- eg. if everything came to pass. In the NT JESUS claims that all the Scriptures speak of Him and that it is easier for Heaven and earth to pass away than for HIS WORD. Besides all this and much much more, it is the Scriptures THEMSELVES that claim they are infallible in that they claim to be “God-breathed.” 2 Tim 3:16. In 2 Peter 1:16-21 Peter says that no prophecy of Scripture comes from human origin, but is “from God”. I Peter 1:10-11 says that the human writers did not even understand what they were writing, as they were moved along by the “Spirit of Christ in them, indicating…”
NT Wright is so weak on this I fear where else he may capitulate. The conclusion that the Scriptures are infallible is an UNAVOIDABLE conclusion drawn from the their own insistence on their inspiration by a God who cannot lie.


The New Testament was entirely edited by the early Catholic Church.


Ecclesiastes 1ch v 5 The sun rises and the sun sets then hurries back to where it rises. Complete nonsense.


If god wanted to teach us things, he chose a poor way of doing it.


People have acted or spoken either fallibly or infallibly. Literature is either errant or inerrant. Hence, the Bible is either errant or inerrant, not fallible or infallible.


The fact that a human, once again is explaining Scripture says it all, because God doesn't exist and its all a man made concept and therefore written by mankind, and its being found out day by day ...


Wow what a worthless non-answer, as expected from professional liars aka apologists.
