China's Type 004 Nuclear Supercarrier - What We Know So Far

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We review all the available information on the Type 004 aircraft carrier project, and make predictions about its capability.
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Keywords: PLAN, PLA Navy, Chinese Navy, modern warships, naval technology, EMALS, Chinese carrier, Shandong carrier, Liaoning carrier, electromagnetic catapult, Jiangnan Shipyard, Dalian Shipyard, military

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can you immagine the how the US would react if it see china building 2 nuclear carriers at the same time? They would lose their minds.


I am Chinese.
According to the mainstream view in China, the main purpose of the current aircraft carrier is to move forward to the waters east of Taiwan Island during the Taiwan Unification War to carry out area denial missions against the United States and Japan and target attacks on the east side of the Yushan Mountains.
But no matter which one, the aircraft carrier will not become the main force. The main force will be thousands of missiles including hypersonic missiles and more cheaper rockets. In addition, a large number of drones ranging from giant to micro will be used in reconnaissance and strike.


Instead of Auction, Tender is the more suitable term here. "Request for Tender", to be precise.
Request for Tender =招标
Bid =投标
Auction =拍卖


this channel is great and full of information \o/ it is probably my favorite military news channel


Note that China does not actually need to build nuclear powered aircraft carriers for its growing fleet, at least for defensive purposes. Aircraft carriers have the strategic role of "projecting power", in other words, to support air operations during offensives far from the mainland. There is strictly no such situation around the world where China would need to bring its air force capabilities. To defend its own coast as well as the island of Taiwan, China can rely on various type of missiles that it has already in vast quantities, including hypersonic missiles as well as strategic ICBMs with thermonuclear warheads.
Aircraft carriers are considered "sitting ducks" in modern warfare, the only kind of ships that China really needs to build in large numbers to achieve dominance in the seas around China would be nuclear powered attack submarines.


Felt the term, Tender, is a bit closer to what you're talking about than "Auction"


Well done China PLAN Super building New 004 SuperCarriers in the world. 💪💪👏👏👍👍💯💯❤❤


Full of information and no politics. Very good Channel. Thank you


After Varyag refurbrished as Liaoning, the China haters were like "It's just a Cold War relic!"

After China built Shandong based on Liaoning, the China haters were like "It's just a copy shit!"

After China built Fujian which it is CATOBAR by EMALS and not ski-jump, the China haters were like "It's not nuclear-powered!"

After China built 004 which it is nuclear-powered, the China haters were like "The American had already made a lot of those! It's an outdated technology!"

PLAN "So what do you want? Do you want us to make a *nuclear-fusion* power aircraft carrier? With 6th Gen fighter jets and AI attack drones?"


My bunkmate in basic training was from China. His name was Mao 😂 great guy. He had incredible clothing folding skills. We were timed on how fast we could make our bunks, and the sheets had to be folded a certain way at the corners. He had a turtle slow method of folding, but the folds were always perfect, and we never got marked down for them or lateness.


China has the potential to grab a massive win for it's military if it can 1) Pull off the dual carrier construction and 2) Have both be nuclear, this is how America pulled ahead a long time ago, it went for the stars in terms of accomplishing unheard of military developments, don't be content with developing what's been done already or you'll be doomed to always playing catch up with your rivals.

At this point in time, it would be infinitely better for China to build only nuclear powered carriers than to build 1 or 2 more conventional carriers, contrary to popular belief there is very little chance of a conflict breaking out between America and China so time is on China's side there is no need to rush.


Ship Building in USA is vastly different from ship building in China. Chinese does it faster and better.


I'd be willing to bet CVN-19 will be a second Type 003, and CVN-20 will be the first Type 004, and that both shipyards are gearing up to produce a new CVN in hopes of getting the CVN-20 contract, with the other getting the CVN-19 contract


004 is likely conventionally powered with some upgrades. 005/006 are likely nuclear powered.


thanks for another great video with so much insights and detailed analysis as usual. Honestly, I am not sure whether the construction of 004 has started or not, but I am more interested if 003 has a sibling CV or its construction started yet.


I wonder how many CIA and Navy Intelligence folks are watching this video??


The J-35 being almost exactly the same as the F-35C is downright unreal. More variants, like the upcoming land based variant(F-35A style) will make China the real opponent of 5th generation fighter aircraft.


If the PLAN is happy with the nuclear Type 004 carrier then both locations will be gearing up to produce 6 Type 004s.

All they need now is to train a couple of hundred carrier pilots.


I wonder why PLA Navy would prefer to build a carrier that resembles in design to the Nimitz class more than to the Gerald R. Ford class but using more advanced technology, because the island is located where the island on the Nimitz class is instead of where the island on the Gerald R. Ford class is, which would make much more sense imo


Agree on Dalian Naval Shipyard being the primary, though I’m going to go out on a limb and predict the simultaneous construction of CVN-20 and 21, with 20 being the lead ship in design and timeframe. Within two years of CVN-20, 21 will commission, unless the PRC need to make drastic changes from lessons learned via CVN-20, which is unlikely, IMO.
