Don't Do These 7 Things In Labor

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Hi I'm Bridget, your online lamaze certified childbirth educator and birth doula! I've made it my goal to help as many expecting parents be as confident as possible walking into their parenthood journey.

Having a baby can feel overwhelming- I get it! I've been there and I support parents who feel the same way. But as you'll quickly discover, the more you learn, the less you fear!

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I did all that and laboured for 3 days! For me, even with all the tips I could get, I practiced the breathing exercises, used birthing ball, I was active before and during pregnancy but the pain was too much to cope with without medication. And I had an emergency C-section after it all. I just want to say, doing all of this is good but it doesn't guarantee a natural labour in reality. It's good to be prepared if things don't go as you expected. I wish someone told me that, that's why I am sharing my experience. All the best for all mummies expecting ❤


Hi Bridget, I can't thank you enough for all your videos. You and Pregnancy and Postpartum TV really helped me during my pregnancy and I'm recommending your channels to everyone.

I gave birth to our beautiful daughter 5 days ago ❤

My labor was natural, at home (I live in the Netherlands), but I planned to go to the hospital. At the end I felt so confident I decided to stay at home.

Things were progressing very fast, maybe because of the dates and raspberry leaf tea, maybe because of the exercises. I was also doing your breathing exercises, but at some point when we were alone with my husband I forgot about it and it was really hard for me to concentrate, my husband was helping very much but I think this part could be easier if I breathed better. My midwife went to check up another delivery when I was 7 cms, she thought I will be longer in labor but after not even 2 full hours since she left I started pushing phase with another midwife that we had to call, because our first one was stuck in the another delivery. This part was very hard, super painful and very stressful, next time I think it will go better. Maybe we will try the birthing pool.

I'm very satisfied with how it went,

I have only 1 degree tear because she was born with the hand close to her face, but overall no medication. They wanted to give me oxitocine because I was bleeding, but we managed without it.

Early labor started at midnight, but they count it from 5:30 when my water broke so I was in labor for about 9 hours in total. I think it's good for a first timer!

Overall an amazing experience ❤


Using these tips again for my second birth. If anyone is giving birth soon, definitely take her tips. Especially, the breathing! I was pressured & scheduled for an induction by my doctor & I still managed to get through it without an epidural thanks to her breathing technique! So thankful for you!


The only thing that sucked was my water broke before my contractions began so I really didn't have the option to labor at home. Everything still went perfectly and I had the exact unmedicated natural birth that I wanted at the hospital. It is also about having the healthcare workers around you that will support you and a family or friend who will advocate for you 🖤


Planning another home birth for our fifth baby and here I am refreshing my birth brain- I love all your tips and tricks 💜 We were built to birth 💪


Iam in 36week and its my first birth i hope things go will


My water also broke before I had co tractions for both of my babies. Both times I still had no contractions after 12 hours and had to use Pitocin. I managed to labor through 12 hours with my first before an epidural and then I got through the entire labor without an epidural for my second. That natural urge to push is the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. My daughter got stuck after her head was born, we had shoulder dystocia and she was stuck like that for two minutes, but we got her out with no injury to either of us. Staying calm through the whole ordeal is what aided in that most. Thank you for your videos, they helped me so much in both of my pregnancies/deliveries


I labored at home in 2022. It was amazing! As soon as I got to the hospital I completely lost my focus. Thank goodness I showed up 9 1/2 dilated. Baby came out very fast. But I absolutely panicked and I believe that caused the baby’s heart rate to drop, which lead to the delivering Dr to vacuum baby out. 🥺 I’m a third time surrogate, working on another natural birth. I’m really focusing on staying in control during the entire time. I’m really excited!


Due date is tomorrow. Went to the hospital for 5-1-1 contractions and as soon as we got into our hospital room my contractions stopped. So discouraging, we ended up going home 5 hours later :/


Such wonderful advice. Can't wait to use your Built to Birth course again for my second baby!


I have no idea when to go to the hospital. My son was born 2 hours after first contraction. I don’t want to go prematurely but would rather not have another car baby 😅


I had my first baby in 2021 and I watched so many of your videos. My water literally broke while watching one laying in bed. (I didn’t feel contractions beforehand but lost my mucus plug that day) then I went to the hospital and HELD MY BREATH. Like you told us not to but I did 🙃 eventually I started singing my abcs and tried breathing through it but after 11 hours I cracked and got the epidural then the hospital gave me Pitocin without even telling me let alone asking and said “well you can’t feel it”. She was born 2 hours after the epidural. Here I am pregnant with number 2 now. Watching your videos and let’s try to listen this time.


This breathing technique really works and soothes me. I did all the labor at home.


This is completely unrelated but I love your shirt 😍 looks warm but not too thick.
I'm actually going to write/print out a birth plan (with your tips/tricks) this time so I actually remember to use them, and stand up for what I actually want in my labour.


So staying home longer, how do you know when to go? We live 45 min to an hour away from our hospital, so can I know when to go?


I never experienced the fetal ejection reflex. It was horrible and hard. I still birthed at home and was SO grateful to be there. 37 hours and I would do it all over again. My little guy was never in distress so my angelic midwife just didn't see any need to transfer me.


Found out today I have to be induced next Wednesday at 37 weeks because of preeclampsia. I have to change my entire birth plan. 😢 I wanted to labor at home until my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and I didn’t want and induction or pitocin or an IV


Is there a significant difference typically between a standard sized tub and the birth pool? I found contractions harder to get through in the tub and didn't even try with my third. But I'm curious if a larger pool would have been better!


Hi dear, have been following you slot and am now 39 weeks and 2 day.thanks for all your efforts and I can't wait for that day to come.thanks again dear.


Do you have any videos on twin births? If not PLEASE make one. Doctors are so quick to refer a c-section!!!
